
Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>

FBI Investigating MF Global's Missing Cash

Regulators take an interest as lost money now totals $900M

(Newser) - For some mysterious reason (hint, it’s the missing $700 million ), the FBI and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission are taking a keen interest in MF Global’s collapse. The Bureau is investigating to see if client funds are intact, sources tell the Wall Street Journal , and the CFTC...

Jon Corzine's Company Missing $700M

Feds probe MF Global after today's bankruptcy

(Newser) - A financial firm headed by former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine is missing about $700 million, federal investigators say. MF Global, which filed for bankruptcy today , was trying to sell part of itself to a brokerage firm when the shortfall was discovered. Regulators will likely pounce if MF Global used...

Casey Anthony Owes Cops $97K: Judge

Figure less than a fifth of prosecutors' goal

(Newser) - Casey Anthony will have to shell out more than $97,000 to help cover the investigation into her daughter’s disappearance, the judge in her trial ruled today. The money is due largely to local police agencies, though the tab weirdly includes $50 for the Florida State Attorney’s Office,...

US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan STD Studies
US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan
STD Studies

US Airs Horrific Details of Guatemalan STD Studies

Researchers knew study was unethical

(Newser) - When US government researchers conducted STD studies on Indiana prisoners in 1943-1944, they asked for volunteers and told them they'd be infected. When they experimented on Guatemalans a few years later, they were not nearly so scrupulous, according to the Washington Post . Doctors brought infected prostitutes to unwitting inmates...

House Probes New 9/11 Suspect

Anwar al-Awlaki may have been involved in attacks: Rep. Peter King

(Newser) - The House homeland security panel has set its sights on another extremist over possible ties to the 9/11 attacks: the cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, a dual citizen of the US and Yemen, reports Fox News . “We need to do this in light of al-Awlaki’s growing stature,” committee chair...

Feds Investigating Ex-CIA Agent for War Crimes

Steve Stormoen supervised 'ghosting' program

(Newser) - A federal investigation into a potential war crime committed at Abu Ghraib is closing in on the man who ran the CIA’s “ghosting” program. In the hush-hush program headed up by now-retired agent Steve Stormoen, the CIA interrogated prisoners without ever having noted their presence in Army logs,...

Judge: Chile Must Investigate Neruda's Death

Communist party suspects famous poet was killed in coup

(Newser) - A Chilean judge has ordered an investigation into the death of Pablo Neruda, giving authorities license to examine police, witness, and medical records. The Nobel laureate died in 1973, just 12 days after a right-wing military coup overthrew Chile’s government. His official cause of death is listed as prostate...

Feds Probe 'Lunging' Ford Freestyle

Safety officials receive 238 complaints of lurches while idling, driving slowly

(Newser) - Federal safety officials are investigating the Ford Freestyle after getting 238 complaints that it can suddenly lunge forward when it’s supposed to be idling or moving slowly. Eighteen minor crashes were reported with one minor injury involving 2005 through 2007 Freestyles. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says the...

Millions Wasted as Homes for Poor Sit Unfinished
Millions Wasted as Homes
for Poor Sit Unfinished

Millions Wasted as Homes for Poor Sit Unfinished

'Washington Post' investigates massive issues with the HUD fund

(Newser) - Brace yourself: This is yet another depressing housing story. A yearlong Washington Post investigation reveals that the country's largest federal housing construction program for the poor has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on "stalled or abandoned" projects and failed to hold "derelict developers" accountable. The Post...

Arlington Must Once Again Bury Unknown Soldiers

As mass grave is investigated, at least 4 sets of remains unidentifiable

(Newser) - Thanks to advances in DNA science, many thought that the “unknown soldier” was a thing of the past, but now Arlington National Cemetery finds itself, once again, with multiple unknowns to bury. Of the eight sets of remains found in a single grave in October, only three have been...

