
Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>

US: We're Not Cutting All Aid to Egypt

White House denies CNN report, says decision coming in days

(Newser) - The White House is refuting reports from last night that it's leaving Egypt swinging in the wind, with a National Security Council spokeswoman today telling Politico that "the reports that we are halting all military assistance to Egypt are false." She added: "We will announce the...

38 Killed in Egypt Street Clashes

Morsi supporters battle cops, pro-military crowds

(Newser) - Thirty-eight people have been killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of ousted Islamist president Morsi in Egypt today, the country's Health Ministry says. Street battles raged for hours in Cairo, as demonstrators fired birdshot and threw firebombs at police who responded with gunshots and tear gas. The...

Egypt Outlaws the Muslim Brotherhood

All of its assets can now be seized

(Newser) - An Egyptian court has banned the Muslim Brotherhood and ordered its assets confiscated in a dramatic escalation of a crackdown by the military-backed government against supporters of the ousted Islamist president Mohamed Morsi, Egypt state TV announced today. The ruling, which can be appealed, opens the door for authorities to...

The World Hates America Again
 The World Hates 
 America Again 

The World Hates America Again

Even in 2 very different nations, Germany and Egypt: Russell Berman

(Newser) - As a candidate, Barack Obama gave a well-received speech in Germany in 2008. As president, he gave another in Egypt the following year. And yet today, those two very different nations have something in common—anti-American sentiment is soaring, writes Russell Berman at Real Clear Politics . This is worrisome because...

Accused Spy Killed and Eaten in Egypt

Don't worry—it was a stork

(Newser) - Remember that swan detained by cops in Egypt after being accused of spying ? Well, turns out it was a stork (some news reports at the time also called it a duck or a bird), and despite being found innocent, it has met a grizzly end. The story was almost...

Egypt Crackdown Chief Survives Cairo Blast

22 hurt in assassination attempt

(Newser) - The minister who has aggressively led Egypt's crackdown on Islamists narrowly escaped assassination today when a car bomb tore through his convoy. The blast wounded 22 people and left a major Cairo boulevard strewn with debris. The assassination attempt on Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim—the first such attack since...

Morsi to Stand Trial for 'Inciting Killing and Thuggery'

During 2012 protests

(Newser) - Ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi is headed to court along with 14 other Muslim Brotherhood members for "committing acts of violence, and inciting killing and thuggery," a state prosecutor decided today. The charges relate to violent protests outside the presidential palace in December last year, after Morsi expanded...

Egyptian Cops Detain Swan Accused of Being a Spy

A man brought the bird in because it had an electronic device

(Newser) - In a case that's ruffling feathers in Egypt, authorities have detained a swan that a citizen suspected of being a spy. Officials say a man brought the suspected winged infiltrator to a police station yesterday in the Qena governorate, some 280 miles southeast of Cairo. Officials say the man...

Mubarak Freed From Prison
 Mubarak Freed From Prison 

Mubarak Freed From Prison

He's now under house arrest at military hospital

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak, wearing a white shirt and loafers while flashing a smile, was released from prison today and transported to a military hospital in a Cairo suburb where he will be held under house arrest . Footage on private TV stations showed the helicopter carrying the 85-year-old Mubarak landing at the...

Mubarak Will Leave Prison—for House Arrest

Prime minister says deposed leader won't be entirely free in Egypt

(Newser) - Hosni Mubarak is expected to be released from prison as early as tomorrow, but he won't exactly be a free man: He'll be under house arrest. That announcement came hours after a court ordered Mubarak be released for the first time since he was first detained in April...

Egypt Mess Is Obama's 'Greatest Failure'

Roger Cohen criticizes policy; Bret Stephens says US must 'hold its nose' and back military

(Newser) - What's happening in Egypt represents President Obama's "greatest failure," writes Roger Cohen in the New York Times . Obama's much-ballyhooed speech in Cairo in 2009, intended to begin healing rifts with the Muslim world, "stands now as a monument to America’s declining influence in...

US Secretly Halts Egypt Aid; Saudis Publicly Fill Void

US ally steps up as major donor of $12B package

(Newser) - Amid reports that the White House is quietly halting US military aid to Egypt—at least temporarily—Saudi Arabia is taking the bold step of announcing it will fill any financial void. Gulf countries are planning a $12 billion package for Egypt, and Saudi Arabia is the biggest donor, the...

Egypt Finds Brotherhood Leader's Hiding Place

Mohamed Badie's arrest leaves vacuum at top of organization

(Newser) - In a move expected to further exacerbate tensions, Egyptian authorities have arrested the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader. Mohamed Badie, 70, had been on the run for more than a month after authorities ordered his arrest for inciting the killing of anti-Brotherhood protesters. Authorities say Badie, whose only son was...

Mubarak Free by Week's End: Lawyer

Corruption charges against former Egypt strongman are dissipating

(Newser) - As Egypt continues to melt down, with the death toll from days of unrest nearing 1,000, the longtime strongman overthrown in the nation's bloody 2011 revolt is on the verge of becoming a free man. Hosni Mubarak will be released from jail this week, his lawyer tells Reuters...

Citing Snipers, Brotherhood Calls Off Rally

Defense minister says 'we will not stand by'

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood today canceled a massive protest against Egypt's military, saying the move was prompted by "the presence of army snipers" positioned along the planned route in the streets of Cairo. Another protest march to the Supreme Constitutional Court was to go forward, reports al-Jazeera , and security...

Egypt PM: We Should Ban Muslim Brotherhood

Gov't considers his idea, as security forces storm mosque

(Newser) - With more than 700 now dead in four days of violence, Egypt's PM has proposed a ban on the Muslim Brotherhood, and the government says it's now looking into the possibility, Reuters reports. "There will be no reconciliation with those whose hands have been stained with blood...

Brother of al-Qaeda Chief Arrested in Egypt

Zawahri's sibling ran own hard-line group

(Newser) - Egyptian authorities have arrested the younger brother of al-Qaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahri, a security official said today. Mohammed al-Zawahri, leader of the ultraconservative Jihadi Salafist group, was detained at a checkpoint in Giza, the city across the Nile from Cairo. He had been allied with ousted President Mohammed Morsi, whose...

Son of Top Muslim Brotherhood Leader Killed

Also: Hundreds of protesters barricaded inside Cairo mosque

(Newser) - Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood says a son of its spiritual leader was killed during fierce clashes in downtown Cairo, as hundreds of Islamists supporters of the country's ousted president remained barricaded inside a mosque. The group's political arm said on its official website today that Mohammed Badie's...

Dozens Dead in Egypt's 'Day of Rage'

Civilians battle pro-Morsi protesters in gunfights

(Newser) - Supporters of Mohamed Morsi have turned out in force on the streets of Cairo and elsewhere in Egypt in a "day of rage" to protest this week's crackdown. The usual chaos is evident in attempts to get a count on casualties, but a Reuters correspondent reports seeing 27...

2 Signs That Egypt Faces Another Brutal Day

Protesters begin hitting the streets after prayers

(Newser) - Two ominous developments suggest Egypt is in for another brutal day: First, the Muslim Brotherhood's website today declares that "the struggle to overthrow this illegitimate regime is an obligation," reports CNN . Second, the government made a point to authorize the use of live ammunition by security forces,...

Stories 301 - 320 | << Prev   Next >>