
Stories 1961 - 1980 | << Prev   Next >>

Hacker Tweaks Twitter Celebs
 Hacker Tweaks Twitter Celebs 

Hacker Tweaks Twitter Celebs

Britney, Obama among the victims of hacker targeting high-profile accounts

(Newser) - Barack Obama, Britney Spears and CNN's Rick Sanchez were among dozens of people whose Twitter accounts were hijacked yesterday by a hacker, CNET reports. The hacker, who exploited the site's support tools to gain access, made fake updates to several accounts—including references to private parts and drug use—before...

Media Woes Spread at the Speed of Twitter

Site posts updates on industry firings and (less often) hirings

(Newser) - The rapid shrinking of the media industry is generating enough news to have a Twitter feed all to itself. The "Themediaisdying" feed, started by a PR firm employee, covers hirings, layoffs, and circulation changes in 140 characters or less, the New York Times reports.

Who Needs CNN?
Who Needs CNN?

Who Needs CNN?

Citizen journalists capture Mumbai story without bureaucratic headaches

(Newser) - Witnesses of the Mumbai terror attacks didn’t wait for CNN to get information: They captured it themselves, the New York Times reports, the latest example of citizen journalists using technology to put themselves on the frontlines of news. “I felt I had a responsibility to share my view...

Price Dispute Sinks TwitFace Merger Talks

Twitter questions value of $500M stock offer from Facebook

(Newser) - Merger talks between Facebook and popular newcomer Twitter have ended without a deal, reports All Things Digital. Twitter wasn't satisfied with Facebook's offer of $500 million in stock, apparently concerned that the stock's valuation was too high, say insiders. Twitter also had concerns about how the two would integrate, and...

Startups Seek Ways Around Venture Capital

Twitter, others explore other revenue streams to avoid investors' raised demands

(Newser) - While Wall Street investors have taken advantage of the tanking economy to nab low-priced stocks, Silicon Valley’s venture capitalists have likewise enjoyed a buyer’s market, demanding larger ownership stakes in startup outfits in exchange for their coveted funds. Companies like Twitter—initially funded with $22 million in venture...

Twitter Turns Up the Volume
 Twitter Turns Up the Volume 

Twitter Turns Up the Volume

More people, businesses are getting in on micro-blogging

(Newser) - Twitter, a micro-blogging service where users post what they’re up to in 140 characters or less, once thought the province of the self-absorbed, has been growing drastically as friends, businesses, and even services like fire departments find ways to make “tweeting” work for them, the Wall Street Journal...

No, Blogging Isn't Dead
 No, Blogging Isn't Dead 

No, Blogging Isn't Dead

Tools like Twitter complement, rather than replace, traditional blogging, argues blogger

(Newser) - A recent Wired magazine article argued that blogging is out, that mainstream media have taken the practice over, and one-time bloggers have moved on to social networking tools like Twitter, Facebook, and Flickr. Not so, responds Allyson Kapin on Fast Company. Witness the 175,000 new blogs created daily and...

Brit Jumps Onto Twitter Bandwagon

Pop star promises to take fans where no paparazzi can with new site, micro-blog

(Newser) - The blogosphere is, ahem, atwitter over Britney Spears’ new Web site and micro-blogging account. The pop star promises to provide fans the inside scoop via and Twitter, a social-networking site allows users to post constant updates. “I’d like to welcome Britney Spears to our world,”...

Twitter Tries to Get Real, Trades In CEO

Micro-blogging pioneer with plenty of buzz but no revenue swaps execs

(Newser) - Twitter has shunted CEO Jack Dorsey into the chairman's role and given his job to current chairman and co-founder Evan Williams, CNET reports. The micro-blogging site has grown fast since launching last year and has been surrounded by plenty of buzz—but while managers say things are right on track,...

