Jeff Sessions

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Sessions Didn't Disclose Talks With Russian Ambassador: DOJ

But his spokesperson insists they had nothing to do with Trump campaign

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions spoke with Russia's ambassador to the US twice in 2016, but he didn't disclose those communications during his confirmation hearing to become attorney general. When asked about possible contact between Moscow representatives and Trump campaign members, Sessions specifically said he "did not have communications with...

Republicans Disagree On Sessions' Role in Potential Russia Probe

Some say a special prosecutor is needed

(Newser) - Republicans disagree on whether Attorney General Jeff Sessions should investigate allegations that Russia interfered with the 2016 presidential election. What lawmakers and others are saying:
  • On Friday, California Rep. Darrell Issa told Bill Maher a special prosecutor should be appointed for the probe since Sessions is a Trump appointee and

Trump Reversal on Private Prisons a 'Reward': Sanders

For campaign donors, senator says after Sessions memo reverses Obama order

(Newser) - This is why shares in private prisons soared after President Trump's election win: His administration, in a widely expected move, has scrapped the Obama administration's plan to phase out the federal government's use of private prisons , reports Reuters . In a memo from Attorney General Jeff Sessions released...

In Silencing Warren, McConnell Gave Dems a New Battle Cry

'Nevertheless, she persisted'

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appears to have inadvertently handed Democrats—and feminists—a new rally cry with his move to silence Sen. Elizabeth Warren Tuesday night. "She was warned. She was given an explanation. Nevertheless, she persisted," McConnell said, using an arcane rule to ban Warren from...

Jeff Sessions Confirmed as US Attorney General

Democrats put up what fight they could

(Newser) - The Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions as US Attorney General in a vote Wednesday night, Mediaite reports. Democrats put up what fight they could with late-night sessions on Monday and Tuesday— CNN reports they battled Sessions' confirmation for 30 hours on the Senate floor—but in the end it wasn't...

McConnell Used Century-Old 'Arcane Rule' to Silence Warren

Rule 19 was put into place in 1902 after two Democratic senators got into fistfight

(Newser) - The Senate GOP shut down Elizabeth Warren on Tuesday night as she attempted to quote from old letters penned by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy and the late Coretta Scott King to protest the nomination of Jeff Sessions for attorney general, prompting the #LetLizSpeak and #SilencingElizabethWarren hashtags and leading Warren...

Senate Votes to Silence Elizabeth Warren

She read letter from MLK's widow

(Newser) - Sen. Elizabeth Warren read a letter from Martin Luther King's widow outside the Senate chamber Tuesday night—after she was banned from speaking inside. In what the Washington Post calls an "extraordinarily rare move," the GOP-controlled Senate voted to silence Warren for impugning the character of attorney...

2015 Video of Sessions, Yates Is 'Prophetic'

Sessions told Yates to 'say no' to 'improper' requests

(Newser) - The advice Jeff Sessions offered Sally Yates during her 2015 confirmation hearing then seemed ordinary. It now appears "prophetic," per Boing Boing . "You have to watch out" because the president may make "improper" requests "and you need to say no," Sessions tells Yates in...

Booker Makes History in Testimony Against Sessions

A senator has never testified against a fellow senator during a Cabinet hearing

(Newser) - Jeff Sessions' two-day confirmation hearing came to a close Wednesday with something that's never happened before: a current senator testifying against another current senator up for a Cabinet position. CNN reports Sen. Cory Booker, despite having worked well with the attorney general nominee in the past, said his "...

Sessions: Charges of Racism Are &#39;Damnably False&#39;
Sessions: Charges of Racism
Are 'Damnably False'
confirmation hearing

Sessions: Charges of Racism Are 'Damnably False'

He also vows to recuse himself from any Hillary Clinton investigations

(Newser) - Some of the early highlights from Tuesday's confirmation hearing of Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, who is Donald Trump's pick to be attorney general, via the Hill , the New York Times , Politico , and the Washington Post :
  • Hillary Clinton: Given his support of Trump during the campaign, Sessions said he

One Hiccup as Confirmation Hearings Get Underway

Education pick Betsy DeVos' hearing is delayed a week

(Newser) - A busy schedule of confirmation hearings is now underway, with one of the most high-profile nominations leading off. Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., was being grilled by members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in his bid to become attorney general, reports the Los Angeles Times . (You can follow along live via...

