Iowa caucuses

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Iowa GOP to Count Votes at Secret Location

In what may be a response to Occupy

(Newser) - Someone get Dick Cheney on the line, because the Iowa Republican Party needs an "undisclosed location" in which to count the impending caucus votes, sources tell Politico . Last election, votes were tabulated at the state’s GOP headquarters in Des Moines, but this year, with Occupy protesters planning to...

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa
 Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa 

Ron Paul Still Winning in Iowa

And people believe he could actually win

(Newser) - Public Policy Polling caused a stir with last week’s poll showing Ron Paul leading in Iowa, and it looks like the result wasn’t a fluke. PPP’s numbers barely budged this week, with Paul leading Romney 24% to 20% and both comfortably ahead of the rest of the...

'Transformed' Perry: No Abortion, Even in Rape, Incest

'God was working on my heart,' he says

(Newser) - Rick Perry's views on abortion have undergone what he calls a "transformation"—just in time for the Iowa caucuses. Perry has decided that he's no longer in favor of allowing abortions in cases of rape, incest, or when the mother's life is at risk, USA ...

Gingrich Links Romney to 'European Socialists'

Pro-Gingrich PAC slams 'liberal Republican establishment'

(Newser) - As the Iowa caucuses loom, Newt Gingrich's campaign is seeking to paint Mitt Romney as a "Massachusetts moderate"—who gets his ideas from "European socialists." The Gingrich campaign has pounced on recent Romney comments in which he suggested that a European-style value added tax could...

Santorum: If I'm Last in Iowa, I'll Drop Out

But he's confident that won't happen

(Newser) - He won't be accused of raising the bar too high, but Rick Santorum is nonetheless making a defiant pledge about the Iowa caucuses: "If I finish dead last behind the pack I'm going to pack up and go home," he tells radio station WHO, reports the...

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits
 Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits 
William Kristol

Hey, Voters: Ignore the Pundits

William Kristol gives a pep talk to early voting Republicans

(Newser) - Are you a Republican from Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, or Florida, wondering how to vote in your imminent primary or caucus? Then William Kristol has a pep talk for you in the latest Weekly Standard . Vote for the man or woman who you think will do the job best,...

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose
 Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose 
Nate Silver

Careful, Mitt: You Could Lose

Nate Silver doesn't think it's especially likely, but it's possible

(Newser) - Conventional wisdom has crowned Mitt Romney the inevitable Republican nominee. His stock on Intrade shot up to 72% last night, and one of his strategists recently boasted that he couldn’t “see any scenario where we’re not the nominee." But calm down guys, writes Nate Silver in...

With Week Til Iowa, Here's What We Know: Not Much

Things remain fluid, muddled

(Newser) - It's D-Day in Iowa in exactly one week, and with just seven days to go, things aren't exactly firming up among Republican voters. Most media reports use words like "fluid," "unsettled," and "muddled" to describe the situation there. Highlights of today's Iowa...

Gingrich Tells Gay Iowan to Vote for Obama

Man calls encounter 'disheartening'

(Newser) - Oskaloosa, Iowa native Scott Arnold is a gay Democrat, but he says he went to a Newt Gingrich event at the Smokey Row coffee house yesterday with an open mind. “I asked him if he’s elected, how does he plan to engage gay Americans. How are we to...

Ron Paul&#39;s Star on the Rise
 Ron Paul's Star on the Rise 

Ron Paul's Star on the Rise

Libertarian could be kingmaker if he wins Iowa

(Newser) - Not many Republicans believe Ron Paul will win their party's nomination, but as he tops polls in Iowa , his power has become impossible for the GOP to ignore, the Washington Post finds. The libertarian congressman has a solid organization, and a big, committed—and largely young—base of followers...

It&#39;s Rick Santorum&#39;s Turn
 It's Rick Santorum's Turn 

It's Rick Santorum's Turn

Michael Tomasky predicts the next big turn in the race

(Newser) - Michael Tomasky was delighted with the latest Iowa poll . Not because Ron Paul was on top, but because "my man Rick Santorum has made it to the promised land of double digits." Sure, he claimed just 10%, but Tomasky thinks it’s finally time for a Santorum boomlet,...

Bachmann Hubby Calls Kinsey Report on Gays a 'Myth'

Gay-friendly supporter questions candidate in Iowa

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann's husband put another notch in his anti-gay belt yesterday. Marcus Bachmann, whose Christian clinic urges patients to abandon homosexuality , had a memorable exchange with a gay-friendly Bachmann supporter (so they exist?) while stumping with Michele at an Iowa pizza restaurant, CNN reports . The supporter, Kathy Schnell, even...

Ron Paul Takes Lead in Iowa Poll
 No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul 
new poll

No. 1 in Iowa: Ron Paul

As Newt Gingrich plummets

(Newser) - Don’t look now, but the frontrunner in Iowa might be ... Ron Paul?! According to the latest Public Policy Polling survey , the oft-dismissed libertarian is leading the field with 23% compared to Mitt Romney’s 20%. Newt Gingrich, meanwhile, is sinking fast, down to 14%, just ahead of Michele Bachmann,...

Mitt Romney Scores Big Endorsement

...from the 'Des Moines Register'

(Newser) - With the Iowa caucuses just 16 days away, Mitt Romney scored a big endorsement last night, this time from the state's largest and most influential newspaper: the Des Moines Register . "Sobriety, wisdom and judgment," the paper's editorial board wrote. "Those are qualities Mitt Romney said...

Gingrich's Stock Plunges on InTrade

Betters only give him a 14% chance

(Newser) - If you had to put your money on it, would you bet that Newt Gingrich will win the Republican nomination? If so, you're in the minority. After days of punishing attacks, Gingrich's odds of victory on InTrade have plummeted, observes Zeke Miller of Business Insider . At one point,...

Gingrich Aide Canned Over 'Cult of Mormon' Comment

Iowa political director out after less than a week

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's Iowa political director is out of a job after less than a week because of disparaging remarks he made about Mitt Romney's Mormon faith, the Des Moines Register reports. "A lot of the evangelicals believe God would give us four more years of Obama just...

Rick Perry: Back Pain 'Fatigued' Me in Debates

GOP candidate says he's 'physically and mentally' better now

(Newser) - Rick Perry says he's feeling great these days—but admits that back pain was bothering him and affected his early GOP debate performances. "I would suggest to you that I was pretty fatigued. No excuses," he tells the Des Moines Register . He touched on his recent spinal...

Gingrich&#39;s Organization &#39;Embarrassing&#39;
Karl Rove

Gingrich's Organization 'Embarrassing'

And that's a major liability in Iowa, elsewhere

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is first in the polls, but his campaign might not be ready for prime time, warns Karl Rove in a Wall Street Journal column. "Mr. Gingrich has little or no campaign organization in Iowa and most other states," Rove observes. Gingrich didn't even complete his...

Gingrich Clear Frontrunner in New Iowa Poll

Newt grabs 33%; Paul, Romney tied for 2nd with 18%

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich has widened his lead among likely caucus-goers in Iowa, according to the latest Washington Post / ABC poll. With Herman Cain out of the race, Gingrich now has the support of 33% of likely GOP voters, with Ron Paul and Mitt Romney tied for second place with 18%...

500 Students to Spend Christmas With Ron Paul

Will campaign door-to-door in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Some 500 college students will campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire over the holidays as part of “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul.” The students will head door-to-door and make phone calls for the Texas congressman, the Houston Chronicle reports. “I firmly believe the next generation needs us...

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