poll numbers

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Chris Christie's Approval Rating Tanks

More than half now oppose him getting a second term

(Newser) - Maybe the message here is: Don’t mess with teachers. Chris Christie’s approval rating has dropped, according to a new Bloomberg poll, with more than half of New Jersey residents now saying they wouldn’t support his reelection. Respondents objected to a variety of Christie’s policies, with 65%...

Poll: Air Force Losing Ground With Public

Army, Marines now ranked as more important

(Newser) - The public now considers the Army and Marines significantly more important than the Air Force, according to a new Gallup poll. That might not sound that earth-shattering, but it represents a major shift in public thinking, Politico observes. In May 2001, the Air Force was overwhelmingly the public’s favorite,...

Rudy Giuliani Leads Latest CNN Poll Among Republican Hopefuls
 Rudy (?!) Leads CNN Poll 

Rudy (?!) Leads CNN Poll

Republicans not at all excited about their options

(Newser) - How unhappy are Republicans with their 2012 hopefuls? Well, let’s put it this way: The guy leading the latest CNN poll doesn’t even appear to be running. Rudy Giuliani topped the field with 16% of the vote, followed closely by Mitt Romney at 15% and Sarah Palin at...

Poll: Rapture Would Be Great for Obama

Turns out Rapture believers really like Sarah Palin

(Newser) - The Rapture didn’t happen last weekend—and that’s a shame for Barack Obama. Public Policy Polling ran a poll to see what political effect the Rapture might have. Only 2% of respondents actually thought it was coming on May 21, a staggeringly low number. “It's really...

Ryan Budget a 'Time Bomb,' GOP Pollsters Warned GOP

Public has never been fond of plan

(Newser) - GOP pollsters warned House leaders not to call a vote on Paul Ryan’s budget proposal, saying its Medicare provision was positively toxic. No matter how positively they framed the bill, the plan’s approval rating never climbed above the upper end of the 30s, and its disapproval numbers were...

Donald Trump: I&#39;m Not Running
 Donald Trump: 
 I'm Not Running 

Donald Trump: I'm Not Running

He'll host another season of 'Celebrity Apprentice' instead

(Newser) - It's official: Donald Trump has decided to host another season of the Celebrity Apprentice instead of jumping into the 2012 fray. "I will not be running for president, as much as I'd like to," Trump told reporters at a hotel in New York, according to the...

The Rich Like Romney, the Poor Like Palin
The Rich Like Romney,
the Poor Like Palin

The Rich Like Romney, the Poor Like Palin

Huckabee polls well with both, but only in the south

(Newser) - The more wealthy Republican voters are, the more likely they are to support Mitt Romney—and the exact opposite is true of Sarah Palin, according to a new Gallup poll that breaks down the GOP field’s demographic appeal. Romney is the top candidate among college graduates, with 21% of...

Trump Ties for Lead in New GOP Poll

Huckabee shares top spot with him in CNN survey

(Newser) - Donald Trump has made a whole lot of noise lately, and apparently it’s paid off: the Donald is tied with Mike Huckabee for first place atop the GOP presidential field, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll, with both candidates getting 19% of the vote from Republicans and...

46% of Miss. Republicans Oppose Interracial Marriage

Only 40% think it should be legal

(Newser) - Gay marriage might be controversial, but apparently, Mississippi Republicans aren’t quite used to the idea of interracial marriage yet. In a new Public Policy Polling survey, 46% of Mississippi Republicans said they thought interracial marriage should be illegal, Raw Story reports. A mere 40% said it should remain legal,...

Approval Rating Hits All-Time Low for Obama

In wake of Libya intervention, just 42% like job he's doing

(Newser) - President Obama’s poll numbers are in the doghouse again. Just 42% of the public approves of the job Obama’s doing, compared to 48% who disapprove, an all-time low for the president, according to a new Quinnipiac poll. Meanwhile, a Gallup poll found that Americans were less likely than...

Budget-Slashing Governors See Poll Numbers Plummet

Voters singing different tune as promises of tough cuts materialize

(Newser) - Last year, Americans voted in a wave of governors who vowed to cut spending—but now that leaders are actually doing so, their constituents seem to be having second thoughts. One poll finds just 30% approve of the performance of GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earlier this month outlined...

Four in 10 Millionaires Don't Think They're Rich
Four in 10 Millionaires Don't Think They're Rich
Poll Numbers

Four in 10 Millionaires Don't Think They're Rich

Many say they'd need $7.5 million to feel really wealthy

(Newser) - Poor millionaires. Sure they have more money than around 98% of the population—but does that really make them rich? Around 42% of them don’t think so, and fret over their retirement savings, according to a new survey from Fidelity Investments. “They are still worried about outliving...

Government Shutdown Poll: Republicans, Democrats Both to Blame

 Public Would 
 Blame Everyone 
 for Shutdown 
Poll Numbers

Public Would Blame Everyone for Shutdown

Equal numbers blame each side

(Newser) - If Democrats think a government shutdown might help them politically, they might want to think again: A new survey indicates that the public would blame both parties equally for the shutdown. In a Washington Post poll, 36% say they’d blame Republicans for the shutdown, while 35% say they’d...

Americans Really Like Public Unions

 Actually Like 
 Public Unions 
Poll Results

Americans Actually Like Public Unions

In survey 61% favor collective bargaining

(Newser) - National Republicans might want to think twice before backing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's law cracking down on public unions. A new USA Today/Gallup poll shows that a sizable majority of Americans—61%—would oppose a law limiting public unions' collective bargaining rights if it were introduced in their state.

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

 Majority of GOP 
 Now Birthers 
Poll Results:

Majority of GOP Now Birthers

And that's likely to hurt Mitt Romney's primary chances

(Newser) - The birthers are multiplying—and they could have a real impact on the Republican presidential primary. In a new survey, 51% of those who say they’ll vote in the primary also say they don’t believe President Obama was born in the United States, according to Public Policy Polling...

71% Think GOP Should Listen to Tea Party
71% Think GOP Should
Listen to Tea Party
Poll Numbers

71% Think GOP Should Listen to Tea Party

Including lots of Democrats who don't even like the movement

(Newser) - A whopping seven out of 10 Americans think it’s important that Republicans "consider Tea Party movement ideas" as they craft their policies, according to a new Gallup poll , and that includes plenty of Democrats who don’t even like the movement. While only 6% of Democrats are Tea...

Obama's Approval Rating Jumps

Wins over more independents than not for first time since '09

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating jumped to 53% this month, an 8-point improvement over December, according to a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll . Even more significant: more independents held positive views than negative ones of the president for the first time since August 2009. Pollsters say the numbers may...

Obama's Approval Rating Jumps 6 Points

Congress, both parties, up as well

(Newser) - The public appears to feel a little less disgruntled these days. President Obama’s approval rating shot up 6 points to 53% in an AP-GfK poll released today. That’s his highest rating in nearly a year, Politico points out—and he’s not the only one feeling the love....

Only 31% of Americans Call Themselves Democrats

Republican identification inches up to 29%

(Newser) - The number of people who consider themselves Democrats has plunged to its lowest level in more than two decades, to just 31%, according to a Gallup analysis of several polls. That ties the lowest score the donkeys have ever received since Gallup began polling in 1988—and a big drop...

Obama, Bush Most Admired Men in America: Gallup

Hillary Clinton still tops woman, followed by Sarah Palin

(Newser) - His approval ratings may have cratered over the past two years, but Barack Obama is still the most admired man in America, according to Gallup’s annual poll . Obama took 22% of the vote, cruising past the competition. Who came in second? The Decider himself, George W. Bush, who narrowly...

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