African Americans

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What Makes a Black Sellout ?
What Makes a Black Sellout?

What Makes a Black Sellout?

New book defends Clarence Thomas, complicates race debate: Salon

(Newser) - A black intellectual's new book, Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal, goes easy on Clarence Thomas for dissing the very affirmative action that helped him succeed, Salon's James Hannaham writes. Does that make Sellout author Randall Kennedy a sellout? Maybe Kennedy is able to do what free-thinking blacks must: "...

Michelle Takes Barack's Case to Black Voters

Candidate shifts gears as primaries loom in more diverse states

(Newser) - Transcending race means that Barack Obama often keeps black voters at arm’s length, but his wife is taking the contest to African Americans, Newsweek reports. Born on Chicago’s South Side, Michelle Obama has more in common with black Americans than her Indonesia- and Hawaii-raised husband—and has no...

King's Church Rings With Praise
King's Church Rings With Praise

King's Church Rings With Praise

Bill Clinton, Huckabee pay respects to civil rights leader

(Newser) - The Atlanta church where Martin Luther King Jr. preached his message of racial equality rang with praise today for the slain civil rights leader, reports the AP. Hundreds of notables, including Bill Clinton, Mike Huckabee, and Atlanta Mayor Shirley Franklin, crammed into Ebenezer Baptist Church. "King's legacy gives light...

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll
Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Rudy Trails McCain in NY: Poll

Clinton enjoys African-American support in home state

(Newser) - Onetime favorite Rudy Giuliani lags John McCain in his home state, two polls out today report, in another blow to the ex-New York mayor's sputtering campaign. In a Siena College poll, 36% of New York Republicans support McCain, to Giuliani's 24%, while a WNBC poll put the split at 34%...

Hispanic, Black Nevadans Split Over Dems

Latinos went for Hillary, blacks backed Barack

(Newser) - White women and Hispanics may have helped Hillary Clinton to her victory in Nevada, but black voters overwhelmingly picked Barack Obama, a trend that may have big repercussions in upcoming primaries, says Politico. Minority groups traditionally side with the establishment candidate, which makes Obama's 83% support by African Americans in...

Obama Raises Black Hopes
Obama Raises Black Hopes

Obama Raises Black Hopes

Across the nation, his win brings pride, joy, and hope

(Newser) - African-Americans across the country are largely proud, amazed, and thrilled after Barack Obama's Iowa win, writes the New York Times. Interviews across the country found that while Obama's support among black people is not universal, his triumph in a white state is nonetheless worthy of celebration. “I think he’...

Denzel's Bad Boy Roles Are All Good
Denzel's Bad Boy Roles Are All Good

Denzel's Bad Boy Roles Are All Good

Turns as drug lord, dirty cop spark unfair slams, Post says

(Newser) - Denzel Washington has been playing bad boys lately, and it's a good thing for black America, Mark Anthony Neal argues in the Washington Post. Washington's turns as a drug lord and corrupt cop in recent flicks have sparked slams that he's catering to white America by playing crooks, but Neal...

Momentum Makes Obama the Leader
Momentum Makes Obama the Leader

Momentum Makes Obama the Leader

Shift in white voters is sparking shift in black voters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s double-digit lead in national polls is “meaningless,” says MSNBC’s Howard Fineman, and her campaign is in danger of collapse because the race’s direction—toward Barack Obama—is what matters. Black voters are waiting to see whether Obama can win over whites in Iowa...

More Jacko, Less Whacko
More Jacko, Less Whacko

More Jacko, Less Whacko

Jackon doesn't look creepy in 'timeless' magazine shoot

(Newser) - Jacko's comeback in this month’s Ebony doesn't make him “look like a creepy goofball,” marvels the Washington Post’s Robin Givhan. And it’s not just a rebirth for Jackson, Givhan says, but for the venerable mag itself. Flamboyantly dolled up in classic Jacko garb, the star...

NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor
NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor

NAACP Blasts MLK Sculptor

Says Chinese artist hails from, glorifies abusive country

(Newser) - California’s NAACP chapter has condemned the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial planned for the National Mall, saying the choice of a Chinese artist “is in direct opposition to Dr. King’s philosophy.” Lei Yixin not only hails from the country “with the worst record of human...

Michelle Obama Tests Racial Boundaries

Candidate's wife, stumping in SC, zeros in on women

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been careful to present himself as a post-racial candidate, but not so Michelle Obama, at least in South Carolina, where she has been testing the boundaries of racial campaigning. In a speech last week she said black voters—who make up as many has half the state's...

Black Families Need Their 40 Acres
Black Families Need Their
40 Acres

Black Families Need Their 40 Acres

The ticket to black success is property ownership, says Gates

(Newser) - With a poll last week showing that African Americans no longer think of themselves as a "single race," Henry Louis Gates Jr explores causes of  the widening gap between middle class and poor blacks. His study of 20 highly successful African Americans, from Oprah to Whoopi to...

Black Fortune 500 CEOs in Short Supply

Departure of Merrill, Time Warner chiefs knocks total to four

(Newser) - The departure of Dick Parsons from Time Warner and Stan O'Neal from Merrill Lynch has reduced the already sparse population of African-American CEOs running Fortune 500 companies to an extremely paltry four, reports AP. CEOs of any color have a short shelf life, and the small numbers of black chiefs...

OJ Loses Black Support
OJ Loses
Black Support

OJ Loses Black Support

Steadfast 71% who thought him innocent in 1994 now down to 40%

(Newser) - OJ Simpson has seen his steadfast defenders in the black community run for cover in the wake of his hypothetical confession and his new legal mix-up: a Washington Post survey concludes that whereas 71% of African Americans thought he was innocent of the 1994 double-murder rap at the time, only...

South Carolina Black Women Key for Dems

Early primary could make or break Obama in battle with Clinton

(Newser) - The Jan. 29 Democratic primary in South Carolina might come down to black women, the Los Angeles Times reports. Half of Democratic voters in the state are African American, and most of those are female—40% of whom have yet to pick a horse. That decision may hinge largely on...

Minorities Become Majority
Minorities Become Majority

Minorities Become Majority

Nonwhites dominate in 10% of counties, new census figures show

(Newser) - Nonwhites account for more than half the population in 10% of all US counties and in nearly one-third of the most populous ones, new census results show. Figures through mid-2006 demonstrate the suburban flight of blacks and Hispanics and fallout from Hurricane Katrina, the Times reports. And in three dozen...

Hillary Can Be Blacker Than Barack
Hillary Can
Be Blacker
Than Barack

Hillary Can Be Blacker Than Barack

Clinton dares to go where Obama's not allowed, says writer

(Newser) - With Barack Obama determined not to be a Jesse or an Al, Hillary Clinton has emerged as the candidate most comfortable targeting the concerns of the black community,  a Washington Post op-ed argues. Last week’s debate at the Howard University showcased Hillary in the role “forefeited” by...

Number of Black Recruits Plummets
Number of
Black Recruits Plummets

Number of Black Recruits Plummets

Job market, family pressure contribute to 38% decline

(Newser) - The number of blacks signing up for the military has dropped 38% since the beginning of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, reports the AP. The number of new active-duty and reserve recruits fell from 51,500 in 2001 to less than 32,000 in 2006, reflecting both greater job opportunities...

Obama Talks Tough to Blacks
Obama Talks Tough to Blacks

Obama Talks Tough to Blacks

Senator courts African-American vote with straight talk and tough love

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been bringing up issues in front of black audiences that he plays down with more diverse crowds—namely, pointed criticism of the black community. In pull-no-punches speeches, Obama slams low African-American voter turnout, worries that children who do well in school are scorned as "acting white,...

Don't Count Your Black Votes Yet, Barack

Voters look beyond skin color to track record

(Newser) - Never mind his skin color—Barack Obama doesn't have a record that can guarantee black turnout, writes inquirer Harold Jackson. Prominent African American leaders like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are still undecided, and Obama will have to court that constituency just like rival Hillary Clinton did.

Stories 321 - 340 | << Prev