
Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev 

Pastor Might Call Off Koran Burning if Obama Calls Him

Meanwhile, another pastor plans smaller burning

(Newser) - Terry Jones says he might reconsider his plan to burn Korans on 9/11—if he gets a call from President Obama. Jones says no one from the White House or Pentagon has contacted him, but that if anyone did "that would cause us to definitely think it over,"...

Koran Burning Uproar Spreads, but Pastor Defiant

Clinton decries it, Bloomberg defends pastor's right

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has joined the chorus decrying a Florida pastor’s plan to burn Korans on Sept. 11. “Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation,” Clinton said last night at a State Department Iftar meal celebrating Ramadan, according to the Daily ...

Fear Drives Anti-Muslim Sentiment
 We Once Feared 
 Catholics, Jews, Too 
Nick Kristof

We Once Feared Catholics, Jews, Too

It also fed campaigns against Catholics, Germans, and Jews

(Newser) - The Islamophobic sentiment shaking America is rooted in fear, not bigotry, writes Nick Kristof for the New York Times . The "well-meaning worriers" of the " Not-at-Ground-Zero Mosque " movement genuinely believe Muslims "don’t share their values, don’t believe in democracy, and may harm innocent Americans."...

Sen. Orrin Hatch Backs 'Ground Zero Mosque'

'I'd be the first to stand up for their rights,' Utah Republican says

(Newser) - Sen. Orrin Hatch says that the Cordoba Initiative has every right to build a Muslim community center near Ground Zero, regardless of the public outcry against it. “If the Muslims own that property, that private property, and they want to build a mosque there, they should have the right...

Muslims Suspect Arson at Tenn. Mosque Site

Construction vehicles vandalized

(Newser) - A vehicle used to break ground for a new mosque in Murfreesboro, Tenn., was set on fire early Saturday morning, and three other vehicles were vandalized, doused in accelerant but not torched. The Muslims building the mosque call the fire one of several recent attempts at intimidation they’ve endured....

See Alleged Cabbie Attacker's Videos

Some wonder if he had PTSD himself

(Newser) - Michael Enright filmed a lot of videos, none of which gave the slightest hint that he might be the kind of person accused of brutally attacking a cab driver with a knife. But his YouTube shorts (see them in the gallery) do have an interesting through-line—they all deal with...

Is 'Sharia' Evil?
 Is 'Sharia' Evil? 

Is 'Sharia' Evil?

Muslims say word being unfairly vilified

(Newser) - The word “sharia” has become almost a slur in conservative discourse recently. Protesters at Ground Zero wave signs showing the word in blood. A pamphlet at a recent tea party event asked, “Why do Muslims want to take over the world and place us under Shariah law?” And...

Accused Cabbie-Stabber Worked for Tolerance Group
Accused Cabbie-Stabber Worked for Tolerance Group
Irony alert

Accused Cabbie-Stabber Worked for Tolerance Group

21-year-old also spent time in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The man accused of stabbing a New York cab driver after asking if he was Muslim doesn’t fit the stock image of someone accused of a hate crime. Michael Enright has volunteered for the past year at Intersections International, a group dedicated to promoting religious tolerance, the Wall Street ...

Hate Crime? Man Attacks Muslim Cabbie in NYC

Drunk man asks religion, then pulls knife, say police

(Newser) - A New York man was arrested last night after attacking a cab driver with a pocket knife because he was Muslim, police tell the New York Daily News . Enright Michaels, a 21-year-old from upstate, was “very, very intoxicated” when he got in a cab around 6pm, according to a...

Florida Church Determined to Burn Korans on 9/11
Florida Church Determined
to Burn Korans on 9/11

Florida Church Determined to Burn Korans on 9/11

City says no, but 'Dove World' just won't listen

(Newser) - A Florida church has vowed to go ahead with its plan to hold a Koran burning on 9/11 , in defiance of a city ruling that states such an act would violate fire codes. The city of Gainesville turned down the Dove World Outreach Center’s application for a burn permit,...

Muslims Fear Backlash Over Ramadan Feast on 9/11

They worry some will believe they're celebrating the attacks

(Newser) - Ramadan’s final celebratory feast just happens to fall on or around September 11 this year, and American Muslims are a bit worried people will get the wrong idea. It’s entirely a coincidence—thanks to Islam’s lunar calendar, the holiday, called Eid al-Fitr, occurs about 10 days earlier...

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

 Mosque Foes: Stop 
 Catering to Feelings 
 of 9/11 Families 

Christopher Hitchens

Mosque Foes: Stop Catering to Feelings of 9/11 Families

Cordoba House isn't wonderful, but opponents are unhinged

(Newser) - The dispute over the so-called “Ground Zero mosque”—which is actually several blocks away, mind you—“has now sunk to a level of stupidity that really does shame the memories” of the 9/11 victims, writes Christopher Hitchens in Slate . As an arch-atheist, Hitchens doesn’t much like...

Jon Stewart: Fox Is Afraid of Muslims

ABC takes some lumps as well

(Newser) - Do you love to watch Jon Stewart rip on Fox News? Because the Huffington Post sure does. It points out this delightful clip from last night's Daily Show, in which Stewart rakes Fox over the coals for its persistent Islamophobia, highlighting first its over-the-top reaction to NASA's Muslim outreach programs,...

Thousands in Egypt Mourn 'Headscarf Martyr'

Woman stabbed in German courtroom during hearing on religious insult

(Newser) - Thousands gathered in Alexandria today for the funeral of Marwa Sherbini, a pregnant Egyptian woman killed in a German courtroom last week by a man convicted of insulting her religion, the AP reports. Sherbini, 32, was stabbed 18 times by a man identified only as Axel W, 28. They were...

Hard-Right Dutch Pol Barred From UK
Hard-Right Dutch Pol Barred From UK

Hard-Right Dutch Pol Barred From UK

He's turned back at Heathrow on trip to show anti-Koran film

(Newser) - Ultra-right Dutch politician Geert Wilders, whose short film attacking the Koran caused an uproar last year, was refused entry to Britain yesterday, reports the Guardian. The member of Parliament was flying to London to show his controversial film when the home secretary sent him a letter saying his presence in...

Powell's Anti-Islamophobia Stance Tops Endorsement

Too many in both parties let stabs at Muslim faith go unparried

(Newser) - Colin Powell's Barack Obama endorsement wasn’t the only, or even most, notable aspect of his Meet the Press appearance: equally crucial was his rejection of Islamophobia, an issue too long skirted in this country, Abed Z. Bhuyan writes in the Washington Post/Newsweek Faithbook blog. In doing so, “Colin...

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War
Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

Bush's Biggest Mistake: Declaring Religious War

McCain, Palin may repeat incumbent's errors

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks would’ve posed a great challenge to any president, but George Bush’s response, to invoke God and declare a Manichean quest to “rid the world of evil,” made him Osama bin Laden’s accomplice, writes James Carroll in the Boston Globe. "Bush is...

Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev