
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

All 3 Arrested US Students Leave Egypt

Luke Gates, Derrik Sweeney, and Gregory Porter board flights

(Newser) - The three American students arrested during a protest in Cairo caught flights out of Egypt early today, according to an airport official and an attorney for one of the trio. Luke Gates, 21, and Derrik Sweeney, 19, left the Egyptian capital today on separate flights to Frankfurt, Germany. Gregory Porter,...

US Pressures Egyptian Military to Step Aside

White House publicly calls for civilian government to take control ASAP

(Newser) - The Obama administration is publicly and privately pressuring Egypt’s military leaders to step aside ASAP. The White House issued a statement today urging that a “full transfer of power to a civilian government,” take place “in a just and inclusive manner … as soon as possible,...

Protesters in Egypt Staging Mass Rally

Tahrir Square site of 'last chance' protest as new PM is installed

(Newser) - Egypt’s military installed a new prime minister today, as crowds gathered in Tahrir Square for another big protest. The new prime minister, Kamal Ganzouri, has held the job once before, from 1996 to 1999. Though he reportedly had a falling out with the Mubarak regime, protesters still instantly rejected...

US Journalist: Egypt Police Sexually Assaulted Me

Mona Eltahawy tweets details of attack following arrest

(Newser) - An Egyptian-American journalist says police in Cairo sexually assaulted her after arresting her during protests. Mona Eltahawy’s left arm and right hand were broken and police “groped every part of my body and called me names, called me a whore,” she tells MSNBC . She was questioned for...

Egypt Court Orders 3 US Students Released

Mother of one calls it the best Thanksgiving gift

(Newser) - Egyptian officials say a court has ordered the release of three American students arrested this week during the unrest in Cairo. Joy Sweeney, the mother of one of three, also says the consul general confirmed around 6am today that the young men will be released, and adds that news of...

Military Apologizes as Egypt Clashes Ease

Truce declared after dozens killed in Cairo

(Newser) - Egypt's military rulers apologized today for the deaths of dozens of pro-democracy protesters and vowed to prosecute those responsible in its latest attempt to appease the tens of thousands who have taken to the streets demanding that the generals immediately step down . Police and protesters also agreed to a...

Battle Rages in Streets of Cairo

Death toll higher than advertised, groups say

(Newser) - Protesters clashed violently with security forces for the fifth straight day today, angrily rejecting the military’s promise to bump up its handover to civilian authorities to next July. Protesters swarmed around the infamous Interior Ministry building, in what they said was an attempt to pin down the police and...

Egypt Military Agrees to Hand Over Power Sooner

But protesters want rulers to step down now

(Newser) - Egypt's ruling military moved up the date for transferring power to a civilian government to July and made noises today about forming a new Cabinet. But the major concessions did little to assuage tens of thousands of protesters in Cairo's iconic Tahrir Square threatening a "second revolution....

US Students Arrested in Cairo
 US Students Arrested in Cairo 

US Students Arrested in Cairo

They allegedly threw flaming cannisters at Egyptian security forces

(Newser) - Three Americans studying in Egypt have been arrested for allegedly hurling Molotov cocktails at Egyptian security forces amidst the violent protests sweeping Cairo. The three boys were shown lined against a wall on state-run TV, with ID cards from the American University in Cairo and an Indiana driver’s license...

Today in Egypt: Mass Protest Out of Tahrir Square
 Today in Egypt: Mass Protest 
day 4 of '2nd revolution'

Today in Egypt: Mass Protest

Huge demonstration planned for today, as thousands head to Tahrir Square

(Newser) - Things continue to intensify in Egypt, where tens of thousands of people are massed on Tahrir Square—and more are streaming in. Activists are today calling for a mass demonstration, which they hope will ratchet up the pressure on the military and accelerate the transition of power. The AP reports...