Time Travel: Google Shows You the Web in 2001

Site boasted of indexing 1.3B pages (it's 8B now) ... and YouTube wasn't yet one

(Newser) - To honor its 10th birthday, Google put up a search engine that reflects the web in 2001, TechCrunch reports. Other than the Yahoo-esque exclamation point in Google’s logo, the search engine has not changed that much since—but searches show the web, and the world, have:
  • "iPod" brings

AOL Brings in Outside Help With Homepage Redesign

Gmail, Facebook will be accessible from firm's web portal

(Newser) - AOL is overhauling its portal page, incorporating third-party email services and social-networking sites into, paidContent reports. The redesigned site allows users to perform global status updates, so a message sent from AOL would show up on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and more; users will also be able to view...

Microblogging Creates World of 'Ambient Awareness'

Experts compare it to physical closeness

(Newser) - The mini-missives that friends post on websites like Twitter create what experts call "ambient awareness"—a form of contact akin to picking up a friend's body language or stray remarks. Alone they add up to little, "but taken together, over time, the little snippets coalesce into a...

Twitter Outgrows Narcissistic Phase
 Twitter Outgrows 
 Narcissistic Phase 

Twitter Outgrows Narcissistic Phase

From police updates to serializing novel, aficionados find innovative new uses

(Newser) - Don't write off Twitter as a mere time-wasting self-promotion toy, David Chartier writes in Ars Technica. Users have adapted the microblogging tool to business, government, and even art, pushing 140-character posts beyond "what I had for lunch today." Some innovative Twitter accounts include Comcast, which tracks customer service...

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story
Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Twitter Helps Chinese Blogger Tell His Story

Citizen journalist is forced to leave Beijing, but he plans to return

(Newser) - Twitter gets a bad rap for its often less-than-substantive musings, but every now and then the service proves its "true potential" as an Internet tool, writes Mathew Ingram in the Toronto Globe and Mail. Case in point: When a Chinese citizen journalist recently traveled to Beijing, the authorities hustled...

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin
Twitter Doesn't Sweat the
Profit Margin

Twitter Doesn't Sweat the Profit Margin

Microblogging site puts effort in infrastructure, not its biz model

(Newser) - Twitter, a unique blogging service that lets its users update every minute detail of their day using a computer or cellphone, is steadily growing in popularity, but founder Biz Stone isn't worried about making money from the site yet. With millions in venture capital stored up, Stone is more focused...

New Site Lets Microbloggers Post Short Videos

'12 Seconds' aims to do for video what Twitter did for sentences: shorten

(Newser) - Sick of spreading your message by text alone on sites such as Twitter, but not ready to actually talk to your friends face to face? Worry not: a new site, “12 Seconds,” allows you to post video updates from home or on your mobile device, Mashable reports. The...

Web Crashes Take Bigger Toll, Fuel Bigger Outrages

One engineer has a site to check whether favorite sites are actually down

(Newser) - A crashing website once was no big deal, but now it can cost a company millions and send customers into fits of rage. In a sign of the times, one San Francisco web engineer has started, allowing visitors to see whether a site is down or if it's...

Subway's Jared: Alive, Thank You
Subway's Jared: Alive, Thank You

Subway's Jared: Alive, Thank You

Now-svelte sandwich pitchman is the victim of an Internet hoax

(Newser) - Reports of the demise of Subway pitchman Jared are greatly exaggerated, a company rep said yesterday in response to an Internet hoax spread via Twitter posts. "Jared sounded very much alive when I talked to him today," a spokesman told Radar. The fast-spreading rumor claimed Fogle, 30, died...

In Internet Age, No Story Can Be Held
In Internet Age, No Story Can
Be Held

In Internet Age, No Story Can Be Held

Wikipedia announced Russert's death before NBC did

(Newser) - When Tim Russert died on June 13, NBC News held off reporting his death until it had notified the broadcaster's family. But by the time Tom Brokaw announced the news, NBC had been scooped—by Wikipedia, which broke the story 40 minutes earlier. As the New York Times reports, the...

Twittering the Golden Age: 'When Obama Wins ... '

Microbloggers riff on Barack's America

(Newser) - A new pastime rocking the Twitter-verse is to envision the many ways life will become perfect when Barack Obama wins the presidency, the Wall Street Journal reports. A few examples:
  • When Obama wins... we will all shower in beer, and soap will be replaced by bacon.
  • When Obama wins... Charlie

Stories 1961 - 1980 | << Prev   Next >>