Karl Rove

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Rove Joins Newsweek to 'Stir the Pot'

Conservative Karl and liberal rival to pen 'provocative' columns

(Newser) - Only a few months after leaving the White House, former President Bush operative Karl Rove has found a new gig as a Newsweek columnist.  Rove's addition to Newsweek comes just days after the magazine hired popular liberal political blogger Markos Moulitsas of the internet's Daily Kos who, like Rove,...

Plame Tell-All Blasts the White House

Says her smearing was practice for Kerry's; CIA redacted pages of book

(Newser) - Famously outed spy Valerie Plame hits back at the Bush administration in Fair Game: My Life as a Spy, My Betrayal by the White House, the AP reports. The book blasts the administration's "arrogance and intolerance," and calls the smear campaign against her husband, Ambassador Joseph Wilson, a...

Departing Bushies Worry About Legacy

As aides leave DC, doubts loom large about Iraq war

(Newser) - The droves of White House aides who have left in recent months are a largely weary, angry bunch troubled by the administration's legacy, especially in Iraq, the Washington Post reports. "It constantly looms," said one former staffer of the war. Relentless criticism of the administration has taken its...

Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs White House
Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs
White House

Gonzo's Exit Handcuffs White House

New prosecutor will probe prez, Bork argues in National Review

(Newser) - Dems will blitz Bush with document hunts and witness prep until election 2008, Robert Bork argues in the National Review, by demanding a special prosecutor along with the next attorney general. "A special prosecutor with unlimited funds, a soon-developed addiction to publicity, and a broad mandate" will go after...

Rove's Jag Gets Punk&rsquo;d
Rove's Jag Gets Punk’d

Rove's Jag Gets Punk’d

Ride falls victim to the Christo treatment

(Newser) - When Karl Rove drives off into the sunset tonight, his ride will boast a new take on “Just Married” decorations. While the just-resigned strategist was visiting Texas, his Jaguar was pranked at the White House, the AP reports. The jokesters wrapped the vehicle in plastic wrap before slapping on...

Alberto Gonzales Resigns
Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Alberto Gonzales Resigns

Attorney general steps down after months of criticism over politicized Justice Department

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales has resigned, the White House told CNN today, after months of calls for his replacement—and even impeachment—from lawmakers on both sides of the aisle worried that the Justice Department was becoming overly politicized. The AG told President Bush of his intention to step down Friday, following...

Liberals Read More than Conservatives

Right-wingers shun nuance for slogans, publisher says

(Newser) - Liberals are more avid readers than conservatives, a new AP-Ipsos poll has discovered. Thirty-four percent of conservatives said they hadn’t read a book in a year, compared with 22% of liberals. A publishing exec and former congressman said that while liberals “can’t say anything in less than...

The Karl Rove Question: Were Federal Assets Used to Further GOP?

(Newser) - In the wake of Karl Rove's resignation, the Washington Post  does a detailed account of the political strategist's use of the White House to pursue his dream of insuring GOP dominance for the foreseeable future. While all administrations send senior officials out to help party members get elected, the Post...

Jenna Bush Engaged
Jenna Bush Engaged

Jenna Bush Engaged

(Newser) - Jenna Bush will beat her twin sister Barbara to the altar. The President's fair-haired daughter plans to wed Henry Hager, son of former Virginia Lieutenant Governor John Hager, and himself a former intern to outgoing Bush aide Karl Rove. The couple, who've   been seeing one another for several years,...

Carville: Rove Cost GOP a Generation

Sticking to base was demographic disaster, Clinton adviser says

(Newser) - Impressive electoral record aside, Karl Rove's strategy of aggressively courting the GOP base has soured an entire generation on the Republican Party, James Carville argues in the Financial Times. Bill Clinton's storied strategist says "theocratic underpinnings" of Rovian strategy are behind polls showing a nameless Democratic presidential candidate favored...

