
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Allen West Finally Concedes
 Allen West Finally Concedes 

Allen West Finally Concedes

After 2 weeks of recounts and court battles

(Newser) - Allen West finally threw in the towel this morning. He handed the House seat to challenger Patrick Murphy following two weeks of court appearances and two partial recounts that ultimately increased the distance between the two candidates in the incredibly close race. "There are certainly still inaccuracies in the...

After Clamoring for Recount, Allen West Losing Harder

Meanwhile, Dems accuse Gov. Rick Scott of interfering in race

(Newser) - It looks pretty clear at this point that Tea Party favorite Allen West did not win re-election to his House seat in Florida, but he's not giving up—and now, Democrats say, even Gov. Rick Scott has interfered in the race, WPTV reports. The Florida secretary of state—who...

Recount Ordered in Mexico
 Recount Ordered in Mexico 

Recount Ordered in Mexico

More than half of presidential election ballots to be reopened

(Newser) - Enrique Peña Nieto's victory in Mexico's presidential election is looking a lot murkier than it did over the weekend. The country's election authority has ordered 78,012 ballot boxes—54.5% of the total—to be reopened and recounted. Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who came in...

Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount
Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount
election day

Democrats Already Prepping for Wisconsin Recount

They've hired 440 lawyers for 'election protection activities'

(Newser) - If you wanted a quick, clean outcome for today's recall election in Wisconsin, bad news: Democrats are already openly preparing for a recount, and have hired more than 440 lawyers to monitor polling places and perform "election protection activities," state party chair Mike Tate tells Politico . He...

Iowa Was Actually &#39;a Split Decision&#39;
 Iowa Was Actually 
 'a Split Decision' 
recount results

Iowa Was Actually 'a Split Decision'

Who won? Well, either Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum

(Newser) - We'll never know for sure who actually won the Iowa caucuses. After a recount, Rick Santorum was found to have finished ahead of declared winner Mitt Romney by 34 votes, but the results from eight precincts are missing and will never be certified—meaning "it’s a split...

Dem Files for Recount in Wis. High Court Race

JoAnne Kloppenburg seeks recount despite 7K vote margin

(Newser) - JoAnne Kloppenburg filed a request with Wisconsin election officials yesterday that asks for a full recount of all votes submitted in the April 5 state supreme court election. Kloppenburg was initially thought to have beaten the incumbent, David Prosser, by around 200 votes. Two days after the election, however, the...

GOP's Prosser Wins Disputed Wis. Race

7,316-vote victory within margin for Kloppenburg to demand recount

(Newser) - Wisconsin has certified GOP-backed David Prosser the victor by 7,316 votes in the disputed race for a 10-year term on the state's supreme court. Prosser immediately trumpeted that "the will of the electorate is clear with the last canvass now completed," reports the Journal-Sentinel, and called...

Dêjá Vu! Minnesota Begins Recount

It's getting to be a tradition

(Newser) - Minnesota hit the reset button today in another close election as workers began the tedious task of reviewing more than 2.1 million ballots in the governor's race—one at a time and under the watchful gaze of lawyers for Democrat Mark Dayton and Republican Tom Emmer. The recount follows...

Norm Coleman to Joe Miller: Give Up Already

Alaska candidate should realize it's time to quit, former senator says

(Newser) - Norm Coleman knows a thing or two about fighting close elections, and he has a message for Joe Miller: Give up. "I think that race is over. I think the counting’s been done. I’m not sure there’s anything that would change that," the former Minnesota...

All Votes for Murkowski Go Through One Woman

Gail Fenumiai oversees unprecedented election

(Newser) - With 98,500 write-in votes cast in the Alaska Senate race, the contest is being decided through the actions of one woman: Gail Fenumiai, the director of Alaska's Division of Elections. Fenumiai has been personally overseeing the unprecedented count, in which write-in ballots—some with significantly mutilated spellings of Murkowski's...