Egypt's Cabinet Offers to Resign; Protest Swells

Tahrir Square protesters want military to quit too

(Newser) - Egypt's civilian government offered to resign today in an apparent attempt to stem the 3-day tide of violence in Cairo, the AP reports. Thousands of protesters in Tahrir Square—who had called for the resignation—broke into cheers at the news and chanted "God is great," but...

Brutal Clashes Continue in Egypt's Tahrir Square

Egyptian police seen beating protesters in latest raids

(Newser) - Protesters in Egypt have held on to Tahrir Square after the latest round of clashes with police, which in three days have left 22 dead throughout the country. Police burned banners and assaulted a field hospital in a raid beginning last night; protesters threw pieces of pavement at authorities; and...

Troops Crack Down in Syria, Egypt

Tahrir Square strike comes 9 days before elections

(Newser) - So much for peaceful transitions of power in Syria and Egypt, where regime forces brutally cracked down on protesters today. In Syria, the day after officials agreed "in principle" to let the Arab League oversee a peace process, troops invaded a region near the Turkish border and a town...

Egypt Blogger's Nude Pic Sets Off Furious Debate

Aliaa Magda Elmahdy angers conservatives and liberals

(Newser) - The fight for Egypt's future ahead of parliamentary elections is taking familiar form here in the form of protests in Tahrir Square. But a volatile debate also is taking place in unfamiliar territory: over a political blogger's posting of nude photos of herself. As the AP and New ...

Protesters Jam Egypt's Tahrir Square Again

This time, Islamists are leading protests against the military's power

(Newser) - A familiar scene in Egypt today: Tens of thousands of protesters have packed into Tahrir Square to demand political reform, reports Al Jazeera . The key difference this time is that the protesters are led by Islamists, particularly the Muslim Brotherhood, instead of the more secular groups that pushed for the...

Weird 11/11/11 Ritual Forces Pyramids' Closure

Numerologists planned to fight 'cosmic forces'

(Newser) - Egyptian officials have decided to close the pyramids today following complaints over a planned 11/11/11 ceremony that was to happen there. Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities had apparently planned to allow Polish numerologists to gather onsite and battle the “cosmic forces” set to destroy the world next year,...

Gilad Shalit Freed as Hamas Prisoner Exchange Begins
 5 Years Later, Gilad Shalit Free 

5 Years Later, Gilad Shalit Free

477 Palestinian prisoners released as part of deal

(Newser) - After more than five years as a Hamas captive in Gaza, soldier Gilad Shalit is back in Israel, a move that triggered the release of 477 Palestinian prisoners, the first wave of a total of 1,027 Palestinian prisoners being freed in exchange for the 25-year-old soldier, the Washington Post...

Blogs Blame Military for Egypt Violence

White House condemns violence; Coptics profess innocence

(Newser) - Eyewitness accounts of last night’s violence in Cairo are pouring in through social media, and they paint an ugly picture of Egypt’s security forces, the New York Times observes. “Army vehicles deliberately crushed protesters using APCs, shot at them at random as they drove at them. This...

Egypt Prime Minister Pleads for Calm

 Fresh Clashes 
 Break Out in Egypt 

Fresh Clashes Break Out in Egypt

As PM calls religious divide a 'threat to national security'

(Newser) - Fresh riots broke out in Egypt today, with hundreds of Christians throwing rocks at police outside a Cairo hospital where many of the victims from the previous day's massive clashes over the burning of a Coptic church were taken, the AP reports. Essam Sharaf called for calm in a...

Christian Protesters Clash With Muslims, Military During Protest in Cairo, Eypt
 24 Dead in Cairo Clashes 

24 Dead in Cairo Clashes

Violence erupts during Coptic Christian protest

(Newser) - Egypt suffered its worst rioting today since President Mubarak's overthrow earlier this year . Christians demonstrating against the recent destruction of a Coptic church in Cairo clashed with Muslims and security forces, triggering thousands to pour into the streets and leaving 24 dead, Al Jazeera reports. Thugs apparently sparked the...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>