UN Security Council

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World to Iran: More Sanctions in Store

Move follows missed deadline concerning nuclear program

(Newser) - Iran faces new global sanctions after ignoring an offer designed to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In a move intended to boost international pressure, the UN Security Council's permanent members, plus Germany, agreed today that their only option is to turn up the heat. "Iran has...

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights
Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

Iran Refuses to Cede Nuclear Rights

President rejects deadline for halting uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Mahmoud Ahmadinejad rejected an informal deadline from the UN Security Council to halt its uranium enrichment program, the AP reports. In talks with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Ahmadinejad refused to cede "a single iota of its nuclear rights" despite threats of more sanctions. Tehran maintains its nuclear program is...

Iranian Official Balks at Start of 6-Nation Talks

Delegate promises 'no chance' of suspension of uranium enrichment

(Newser) - Tehran has ruled out freezing its uranium enrichment program, casting doubt over the value of talks between Iran and six world powers less than an hour after they started. The Geneva talks—with the US in attendance for the first time—had raised expectations of possible compromise on a formula...

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless
So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

So-Called 'New Powers' Are Acting Spineless

Time to show some leadership and stop coddling Mugabe

(Newser) - Critics of unchecked and amoral American power should be wary of prospective new world hegemons—especially China, Russia, and South Africa, Thomas Friedman warns in the New York Times. America's international popularity has plummeted under President Bush, but it's the more popular countries that have been acting unconscionably on the...

Russia, China Nix UN Embargo on Zimbabwe

US-led resolution would have imposed sanctions, restrictions on Mugabe

(Newser) - Russia and China today threw out a UN resolution to impose sanctions on Zimbabwe for its violent presidential election, Reuters reports. Nine countries supported the US-backed sanctions, which would levied an arms embargo and restricted the travel and finances of officials, including President Mugabe. But five nations voted against it,...

South African Prez to Plead With Mugabe to Save Race

Results of uncontested race should be ignored, Britain insists

(Newser) - The president of South Africa is is flying today to Zimbabwe to plead with strongman Robert Mugabe to save this week's presidential election after Morgan Tsvangirai withdrew to protest government violence. Britain’s foreign secretary said an uncontested race would be “the most rigged election in African history" and...

UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today
UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today

UN Takes Up Zimbabwe Action Today

US, EU push penalties; eyes are on response of African nations

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today will address the struggle for power in Zimbabwe, one day after opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai dropped out of the presidential race because of violent intimidation, the Guardian reports. The US, Britain, and France hope to convince  China and Russia to condemn Robert Mugabe's government. The...

UN Boosts Members' Powers to Fight Africa Piracy

Navy vessels can follow hijackers into Somali waters

(Newser) - With piracy a growing problem off the Horn of Africa, the UN will allow its members to combat pirates using “all necessary means,” including chasing them into Somali waters, CNN reports. Somalia’s transitional government supports the move. More than two dozen pirate attacks have been reported in...

US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur
US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur

US Must Seize Chance to Make Impact on Darfur

Farrow: Use term atop UN Security Council to cement support

(Newser) - The US will take over as president of the UN Security Council next month, and, in the Wall Street Journal, Mia Farrow and Nancy Soderberg say that ending the Darfur genocide should be a key goal during its term. Sudan is denying entry to all non-African UN peacekeepers, the actress...

S. Africa Blocks Sending UN Envoy to Zimbabwe

Security Council hits stalemate

(Newser) - A closed-door session of the Security Council failed to make progress on Zimbabwe after South Africa led a successful effort to block a plan to send a UN envoy to Harare. The US, Britain, and France pushed for dispatching an observer—and for a moratorium on arms sales. UN Secretary-General...

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN
 300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN 

300,000 Dead in Darfur: UN

Security Council told that situation is worsening

(Newser) - The UN's humanitarian chief has painted a grim picture of the situation in Darfur, estimating that disease, war, and famine have claimed 300,000 lives in the region since conflict broke out in 2003—100,000 of them since 2006. People are continuing to die as efforts to solve the...

Mugabe Rival Accused of Treason

Dangerous new stakes in controversial election

(Newser) - Zimbabwe opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai, who is convinced he won last month's presidential election, has now been accused of treason by President Robert Mugabe's government. The accusation presents a dangerous new threat in the wake of the controversial elections, whose results have not yet been released. "There is no...

Talks Don't Yield New Nuclear Offer for Iran

Security Council nations seek unified stance on Tehran

(Newser) - A meeting in Shanghai of permanent UN Security Council members and Germany failed to produce a new set of incentives to offer Iran for cessation of its nuclear activities, Reuters reports. "We can say we agreed on the main content of a plan to restart negotiations, but not all...

Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown
 Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown 

Mugabe Didn't Win: Brown

British PM says 'stolen election would not be an election at all' in Zimbabwe

(Newser) - Gordon Brown said today Robert Mugabe lost Zimbabwe’s March 29 election, implying that Mugabe means to change the results while delaying their release, the Guardian reports. "No one thinks, having seen the result at the polling stations, that President Mugabe has won. … A stolen election would not...

US Military to Finally Release AP Photog

'Suspect' imprisoned two years in Iraq without charges

(Newser) - A Pulitzer Prize-winning AP photographer detained in Iraq for two years will finally be released tomorrow, the US military has announced. Bilal Hussein, 36, was held on suspicion of having links to insurgents but was never brought to trial, and the military has now determined he's not a threat to...

Iran Promises West 'Bloody Nose' Over Nuke Program

'The nation will slap you in the mouth,' Ahmadinejad warns

(Newser) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad invoked some schoolyard rhetoric today, threatening the West with a "bloody nose" over ongoing criticism of Iran's uranium enrichment program, Reuters reports. "The Iranian nation will bloody the enemy's nose if they want to violate an iota of our rights" to nuclear technology, Ahmadinejad...

Iran's Latest Nuclear Moves Raise Hackles

France proposes tougher sanctions after 6K centrifuges added

(Newser) - Iran began installation today of 6,000 high-capacity centrifuges at its Natanz uranium-enrichment facility, Reuters reports. To the chagrin of Western powers, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad marked Iran’s “National Day of Nuclear Technology” with the announcement. The US said Iran’s move showed it was determined to disobey the...

UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions
UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions

UN Cranks Up Iran Sanctions

Security Council continues to press Tehran on nuclear concerns

(Newser) - The UN hit Iran with a third round of sanctions today for refusing to halt its nuclear enrichment program, Reuters reports. The 14-0 security council vote approved more travel and financial limits and boosted trade restrictions, but was curbed by a US report that Tehran had scuttled its nuclear weapon...

Serbia Calls Home US Envoy
Serbia Calls Home US Envoy

Serbia Calls Home US Envoy

PM vows to pull diplomats from all nations that support Kosovo independence

(Newser) - Serbia called home its US ambassador today to protest America's recognition of Kosovo's independence, the BBC reports. Serbian PM Vojislav Kostunica called the move Serbia's "first urgent measure," and warned that envoys in other countries that recognize Kosovar autonomy will soon be withdrawn.

Serbia, Russia Blast Kosovo Independence

Serbia won't cooperate, Putin hits 'hypocrasy' of Western support

(Newser) - Serbian and Russian leaders today lambasted Kosovo's imminent declaration of independence from Serbia, the Guardian reports. Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica declared the move illegal, and said his government won't cooperate with European efforts to keep Kosovo running. Russian President Vladimir Putin blasted as "immoral and illegal" Western nations'...

Stories 141 - 160 | << Prev   Next >>