
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

As Musk Fiddles With Twitter, Tesla Burns

EV manufacturer's shares plummet to 2-year low, which some attribute to Musk's 'loss of focus'

(Newser) - Elon Musk recently tweeted that he'd be "working & sleeping" at Twitter, his newest acquisition, "until the org is fixed." But that intense dedication to Twitter (and the chaos that has ensued since Musk took over) is among the factors that have investors in his other...

Musk: 'I Frankly Don't Want to Be the CEO of Any Company'

The CEO/CEO/CEO testified in a Tesla shareholder trial in Delaware

(Newser) - Elon Musk is a CEO in triplicate: It's the title he has at Tesla, SpaceX, and now Twitter. But as he tells it, he'd prefer the count to be zero. Musk said as much from the witness stand Wednesday while in a Delaware court where he was battling...

Senator to Elon Musk: 'Fix Your Companies. Or Congress Will'

Dem Sen. Ed Markey of Mass. got into it with the Twitter CEO over the weekend

(Newser) - Elon Musk had it out over the weekend with a US senator on the platform he now owns. Axios reports that Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts kicked things off on Friday with a letter to Musk that he posted on Twitter , asking Musk to fill him in on how...

Elon Musk Unloads $4B More in Tesla Stock

Scraping the couch cushions presumably to fund his Twitter purchase

(Newser) - Twitter's new owner and Tesla CEO Elon Musk has sold nearly $4 billion worth of Tesla shares, according to regulatory filings cited by the AP . Musk, who bought Twitter for $44 billion, sold 19.5 million shares of the electric car company from Nov. 4 to Nov. 8, according...

Tesla Rival's Flying Car Makes Its Maiden Flight

Xpeng's X3 was unveiled late last month, but it's got competition

(Newser) - A Chinese electric-vehicle manufacturer that's considered a Tesla rival has driven its first flying car out of the garage and into the sky, and its unveiling is spurring buzz across the eVToL (electric vertical takeoff and landing) landscape. NPR reports that Xpeng held its annual Tech Day on Oct....

Tesla Recalls a Million Cars Over Windows

They might pinch people's fingers when rolling up

(Newser) - Tesla is recalling nearly 1.1 million vehicles in the US because the windows can pinch a person's fingers when being rolled up. Tesla says in documents posted Thursday by US safety regulators that the automatic window reversal system may not react correctly after detecting an obstruction, per the...

Tesla Considers Lithium Refinery on Gulf Coast
Tesla Considers
Refining Lithium

Tesla Considers Refining Lithium

Price of battery component has shot up, but supply hasn't

(Newser) - Supply chain realities involving batteries have driven Tesla to consider building its own lithium hydroxide refining plant. The maker of electric vehicles has filed a notice with Texas saying that it's considering locations in Texas and Louisiana that have access to the Gulf Coast shipping channel. The company said...

Tesla to Advocacy Group: Take Down Videos, Now

Company threatens legal action after the Dawn Project says Full Self-Driving is dangerous

(Newser) - Tesla is threatening legal action against an advocacy group and demanding it immediately take down videos that allege the company's Full Self-Driving mode is a particular threat to child pedestrians. The Washington Post reports that the company sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Dawn Project, which is run by...

Musk Does What He Said He Wouldn&#39;t
Musk Does
What He Said
He Wouldn't

Musk Does What He Said He Wouldn't

Billionaire sells $6.9B in Tesla stock in case his $44B purchase of Twitter goes through

(Newser) - Elon Musk has reneged on his vow not to sell more Tesla stock. The billionaire just sold $6.9 billion in stock in the company ahead of a court battle that could force him to follow through on his earlier offer to buy Twitter. He sold 7.92 million shares...

Tesla Autopilot May Have a Motorcycle Problem

Authorities investigating two fatal crashes

(Newser) - Two crashes involving Teslas apparently running on Autopilot are drawing scrutiny from federal regulators and suggest a potential new hazard on US freeways: The partially automated vehicles may not stop for motorcycles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration sent investigation teams to two crashes last month in which Teslas collided...