Bushies Illegally Billed Taxpayer for Political Trips

Office of Special Counsel finds widespread violations

(Newser) - A three-year Office of Special Counsel investigation has found that members of George W. Bush’s administration—including at least seven Cabinet secretaries—campaigned on the taxpayer dime. In the run-up to the 2006 elections, Cabinet members took many politically motivated trips, falsely claiming they were on official business, investigators...

O'Donnell: Establishment Is Out to Get Me

Both parties want to 'stop Tea Party in its tracks,' she says

(Newser) - Erstwhile Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell blasted reports of a federal investigation into alleged campaign finance fraud as an "establishment trick." We’ve "been warned by multiple high-ranking Democrat insiders that the Delaware Democrat and Republican political establishment is jointly planning to pull out all the stops...

German Ford Plants Raided in Corruption Probe

Staff homes also searched amid bribe accusations

(Newser) - German authorities raided Ford plants and the homes of Ford employees and suppliers today as part of a corruption investigation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Some 100 police officers took part in the search of more than 30 locations; one person was arrested, a prosecutor said. Ford staff have allegedly...

Texas Top Seller of US Guns Traced to Mexico
Texas Top Seller of US Guns
Traced to Mexico

Texas Top Seller of US Guns Traced to Mexico

Washington Post probe reveals leading dealers

(Newser) - More US guns seized in Mexican drug violence come from Texas than any other state—and more come from Houston than any other Texas city, the Washington Post finds after a year-long investigation. The probe isolated the top 12 US dealers of guns traced to Mexico, and uncovered the biggest:...

For Foreign Students in US on Visas, an Awful Reality
For Foreign Students in US
on Visas, an Awful Reality

For Foreign Students in US on Visas, an Awful Reality

Some end up working in strip clubs, living in cramped, filthy homes

(Newser) - Each year, some 100,000 college students come to the US on J-1 visas, eager to get a taste of American life while working a seasonal job. But an AP investigation has found the reality is a lot less rosy than it seems. Some students are forced to work in...

FBI Suspected Irving Kristol of Soviet Ties

5-month investigation ultimately cleared neo-con giant

(Newser) - During the late 1980s, the father of neoconservatism—who is also the father of Fox News commentator and Weekly Standard boss Bill Kristol—was investigated by the FBI over possible contact with a suspected Soviet agent, Gawker finds in a study of FBI documents. The much-redacted documents suggest contact information...

Remains of 8 Soldiers Found in Same Grave at Arlington

Screw up sparks criminal probe

(Newser) - The Army has launched yet another criminal probe into Arlington National Cemetery, after eight urns marked “unknown” were found in a single grave. Bodies are misplaced or mixed up disturbingly often at Arlington, but this is the first time that it’s sparked a criminal probe. “When there’...

ACLU Clamoring for Criminal Probe of Bush

Slam ex-prez over authorizing waterboarding

(Newser) - The ACLU and some US officials are calling for a criminal investigation of George W. Bush after he acknowledged directly authorizing the use of waterboarding ("damn right") in Decision Points and throughout his book tour, the Huffington Post reports. “The admission cannot be ignored,” wrote the...

Issa Vows to Investigate Bush, Too
Issa Vows to Investigate Bush, Too

Issa Vows to Investigate Bush, Too

GOP rep with keys to House Oversight wants to probe everything

(Newser) - Darrell Issa’s been chomping at the bit to investigate President Obama, and as the next chairman of the House Oversight Committee, he’s about to get his chance. But Issa says he’s not going to let George W. Bush off the hook, either. “I’m going to...

Verizon Refunding Up to $90M in Overcharges

Decision made after FCC launches investigation

(Newser) - Verizon Wireless is refunding as much as $90 million to cell phone consumers for data overcharges that occurred over the last several years. The decision was made after the FCC launched an investigation following consumer complaints. Most refunds will be between $2 and $6. “When we identify errors, we...

Stories 241 - 260 | << Prev   Next >>