
Read recent rape news stories, accusations, and cases on Newser.com

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Murdered Marine's ATM Card Surfaces
Murdered Marine's ATM Card Surfaces

Murdered Marine's ATM Card Surfaces

Suspect's truck sighted in NC; FBI offers $25K for information

(Newser) - Police recovered Maria Lauterbach's ATM card in a Durham, NC, bus station today and said her accused killer's truck was sighted in the area, CNN reports. The FBI offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of Cesar Laurean, who allegedly murdered his fellow Marine last month....

Suspect in Pregnant Marine's Killing Spotted in La.

Laurean seen exiting a bus in Shreveport

(Newser) - The Marine suspected in the murder of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach and her unborn child was spotted last night exiting a bus in Shreveport, La., and could be headed to Texas, police said today. Authorities said they believe Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean could be dangerous if "put in a...

Charred Body, Fetus Found in Marine's Yard

Nationwide manhunt underway for man suspected of kidnapping, murder

(Newser) - Police found the burnt remains of a woman and a fetus today buried in a Marine's backyard, CNN reports. The suspected remains of Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach are being rushed to a North Carolina medical examiner for positive identification as police launch a manhunt for Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean, the...

Police Dig Up Remains at Marine's House
Police Dig Up Remains at Marine's House

Police Dig Up Remains at Marine's House

May be body of pregnant victim; police still hunting accused

(Newser) - Police seeking a missing Marine have found blood and human remains at the yard of the Marine she had accused of raping her, CNN reports. Cops found a "trace of violent activity in the house" of Cpl. Cesar Armando Laurean in North Carolina, and "evidence of an attempted...

Pregnant Marine Died of 'Injury,' Sheriff Says
Pregnant Marine Died of 'Injury,' Sheriff Says

Pregnant Marine Died of 'Injury,' Sheriff Says

Police continue search for body; presumed killer still on the run

(Newser) - Lance Cpl. Maria Lauterbach, the pregnant Marine missing since Dec. 19 and declared to be dead this morning, apparently died of an "injury," though North Carolina investigators have yet to locate her body or the place where she is thought to be buried. The search for lead suspect...

Clemens: Ex-Trainer Lied in '01 Rape Case

Rocket's lawsuit goes after McNamee's character

(Newser) - Roger Clemens' personal trainer was involved in a 2001 rape investigation in which police believed he lied, the Orlando Sentinel reports. The Rocket, in his defamation suit filed against Brian McNamee on Sunday, points to the incident as an example of further dishonesty on the part of the trainer who...

'Blood Diamonds' Trial Opens
'Blood Diamonds' Trial Opens

'Blood Diamonds' Trial Opens

War crimes court pleads for cash in case against former Liberian president

(Newser) - The war crimes trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor is set to begin in The Hague after months of costly delays—forcing the court to ask for financial handouts to complete the proceedings. Taylor, 59, trained Sierra Leone's notoriously violent Revolutionary United Front in exchange for "blood diamonds,...

Supreme Court to Hear Child Rapist's Death Penalty Appeal

Executions limited to murderers since 1964

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today agreed to hear the case of a Louisiana man sentenced to death in the brutal rape of his 8-year-old stepdaughter. His attorneys say Patrick Kennedy is "the only person in the United States who is on death row for a non-homicide offense." A 1977...

Innocent Con Freed After 27 Years
Innocent Con Freed After
27 Years

Innocent Con Freed After 27 Years

DNA testing confirmed he wasn't guilty of rape

(Newser) - A man who spent 27 years in prison for a rape he didn't commit was released yesterday after DNA evidence proved he hadn't assaulted his accuser. Charles Chatman, now 47, had maintained his innocence throughout his time in jail, refusing to give an account of the crime to the parole...

Texas Hits Strip Clubs With 'Pole Tax'

Smaller clubs sue over feared loss of clientele

(Newser) - Texas strip clubs are suing over a new law that will force them to collect a $5-per-person tax on clientele, the AP reports. Most of the estimated $40 million in proceeds will help rape victims, which club owners claim to support, but smaller venues fear a loss of customers. A...