Confirmation Controversies Start Today With Jeff Sessions

Here's what to look for

(Newser) - Let the fighting begin: The confirmation hearing for Sen. Jeff Sessions, President-elect Donald Trump's attorney general nominee, is scheduled for Tuesday, and in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee made public Monday, Trump critic and Gold Star father Khizr Khan spoke out against Sessions. "Thirty years ago,...

1.2K Law Profs Slam Sessions as AG Nominee

Sessions was 'racially insensitive' in 1980s, hasn't changed: letter

(Newser) - Some 100 law professors in support of Sen. Jeff Sessions' nomination for attorney general appear to be in the minority. More than 1,200 law professors have sent a letter to Congress in an attempt to convince the Senate Judiciary Committee to reject the nomination, noting Sessions "will not...

NAACP President Arrested at Jeff Sessions' Office

Dozens of activists staged all-day sit-in

(Newser) - Cornell William Brooks, national president of the NAACP, was among six people arrested Tuesday evening after an all-day sit-in at the Alabama offices of Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's nominee for attorney general. Around two dozen civil rights activists occupied the Republican's Mobile offices at around 11am, denouncing...

How New AG Might Change Justice Department
How Sessions Might
Shake Up Justice Department

How Sessions Might Shake Up Justice Department

Goodbye, closing Gitmo

(Newser) - Sen. Jeff Sessions is Donald Trump's pick to be the next attorney general and the Alabaman is expected to bring some major changes to the Justice Department, the Washington Post reports. Aides predict Sessions—a leading opponent of closing Guantanamo Bay—will make national security his main priority, reversing...

Schumer 'Very Concerned' About Sessions on Civil Rights

But Politico notes he'll likely be confirmed as attorney general

(Newser) - Sen. Jeff Sessions, Donald Trump's controversial pick for Attorney General, has been accused of racism —and incoming Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer has concerns. "Given some of his past statements and his staunch opposition to immigration reform, I am very concerned about what he would do with...

Trump&#39;s Attorney General Pick: Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions
1986 Hearing Could Haunt
AG Nominee Jeff Sessions
the rundown

1986 Hearing Could Haunt AG Nominee Jeff Sessions

4 prosecutors accused him of making racist comments

(Newser) - Donald Trump has made two more key picks for his administration: He's chosen GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama for attorney general and Republican congressman Mike Pompeo of Kansas to lead the CIA, reports Politico . Both will require Senate confirmation, and the AP notes that Sessions could run into...

Trump: I'll Announce VP Pick on Friday

He says he's narrowed it down to 2, 3, or 4

(Newser) - After days of mounting suspense, the finale of Donald Trump's VP search will take place Friday morning. Trump tweeted Wednesday night that he will make the announcement in Manhattan at 11am. His tweet followed what CNN calls "frenzied, last-minute try-outs" in person and over the phone from the...

Judges' $1M Maui Trip Turns Heads in Congress

Ninth Circuit conference would include full-service spa

(Newser) - US senators are scrutinizing a planned Maui getaway for circuit court judges that could cost more than $1 million in taxpayer dollars, Fox News reports. Scheduled for August, the Ninth Circuit Judicial Conference would allow judges, attorneys, staff, and "special guests" to stay at a Hyatt Regency resort spa...

GOP Balks at Renewing Violence Against Women Act

Because Democrats added provisions about immigrants, same-sex couples

(Newser) - Conservative senators are coming out against renewing the Violence Against Women Act, which provides federal funding for domestic violence programs and passed with broad bipartisan support in 1994. Democratic women plan to march to the Senate floor today and demand a quick vote to extend the bill, the New York ...

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