Tesla Sells 3/4 of Its Bitcoin Holdings

Amid ongoing production issues

(Newser) - Tesla had what the Guardian describes as a "shaky" second quarter, reporting a 32% drop in profit from the first quarter's record levels and having a difficult time meeting demand due to production issues. Amid all this, it has sold 75% of its bitcoin holdings, $936 million worth,...

Tesla to Cough Up $105K in Teen's Fatal Crash

Carmaker found 1% liable after deactivating speed limiter

(Newser) - Tesla was negligent in deactivating a speed limiter on a Model S driven by an 18-year-old who crashed in 2018, killing himself and a passenger, though the driver and his father were 99% at fault, a Florida jury has found. According to a National Transportation Safety Board report, Barrett Riley...

Musk Says New Tesla Factories Are Burning Cash

CEO calls Austin and Berlin plants 'gigantic money furnaces' because of supply chain, battery issues

(Newser) - At some point, the Tesla factories that opened in Texas and Germany earlier this year will pay off. But at the moment, CEO Elon Musk says, they're money pits. "Both Berlin and Austin factories are gigantic money furnaces right now," he said, per Forbes . "It's...

Tesla 'Spontaneously Caught Fire,' Kept Igniting

Electric vehicle had been damaged in a crash weeks before

(Newser) - A Tesla Model S had been sitting in a scrapyard for three weeks following a collision when it spontaneously burst into flames this month, then kept re-igniting, transforming into "a heap of melted and burned metal," per the Washington Post . The Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District described how the...

Tesla Leads Carmakers in Undesirable Category

Their vehicles with autopilot crash more than those of other manufacturers

(Newser) - Teslas with autopilot have made plenty of headlines in recent years, including in a handful of fatal crashes. But new data released by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration reveals that crashes are more common than previously known. Teslas have been in 273 crashes since last July, accounting for almost...

Does Your Tesla Suddenly Brake for No Reason? You're Not Alone

NHTSA: More than 750 Tesla owners have reported 'phantom braking' phenomenon

(Newser) - More than 750 Tesla owners have complained to US safety regulators that cars operating on the automaker's partially automated driving systems have suddenly stopped on roadways for no apparent reason. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration revealed the number in a detailed information request letter to Tesla that was...

Elon Musk Has 'Super Bad Feeling' About Economy

He says Tesla needs to cut 10% of jobs

(Newser) - Just days after he declared that working from home was unacceptable, Elon Musk has decided some Tesla employees don't need to come back at all. In an email to execs seen by Reuters, the Tesla CEO says he is planning to cut around 10% of jobs at the company...

Elon Musk Takes Rigid Stance on Remote Work

Email posted to Twitter purportedly tells Tesla staff remote work only OK past 40-hour mark

(Newser) - Elon Musk has made clear to his Tesla workforce that remote work is not acceptable. Nor is it "acceptble," as the subject line of an email apparently sent to Tesla employees Tuesday and later posted to Twitter made clear. The brief email explains that "anyone who wishes...

I See Elon Musk as an Emperor Without Clothes
I See Elon Musk as an
Emperor Without Clothes

I See Elon Musk as an Emperor Without Clothes

Edward Niedermeyer has been digging into Musk, Tesla since 2015

(Newser) - For Edward Niedermeyer, it's plain as day: The emperor—that would be Elon Musk—has no clothes. It's an opinion Niedermeyer has held for years, and he hasn't been quiet about it (see his 2019 publication of the book Ludicrous: The Unvarnished Story of Tesla Motors). In...

Judge Says Musk Made Knowingly False Statements

Next, a jury will need to decide how much damage he caused

(Newser) - In a pre-trial ruling, a federal judge in California has determined that Elon Musk was "inaccurate and reckless" when—out of the blue one summer morning in 2018—he tweeted, "Am considering taking Tesla private at $420. Funding secured.” Musk had indeed talked to Saudi investors about...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>