Companion in Saudi Rape Case Pardoned

Male friend of raped woman also subjected to 'enough torture'

(Newser) - The companion to the Saudi rape victim who was convicted of a crime for being alone with him, and then pardoned after an international uproar, has himself been pardoned, CNN reports. Saudi Arabia's minister of justice confirmed this—and by implication revealed that the man, kidnapped along with the woman...

Australia PM 'Disgusted' by Rape Case

Nine males who had sex with 10-year-old girl escape jail

(Newser) - Nine men and teens in Australia who raped a 10-year-old girl from a remote Aboriginal community have gone free, a verdict that has caused an uproar in the nation. Six of those who pleaded guilty were under 17 and got probation; the others got suspended sentences. New PM Kevin Rudd...

Rape Case, AIDS Comment Dog Huckabee's Rise

Frontrunner spot draws close scrutiny of his record

(Newser) - As candidate Mike Huckabee pushes to the front of the GOP contender crowd, he is coming under fire for his record as Arkansas governor. Critics point to both Huckabee's push for the parole of a convicted rapist who murdered after being released and his call for people with AIDS to...

Kite Runner Kids Flee Country
Kite Runner Kids Flee Country

Kite Runner Kids Flee Country

Filmmakers feared reprisals against Afghan actors in controversial scene

(Newser) - Four child stars of the upcoming movie The Kite Runner have been whisked out of their native Afghanistan to protect them from possible backlash over a rape scene in the movie, the Guardian reports. Paramount Pictures helped relocate the boys to the United Arab Emirates after months of worry and...

Saudi Court to Review Rape Victim Sentence

Prince about-faces, claims case is being used against country

(Newser) - Courts will take another look at the sentence of a gang-rape victim, Saudi Arabia's foreign minister said yesterday, following an international outcry when the 19-year-old was handed a six-month prison term and 200 lashes. “What is outraging about this case is that it is being used against the Saudi...

Saudi Rulers: Rape Victim Caused Crime

Had 'illegal affair,' failed to tell fiancé about attacks

(Newser) - Under international fire for sentencing a gang-rape victim to 200 lashes, the Saudi government yesterday said the woman violated Islamic law and caused the crime to take place by having an "illegitimate relationship" with a man not her husband. The rapists allegedly found the woman "in a compromising...

NYC Murder Rate in Free Fall
NYC Murder Rate in Free Fall

NYC Murder Rate in Free Fall

New York City murder rate drops to lowest in more than four decades

(Newser) - The murder rate in New York City hit a new low this year—the lowest it's been in the 44 years reliable statistics have been kept, reports the New York Times. And if early analysis holds up, of the fewer than 500 murders this year, fewer than 100 will have...

Amanda: 'I Didn't Kill Meredith'
Amanda: 'I Didn't Kill Meredith'

Amanda: 'I Didn't Kill Meredith'

US student held in murder of British roommate claims her memory of bloody night is blurred by drugs

(Newser) - A US student under suspicion in the murder of her British roommate  in Italy is claiming drugs have blurred her memory of the night Meredith Kercher was killed. In a statement obtained by CNN, Amanda Knox of Seattle insists she does know one thing: "I didn't kill Meredith."...

Saudis Defend Rape Victim's Sentence

Woman may have been meeting man trying to blackmail her

(Newser) - Responding to international outrage, Saudi Arabia's Justice Ministry is defending the punishment meted out to an 18-year old rape victim, and then doubled when she appealed. The ministry says her sentence was increased—to 200 lashes and 6 months in prison—not because she took her case to the media...

Saudi Rape Victim 'Crushed Human Being,' Husband Says

Blames judge, not system, for sentence

(Newser) - The husband of the Saudi gang-rape victim sentenced to 200 lashes and 6 months in jail blamed one judge's vendetta—and not the Saudi judicial system itself—for her treatment "as a guilty person who committed a crime." He told CNN his wife has been a severely depressed,...

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