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Swiss Tipped US to Polanski Trip

Move gave LA prosecutors time to whip up arrest warrant

(Newser) - Swiss authorities set in motion the arrest of fugitive director Roman Polanski in his decades-old child sex case as he traveled to the country last month, emails obtained by the AP show. The Swiss Federal Office of Justice alerted US law enforcement Sept. 22 that Polanski, 76, was due in...

Parents Track Sex Offender Homes for Halloween

But critics warn that friends, family members are responsible for most kid assaults

(Newser) - Parents are preparing for their kids' trick or treating this year with a costume, candy bag—and a map of all the sex offenders in the neighborhood. Concerned families are turning to an iPhone application locating sex offender addresses to plan routes on the spooky night. "With Halloween, I'm...

Cokie: 'Take Polanski Out and Shoot Him'

He 'drugged and raped a child,' says journalist

(Newser) - It wasn't hard to figure out yesterday where journalist Cokie Roberts stands on the Roman Polanski case. "As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and shoot him," she declared on ABC's This Week. "Roman Polanski is a criminal. He raped and drugged and sodomized a...

Polanski Made Deal to Pay Rape Victim $500K

Court papers unclear on whether Samantha Geimer received money

(Newser) - Roman Polanski struck a deal to settle a civil lawsuit and pay his rape victim $500,000 after going on the lam, but it's not clear whether she received the entire sum. Court papers relating to the 1988 suit, which was settled in 1993, indicate that the fugitive director missed...

Chris Rock Ridicules Polanski

 Chris Rock 
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Chris Rock Ridicules Polanski

(Newser) - Some of Hollywood's biggest names are lining up behind Roman Polanski, but Chris Rock is not among them. On last night's Jay Leno Show, Rock ridiculed the notion of defending the fugitive filmmaker because of his art. "He made good movies 30 years ago. Even Johnnie Cochran don't have...

Elizabeth Smart Recounts Daily Sexual Abuse

She testifies that captor uses religious rants to get his way

(Newser) - Elizabeth Smart delivered frank testimony in federal court today on the abuse she suffered at the hands of Brian David Mitchell during a 9-month abduction, describing how Mitchell used religion to justify repeatedly raping her. Smart, 14 at the time, said Mitchell chained her leg to a tree at the...

France, Poland Backtrack on Polanski Support

Calls for director's release dropped as public backlash grows

(Newser) - The governments of France and Poland are beginning to distance themselves from Roman Polanski amid a public backlash against earlier support for the film director, who holds passports from both countries. In France—where the foreign minister called for Polanski's release earlier this week—a government spokesman said yesterday that...

Prosecutor: I Lied in Polanksi Film About Misconduct

Wells now denies coaching judge on how to send director to jail

(Newser) - A retired Los Angeles County prosecutor who told the creators of a documentary that he coached a judge on how to send Roman Polanski to prison despite a plea bargain now says he lied. David Wells—whose claims in Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired sparked accusations of misconduct and were...

Garrido: Cops Trampling Dugard's Civil Rights

Kidnap victim denied free speech, access to attorney, suspect writes to local TV reporter

(Newser) - Phillip Garrido says the woman he’s accused of abducting as a child and holding captive for 18 years is being denied civil rights as part of the ongoing investigation, he writes in a letter to Sacramento’s KRCA-TV. Jaycee Dugard’s “free speach [sic] rights are being violated,...

Whoopi Calls Polanski Case 'Not Rape-Rape,' Triggers Uproar

Hollywood supporters facing off against angry feminists over sex with teen

(Newser) - Whoopi Goldberg's comment that Roman Polanski's sex with a 13-year-old girl wasn't really "rape-rape" has added fuel to the growing conflagration between the film director's Hollywood supporters and angry feminists. "I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape,...

Roman Polanski Will Fight Extradition: Lawyer

French, Polish ministers ask Clinton for leniency

(Newser) - Roman Polanski is “shocked and dumbfounded” by the Swiss government’s decision to arrest him but is “in fighting mood” and won't be extradited easily, his lawyer said today. Diplomatic wrangling continued over Polanski’s fate, as the French and Polish foreign ministers said they had written to...

Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist
 Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist 

Oh, Poor Polanski, Child Rapist

He pleaded guilty and fled. How can anyone rationalize that?

(Newser) - Kate Harding would like to remind everyone crowing about the injustice of arresting a 76-year-old man who’s put in 31 years of exile that Roman Polanski is a fugitive and, coincidentally, a child rapist. The director “gave a 13-year-old girl a Quaalude and champagne,” according to her...

LA DA Shouldn't Waste Time on Polanski

Los Angeles has more pressing problems; tragic director has been punished enough

(Newser) - Whether you side for or against Roman Polanski, one has to wonder why the state of California is “stalking an aging, 76-year-old man who has admitted his guilt and was long ago forgiven by his victim,” writes Patrick Goldstein in the Los Angeles Times. California’s legislature is...

Latest Garrido Search Yields Little, Could End Tuesday

(Newser) - Today’s search of the property of Phillip and Nancy Garrido, charged in the rape and kidnap of Jaycee Dugard, found no evidence to link them to the 1980s disappearances of two other northern California girls, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Investigators will continue sifting through areas dug up after...

'Aussie Fritzl' Charged With Raping Daughter for 30 Years

Man accused of keeping daughter captive, fathering 4 children with her

(Newser) - An Australian man has been charged with rape and incest after allegedly raping his daughter for more than 30 years and fathering four children with her, Reuters reports. The man was arrested after the victim contacted police and told them she had been kept a prisoner in their home in...

Yemeni Child Bride, 12, Dies in Childbirth

Girl forced to marry 24-year-old dies after three days in labor

(Newser) - A pregnant 12-year-old Yemeni girl has died after three days of excruciating labor that also claimed her baby, a human rights group tells CNN. Fawziya Ammodi's poverty-stricken family forced her to drop out of school last year to marry a 24-year-old man. More than half of Yemeni girls are married...

Bone Found Near Jaycee's Prison 'Probably Human'

But authorities say it could be from Native American burial ground; more tests needed

(Newser) - The bone fragment found in the backyard next door to the home of kidnapping suspect Phillip Garrido is “probably human,” authorities tell the Sacramento Bee—though they caution that more tests are needed, and that Native American remains are often found in that area of northern California. Garrido,...

Garrido Picked Jaycee While 'Shopping for Girls'

(Newser) - Phillip Garrido picked out Jaycee Dugan as his next kidnap victim on a "child shopping" trip when he spotted the "cute" 11-year-old in a store with friends, his wife has told investigators. "That's the one I want," he told his wife, Nancy, but he decided to...

Cops Won't Reopen 1972 Rape Case Against Garrido

Teen girl wouldn't testify against alleged Dugard kidnapper

(Newser) - Police in Antioch, Calif., said today they won’t reopen a child-rape case against Phillip Garrido that was dropped in 1972 when the 14-year-old girl refused to testify, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. The woman contacted authorities last week after seeing Garrido’s name in connection with the abduction and...

Grandma: Jaycee Feels Guilty About Her Kidnapping

(Newser) - Kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard feels guilty about being snatched off the streets as a child and held captive for 18 years, her mother has told Jaycee's grandmother. She "feels guilty that she was kidnapped and for not having called her mom or dad or anyone—even though she was...

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