You Can't Blame the Man for Everything

Rove's political genius helped GOP grow, says Weekly Standard

(Newser) - The media crowned him with a wizard's hat and now they’re knocking it off, saying they just don’t feel the magic anymore. But Rove was never a magician, always an adviser, and usually a brilliant one, argues the Weekly Standard’s Fred Barnes. After all, he steered Bush...

Why the Press Fell for the Cult of Karl

Forget liberal bias, the press likes their politicians Machiavellian

(Newser) - What people don't understand about the press, Jay Rosen writes, is that reporters care less about ideology than they do about being savvy—"shrewd, practical, well-informed, perceptive, ironic, unseminental." That's what they aspire to, that's what they worship; it's their religion, if you will. Karl Rove is all...

The Rise and Fall of Rove
The Rise and Fall of Rove

The Rise and Fall of Rove

Boy genius couldn't build an unbeatable GOP coalition

(Newser) - Karl Rove may have been the but-for cause of the Bush presidency, but his dreams of using it to build a generation-long Republican hegemony that would undo the New Deal have been unquestionably dashed. Bush's boy genius envisioned a "permanent majority," but the Washington Post considers the reasons...

Rove Exit Inspires Pundit Ire
Rove Exit Inspires
Pundit Ire

Rove Exit Inspires Pundit Ire

Leftie says he's quitting too soon, rightie says too late

(Newser) - Not all Karl Rove haters celebrated his announced departure today. The Nation’s David Corn, while pleased that taxpayers will no longer be paying the Bush political strategist's salary after August, feels that Rove deserves the punishment of being forced to stay “to the bitter end” of the unpopular...

Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed
Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed

Why the 'Rove Presidency' Failed

‘Architect’ tried to force dynasty, cowed Congress instead of winning it

(Newser) - With Karl Rove about to ankle the White House, the Atlantic's cover story on Rove as the principal architect of the Bush presidency becomes prescient. Joshua Green explores why the mastermind of W.'s two election victories—one of the best political minds of a generation—was unable to fulfill...

Bush Loses Brain

Bush Loses Brain

Top strategist Rove says he'll step down at end of month

(Newser) - President Bush's most controversial political strategist, Karl Rove, will leave his White House deputy chief of staff position at the end of the month, the Wall Street Journal reports. "I just think it's time," said Rove, who has worked with Bush since 1993. "As much as I'd...

'41' Feels for '43'
'41' Feels for '43'

'41' Feels for '43'

Father-in-chief feels pain of current President Bush

(Newser) - George H.W. Bush is closer to his son than the White House has let on, the New York Times reports, with the 41st president and the office's 43rd and current occupant speaking almost daily. Dad is often stung by criticisms of George W., an aide says: “It wears...

Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators
Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators

Bush Aide Stonewalls Senators

Rove snubs Judiciary Committee; 29-year-old staffer pleads for sympathy

(Newser) - Karl Rove didn't show up, but the White House sent a 29-year-old aide to field Senate Judiciary Committee questions about the US attorney firings today. Scott Jennings, the first administration figure to testify while still in office, followed the path laid out by ex-boss Sara Taylor in refusing to answer...

Rove Won't Testify, Citing Privilege

Counsel orders adviser to keep mum; Gonzales stands pat on testimony

(Newser) - The White House has ordered Karl Rove to keep quiet—despite a subpoena by congressional Dems probing the US Attorney firings. In a political fait accompli, counsel Fred Fielding told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the adviser is "immune from compelled congressional testimony" about White House machinations.

Senate Sends Rove Subpoena
Senate Sends Rove Subpoena

Senate Sends Rove Subpoena

Adviser called over role in attorney firings as Dems urge perjury charges for AG

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee subpoenaed presidential strategist Karl Rove today, over his role in the 2006 US attorney firings. Chairman Patrick Leahy said he’d “exhausted every avenue seeking the voluntary cooperation" of Bush's Brain, and was left no option but to force him to appear.

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