
Stories 1221 - 1240 | << Prev   Next >>

2011, as Told in 18 Items
 2011, as Told in 18 Items 

2011, as Told in 18 Items

From Steve Jobs' turtleneck to Kate Middleton cash

(Newser) - If the BBC can summarize all of history in 100 objects, then Vanity Fair can do a year in 18. The magazine offers a collection of iconic objects—some real, some fictional—as a time capsule of sorts for 2011. Among the highlights:
  • The Hello Kitty cat holding a “

The 10 Best Cities to Live
 The 10 Best Cities to Live 

The 10 Best Cities to Live

Rankings factor in public safety, housing, economy, and recreation

(Newser) - If you're looking for the world's top quality of living, get thee to Vienna, the elegant European capital that tops the list of best cities to live, reports Reuters . The other end of the spectrum is found, perhaps unsurprisingly, in Baghdad. The rankings are compiled by consulting group...

Worst Passwords of 2011
 Worst Passwords of 2011 

Worst Passwords of 2011

Once again: 'Password' is not a good choice to beat hackers

(Newser) - Lots of people are still lousy at choosing computer passwords. Mashable picks up on the annual list of most-hacked passwords from SplashData. The usual suspects are still at the top:
  1. password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. abc123
  6. monkey
  7. 1234567
  8. letmein
  9. trustno1
  10. dragon
Check out the rest here .

America&#39;s Most Dangerous City Is...
 America's Most 
 Dangerous City Is... 

America's Most Dangerous City Is...

Detroit, according to 2010 data

(Newser) - Detroit has once again been named America's most dangerous city, this time by Forbes , which offers the top (or, perhaps, bottom) 10, based on the FBI's uniform crime report for 2010:
  1. Detroit: A rate of 1,111 violent crimes per 100,000 residents. A dwindling population, low employment

10 Celebrities Turned Fashion Designers

Melissa McCarthy is the latest to make the leap

(Newser) - Melissa McCarthy is on top of the world, and now that she's won an Emmy and won over SNL viewers , what's next? The Bridesmaids star, who wanted to be a fashion designer before she ended up in comedy, is launching her own plus-size fashion line. "Trying to...

Cities With Worst Commutes
 Cities With Worst Commutes 

Cities With Worst Commutes

Surprise, surprise: New York City is No. 1

(Newser) - It takes the average American 25.3 minutes to get to work, whether by car or public transportation, according to new Census figures. But some cities are worse than others, and MarketWatch pulls out the 10 top offenders:
  1. New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island: 34.6 minutes
  2. Washington-Arlington-Alexandria: 33.9 minutes

11 Weird Things Banned by Governments

You might be annoyed by emo clothes, but Russia actually banned them

(Newser) - It's not just San Francisco that likes banning weird things : Oddee rounds up 11 notable examples from around the world:
  • Porn with small boobs: No A-cup porn films are allowed in Australia. Why? Because, lobbying groups argued, men who prefer such films are secretly into child porn.
  • The two-dimensional

New College Rankings: An Ivy Deadheat

Harvard, Princeton top universities list

(Newser) - US News and World Report has released its latest college rankings, and it’s full of the usual suspects, with Harvard, Princeton, and Yale topping the list; not much has changed since last year . Among liberal arts colleges , Williams, Amherst, and Swarthmore lead the pack. The magazine also presents...

Melbourne Ousts Vancouver as Top Place to Live

Australia and Canada dominate the list

(Newser) - Dear readers, we have a question for you: Why don’t you live in Canada or Australia? Because apparently those are the world’s bestest places to live, according to an annual study from the Economist Intelligence Unit , which rates cities from around the world based on factors like political...

4 Products Going the Way of the Dodo

Bar soap, antiperspirant spray wane in popularity

(Newser) - Another casualty of the recession could be your favorite deodorant: As consumers flock toward store brands and stores in turn look to downsize, the result is the death of some of America's best-known consumer products, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports. "As we shrink the size of stores, a number...

