
Stories 1261 - 1280 | << Prev   Next >>

10 Terribly Named Sequels
 10 Terribly Named Sequels 
the dark knight ... rises?

10 Terribly Named Sequels

'The Dark Knight Rises' is lame ... but far from the worst

(Newser) - Drum roll, please: The sequel to The Dark Knight will be named ... The Dark Knight Rises. "How thoroughly underwhelming," complains Katie Calautti for Newsweek —while acknowledging it could be much, much worse. She runs down the 10 most pathetic attempts at creativity in the last 20 years...

10 Phrases That Need to Die
 10 Phrases That Need to Die 

10 Phrases That Need to Die

I am so above all the drama. Literally.

(Newser) - If you haven't said at least one of these, oh, at least 128 times in casual conversation, you should check that you still have a pulse. Because most of us can't avoid uttering them time and time again, and it just needs to stop, writes Alida Nugent on her Frenemy...

The World's Grossest Beers

As decided by the brew experts at

(Newser) - It seems there's good reason why Natty Light is just one letter away from Nasty Light: The beer (officially called Natural Light) is No. 3 on's list of the 50 worst beers on the planet. The beer experts write, "We provide this list in the name of...

15 Signs You're Destined to Be Rich

Blond prom queens luck out

(Newser) - The Daily Beast has turned its list-making prowess to wealth, following up articles on how to know you'll get married ... or cheat ... with one that outlines 15 signs that you'll be rich. Cross your fingers, and read on:
  1. It's good to be good looking: Attractive men earn 9% more than

Bachmann Rules House Wingnuts Index

Steve King, Louie Gohmert not far behind among fringe congressmen

(Newser) - A week after releasing its Senate Wingnut Index , the Daily Beast investigates wingnuttery in the House. Using a “semi-scientific” process to identify the most extreme members on both sides of the spectrum, the site ranks them:
  1. Michele Bachmann (R-MN): From calling the president “anti-American” to warning of tyranny,

7 Things You Should Really Stop Taking Photos Of

Boring vacation scenery pictures, for one

(Newser) - Listen up: 11-photo-long spreads of the French toast you made for breakfast are boring. Are you trying to shove your cooking skills in our face, or are you really concerned about, 30 years from now, forgetting every meal you ate? The Oatmeal unleashes its graphic wisdom on six other subjects...

Romantic Movie Moves That Can Land You in Prison

Tying him to the bed is not a good idea

(Newser) - Everything we need to know about life we can learn from studying the repertoires of Katherine Heigl and Hugh Grant, right? Maybe not. Cracked points out six romantic acts that are a staple of cinema—and can saddle get real-life imitators jail time.
  1. Tearing through the airport: It worked in

America's 75 Worst Commutes
 America's 75 Worst Commutes 
Dept. of Road Rage

America's 75 Worst Commutes

How does your 'highway to hell' rank?

(Newser) - We all know LA has a traffic problem, but Honolulu? It's No. 2 in the nation, finds the Daily Beast , which crunched the numbers to rank America's 75 worst commutes. Some of the highlights:
  • No. 3, Capital Beltway, Washington, DC: This slow moving route totals an average of 194 hours

10 Celebs Who OD'd and Lived

Fantasia isn't the only lucky one

(Newser) - DJ AM, Janis Joplin, Heath Ledger, Judy Garland: The list of stars lost to drug overdoses is a long one . Happily, there's also a roster of celebrities who OD'd and lived. As a follow-up to Fantasia's aspirin/sleeping pill incident , The Frisky runs down 10 celebs who did just that.
  • Eminem:

15 Signs You'll Get Married
 15 Signs You'll Get Married 

15 Signs You'll Get Married

Are you smart? That's a good start.

(Newser) - Worried you’ll never get married? Good news: If you’re a woman living in the US, your chances of getting hitched before 40 are 86%. Men in the US? A still-hopeful 81%. Anneli Rufus runs down 14 more signs you’ll tie the knot, in the Daily Beast :
  • Intelligence

Stop Playing These 10 Wedding Songs

Sure, 'At Last' is Romantic...But Also Sappy, Overdone

(Newser) - Dreading the next wedding you have to attend because of the likelihood you’ll hear “Celebration” out on the dance floor at some point? Well, just to make you even more anxious, Time lists the 10 most overplayed wedding songs:
  • Etta James, "At Last:" "'My lonely

100 Baby Names That Are Truly Unique
 100 Baby Names 
 That Are Truly 
no 'sloane' here

100 Baby Names That Are Truly Unique

Publishing them will probably make them less unique...