10 Races Races Still Up in Air
 9 Races Still Up in Air 

9 Races Still Up in Air

Minnesota governor's race headed for recount

(Newser) - More than a week after America went to the polls, seven House races are still too close to call and two statewide elections are undecided. The results look certain to make the historic Republican win in the House even bigger, the Los Angeles Times notes, with Democratic candidates defending all...

Both Parties Get Ready to Recount

Teams of lawyers, flacks ready to roll anywhere

(Newser) - With races from Alaska to Nevada to Florida looking to go down to the wire and beyond, Politico reports that both parties have been readying SWAT teams of lawyers, PR people, and political operatives for quick dispatch to any number of recounts. While recounts can drag on for months, experts...

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount
 9 Lessons for the 
 Inevitable Recount  
midterm elections

9 Lessons for the Inevitable Recount

First of all, if you don't have a lawyer ready ... it's too late

(Newser) - With at least six Senate races too close to call, and even more in the House, at least one recount is inevitable this Election Day. In the Washington Post , Jay Weiner offers up nine lessons from the high-profile recounts of 2000 (Bush-Gore) and 2008 (Franken-Coleman):
  • Lawyer up—yesterday: Al Franken

Iraq's Prez Demands Election Recount

Joins PM in call to 'preclude any doubt' over results

(Newser) - Iraqi President Jalal Talabani today called for a recount in this month's parliamentary elections, to "preclude any doubt and misunderstanding" in the results of a tight race between PM Nouri al-Maliki and a secular rival amid widespread confusion and accusations of fraud. Al-Maliki, whose bloc is among those seeking...

Maliki Demands Recount as Party Lead Slips

Iraq boss accuses election panel of tampering

(Newser) - Iraq's prime minister accused the country's election commission of manipulating national vote results and ordered a recount as a rival coalition edged into the lead over his bloc with 79% of of the tally in. Nouri al-Maliki's State of Law coalition is still ahead in the province-by-province count, but challenger...

Atlanta May Need Recount to Settle Mayor's Race

Kasim Reed has a razor-thin lead, with provisional ballots pending

(Newser) - The Atlanta mayor's race remains too close to call. Kasim Reed led Mary Norwood by 758 votes out of 83,000 cast in yesterday's runoff election, a razor-thin margin of .92%. Only about 700 provisional ballots remain to be counted, but the race is so tight that Norwood isn't conceding....

Hoffman 'Unconcedes' in NY-23
 Hoffman 'Unconcedes' in NY-23 

Hoffman 'Unconcedes' in NY-23

Still, Conservative calls overtaking Dem Owens 'long shot'

(Newser) - Though he's not even sure if he can do such a thing, the Conservative candidate in the special election in New York's 23rd Congressional District told Glenn Beck this afternoon he's "unconceding" after recounts narrowed his deficit with several thousand absentee ballots still uncounted. "If I knew this...

Karzai Allies Get Tough on Recount

Afghan president's team blasts UN-backed election body

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai's camp is signaling he may not accept the results of a recount from Afghanistan's presidential election, sowing further doubt about the country's future. A spokesman said the recount process had been "politically manipulated," and Karzai allies spent the weekend criticizing the UN-backed electoral commission that is...

Recounts Ordered at 2,500 Afghan Voting Sites

Total could drop Karzai low enough to require a run-off

(Newser) - A UN-backed monitoring body ordered Afghanistan's election commission to recount ballots from about 10% of the country's polling stations because of suspicious totals in last month's presidential vote, the AP reports. The recount order raises the possibility that President Hamid Karzai's lead could drop below the 50% threshold, forcing the...

Franken: I Can't Wait to Start Work

Senator-elect stresses loyalty to state, downplays Dem. supermajority

(Newser) - Al Franken said he was “thrilled and honored by the faith Minnesotans placed in me” after the state Supreme Court declared him the winner of the Senate recount, CNN reports. "I'm so excited to finally be able to get to work " said Franken, who added that he...

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