Worst Summer Blockbusters Ever

Sorry, Transformers fans

(Newser) - The summer blockbuster: proof that, when it comes to movies, budget is often inversely proportional to quality. In Time , Everett Rosenfeld and Gilbert Cruz reflect on the worst of the worst:
  1. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: Director Michael Bay’s only priority: explosions.
  2. Star Wars: Episode IThe Phantom Menace:

20 Most Toxic States
 20 Most Toxic States 

20 Most Toxic States

Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida at the top

(Newser) - Ohio accounts for more air pollution than any other state, according to a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council spotted by LiveScience . The state's power plants pumped out 44.5 million pounds of chemicals in 2009, or 12% of all US industrial air pollution. Overall, US power...

19 Most Hated Companies
 19 Most Hated Companies 

19 Most Hated Companies

Surprise: Arilines and telecoms make the cut

(Newser) - Ask someone which American company they most loathe, and chances are they'll struggle to pick just one: The Atlantic rounds up the "19 Most Hated Companies in America" based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index. Airlines, telecoms, and power companies make frequent appearances. Some of the worst offenders:...

US's Next Boom Towns: Cities to Prosper Most in 10 Years to Come
 Next Decade's Boom Towns 

Next Decade's Boom Towns

Winners were cities with high job creation, immigration

(Newser) - Which towns will prosper the most in the next 10 years? Forbes Magazine runs down the 52 biggest cities in the US in terms of future vitality, job growth, increase in population of children, and immigration numbers. The winners:
  1. Austin, Texas: High immigration and a good reputation among educated workers

Nerdiest Colleges in America: MIT, CIT lead the way
 US Colleges 

Nerdiest US Colleges

MIT, CIT lead the way

(Newser) - While some colleges are known for their sports teams or ability to party, others make time to observe Pi Day (3/14, of course), run scientific studies on campus graffiti, design campus-wide (literally) Rube Goldberg machines, and pump up their students by playing Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries during finals...

Top 10 Really Trippy Movies
 Top 10 Really Trippy Movies 

Top 10 Really Trippy Movies

Salon's list includes a surprise appearance by Porky Pig

(Newser) - If the goal of movies is to provide viewers with an escape from their everyday lives, then these movies offer that, with an extra hallucinogenic slap in the face. Salon set out to find the 10 Trippiest Movies Ever Made, and Matt Zoller Seitz's collection has everything from Disney...

5 Artificial Noises You Hear Daily

The labor behind tricking our ears and minds

(Newser) - You’d probably never think of sound as strategic, but engineers and developers in a number of industries have discovered that people respond positively to … well, fake sounds. But whether it’s a satisfying clunk of closing a car door, or the reassuring whirr of the dollar bill deposit...

LeBron James Basketball: Dumbest Quotes of His Career

 LeBron's Dumbest Quotes 
The King Has Spoken

LeBron's Dumbest Quotes

Trust us, there are a lot of them

(Newser) - LeBron James has been called one of basketball’s greatest since his high school days, and we’d probably have no problem believing it—if he didn’t open his mouth so much. In fact, his ugly reaction to Miami Heat's homecourt loss in the 2011 finals is just...

List: 8 Dumbest Things in Sports
 8 Dumbest Things in Sports 

8 Dumbest Things in Sports

... and Tiger Woods sex coverage makes the cut

(Newser) - America has a complicated relationship with sports—a constant source for entertainment, but also a whole lot of stuff to make you scratch your head and say, "Huh?" Bleacher Report compiles eight such head-scratchers from fans. A sampling:
  • Baseball's designated hitter: "A pitcher who doesn't have

5 Myths About Your Brain
 5 Myths About Your Brain 

5 Myths About Your Brain

No, we don't just use 10% of the thing

(Newser) - The brain is much mythologized in mainstream culture—so much so that many believed “facts” are actually fiction, reports the Smithsonian:
  1. We use just 10% of our brains. Nope, brains scans show that even basic tasks use a large portion of the brain—and even a small brain injury

Stories 1221 - 1240 | << Prev   Next >>