(Newser) - You want to give your baby a truly unique name...and think "Juniper" might do the trick. Think again. Plenty of "hipster choices" lurk below the list of the Top 1000 baby names—for now—but "Juniper" will be the next "Sloane" soon enough, and your...

16 Awful TV Spinoffs
 16 Awful TV Spinoffs 

16 Awful TV Spinoffs

Joanie Loves Chachi, but this list doesn't

(Newser) - PopCrunch rounds up 16 of the worst TV spinoffs of all time: Here's a sampling:
  • Joanie Loves Chachi: "A mewling stillborn abomination that starred two people who obviously hated each other." Happy Days deserved better.
  • Galactica 1980: Bad acting and a lame plot doomed this spinoff of the

How Not to Be Boring
 How Not to 
 Be Boring 

How Not to Be Boring

Esquire's advice on keeping things interesting

(Newser) - Are you a bit of a dullard? Me, too. Thankfully, the folks at Esquire have put together a guide to being cool. Well, cooler. Here are some of their tips for the socially challenged:
  • First of all, just don't be boring: If what you're saying is making your own eyes

Minnesota Town Tops List of Best Places to Live in US

Eden Prairie beats out suburbs of Washington, Boston, Seattle

(Newser) - If you follow the advice of Money magazine, you'll want to live in a non-diverse suburb of a not-too-gritty city. The top five places to live are Eden Prairie, Minn.; Columbia, Md.; Newton, Mass.; Bellevue, Wash.; and McKinney, Texas. The rest of the list is dominated by more suburbs and...

15 Things That Raise Your Chance of Divorce

No. 1: Getting married before age 18

(Newser) - You don't need a Magic 8 Ball to predict whether your marriage will make it. Using data from a number of studies, Anneli Rufus pulled together 15 facts about you and your spouse's age, kids, and health that all point to the same conclusion: Outlook not so good. She shares...

12 Craziest Plastic Surgery Procedures
 12 Craziest 
 Plastic Surgery 
get dimples like these

12 Craziest Plastic Surgery Procedures

Dimpleplasty, eyebrow transplants, and other wacky stuff

(Newser) - Think Heidi Montag, with her laundry list of plastic surgery procedures, is a wackadoo? Her boob job and brow lift may seem downright pedestrian compared to these 12 totally crazy kinds of plastic surgery, compiled by the Daily Beast :
  1. Dimpleplasty: It sounds just like what it is: a procedure that

10 Best Albums Of 2010
 10 Best Albums Of 2010 
so far

10 Best Albums Of 2010

This year has been a bummer, but the music's good

(Newser) - As the first half of 2010 draws to a close, James Montgomery lists his 10 favorite albums of the year—so far—for MTV :
  • Kate Nash: “My Best Friend Is You represents Kate Nash at her most scattershot, squeaky and downright smart,” he writes. She’s made “

5 Deadliest Honeymoon Spots
 5 Deadliest Honeymoon Spots  

5 Deadliest Honeymoon Spots

Gun violence, bombings, and spiders, oh my!

(Newser) - The most dangerous thing you should do on your honeymoon is order a fourth daiquiri. AolNews helps ensure that's the case by sharing the 5 most dangerous honeymoon spots. Avoid, or tread wisely:
  1. Mexico: John and Jackie Kennedy hit up Acapulco as newlyweds, but you may not want to—a

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes
 The 50 States' Grossest Dishes 
that's a doughnut bun

The 50 States' Grossest Dishes

From reindeer fat ice cream to 2-foot-long hot dogs

(Newser) - Some states are pudgier than others—here's looking at you, Texas—but none escapes this list of beloved yet fat-filled dishes. tracked down the worst offender in each of the flabby 50:
  • Alaska: Eskimo Ice Cream, a mix of blackberries and salmon berries—in reindeer fat and seal

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