
Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>

Book Tour Shows Palin Hitting a Nerve
 Book Tour Shows Palin 
 Hitting a Nerve  

Book Tour Shows Palin Hitting a Nerve

'Going Rogue' phenomenon may foreshadow something bigger

(Newser) - Just 5 days into her book tour, first-time author Sarah Palin is attracting crowds so huge and adoring that they're feeding speculation about her political future. The philosophy that moved one fan to call her "the female Ronald Reagan" is nothing new, experts tell Erika Bolstad of the Anchorage ...

In Piling On Palin, Liberals Make Fools of Themselves

...and legitimize her as a true rogue

(Newser) - Watching liberals vilify Sarah Palin all over again bothers Lee Siegel. He finds her terrifying as a political prospect—"some of her positions, like her religious opposition to health-care reform and her opposition to stem-cell research, strike me as just shy of sociopathic"—but as an American story,...

Post Office Drops North Pole Letter Program

Cancellation infuriates Santa's helpers in Alaska town

(Newser) - Furious North Pole residents are accusing the Postal Service of playing Grinch by ending its letters to Santa program—because it attracted a sex offender. Since 1954, the Postal Service has happily sent letters to Santa to North Pole, Alaska, where volunteers respond and mail them back with a North...

Palin Memoir: I Inspired Obama's 'Change'

Palin suggests Dem's '08 adviser lifted Alaska strategy

(Newser) - Sarah Palin believes she might deserve some of the credit for President Obama's victory but not in the way some people in the McCain camp would have it. In Going Rogue, Palin points to her campaign for Alaska governor as having used the "Change" theme and suggests she may...

Palin on Fey's Parody: 'I Thought It Was Me'

McCain campaign worried 'SNL' visit could be 'atrocious'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin appeared on Saturday Night Live to "neutralize" the effect of Tina Fey’s scathing impression, the former Alaska governor tells Oprah Winfrey. The campaign was “apprehensive” about having her appear on the show, thinking such an appearance could be "potentially atrocious." But Palin pushed...

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

 'The Wasilla 
 Reads My 

'The Wasilla Whack-Job' Reads My Blog!

Sarah Palin's threat of a libel suit goes a bit awry

(Newser) - Back in the day, public figures were cautioned not to pick fights with people who bought ink by the barrel—namely, newspaper publishers. In the age of the blogger, it's more important to guard against fueling your antagonists with the 21st-century version of ink: attention. Paging Sarah Palin: "The...

Limbaugh Loves Palin Memoir

 Limbaugh Loves 
 Palin Memoir 
meeting of the minds

Limbaugh Loves Palin Memoir

Right wing's leading light heaps praise on new book

(Newser) - Introducing into the public discourse the possibility that he has never read a book about policy, Rush Limbaugh today described Sarah Palin's forthcoming memoir, Going Rogue, as "truly one of the most substantive policy books I've read." He continued, "This woman, Gov. Palin, clearly is jazzed by...

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous
Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

Truth-Twisting Palin Just Gets More Dangerous

New 'author' irresistible to both right and left: parody editors

(Newser) - Sarah Palin remains a major player on the national stage because "neither the left nor the right can get enough of her," write Richard Kim and Betsy Reed, the editors of Going Rouge, the parody that comes out the same day as the former Alaska governor's memoir, Going ...

Levi Gets Naked for Shoot
 Levi Gets Naked for Shoot 
full moon over alaska

Levi Gets Naked for Shoot

He poses in the buff with a hockey stick

(Newser) - It's the Levi Johnston update the world's been waiting on: He does indeed get naked for Playgirl. Writes Brian Moylan at Gawker: "We have confirmation from the set of Levi's Playgirl shoot that he has just posed naked with a hockey stick." The source relays that "his...

Palin's Book Will Settle Scores With McCain Aides

Details dribbling out; 5 'very long' chapters

(Newser) - Can't wait to find out what's in Sarah Palin's Going Rogue? It's not out until next Tuesday, but Mark Halperin has some info at his political blog at Time. The book has:
  • The names of McCain aides she believes undermined her candidacy.
  • Lots of scorn for the media.
  • A testimonial

Feds' Lone Dog-Mushing Job Opens Up

Must like Alaskan wilderness, dog poop and bureaucracy

(Newser) - Love dogs? Pristine Alaska wilderness? Then you’ll be pleased to learn that the lone federal dog-mushing job is open. The position at Denali National Park pays up to $66,542 (plus cost-of-living adjustment), but it’s not all easy sledding. The kennel manager is in charge of 31 dogs,...

Palin Renews 'Death Panels' Argument

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has returned to her Facebook soapbox to reinvigorate the "death panels" meme she helped popularize. "We had been told there were no 'death panels' in the bill," says an essay posted to the former Alaska governor's page. "But look closely at the provision mandating...

Obama to Honor Veterans During Alaska Visit

First visit to chilly 49th state a refueling stop en route to Asia

(Newser) - President Obama will visit Alaska next week for the first time, stopping at Elmendorf Air Force Base to observe Veterans Day with base personnel while Air Force One refuels. Like most recent presidents, Obama will visit Alaska en route to Asia, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The president would like...

Palins Won't Split Up: Biographer
 Palins Won't 
 Split Up: Biographer 
as wasilla turns

Palins Won't Split Up: Biographer

Sarah and Todd are building a 'summer White House'

(Newser) - Some oracles read tea leaves; Sarah Palin's biographer tells the future from home construction. "They're building another house and an airplane hangar," author Joe McGinniss, just back from Wasilla, tells Rush & Molloy of the Daily News . "Just based on the size of the compound, I'd say...

I'll Sue Palins Over Custody: Levi
 I'll Sue Palins
 Over Custody: Levi 
as wasilla turns

I'll Sue Palins Over Custody: Levi

'I'm up to the point where I can't see my kid again,' says Tripp's dad

(Newser) - Levi Johnston says he's “definitely” going to court over custody issues concerning Tripp, his son with Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol. "I'm up to the point where I can't see my kid again. I'm done. I'm sure we'll end up in court,” Johnston tells the Guardian , explaining that...

Feds Pitch Polar Bear Habitat

Critics complain move doesn't address main threats

(Newser) - The federal government has proposed designating 200,000 square miles of land, sea, and ice in northern Alaska as a critical habitat for polar bears. The move is "one step in the right direction to help this species stave off extinction," said an Interior Department official. He acknowledged,...

Palin Wades Back Into Health Care Debate

On Facebook, former Alaska gov picks apart Baucus bill

(Newser) - With less than a month to go before the release of her memoir, Sarah Palin has weighed in on the health care debate, opining that the authors of the Baucus bill "no doubt have good intentions, but good intentions aren’t enough." Furthermore, the effort in general "...

Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin
 Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin

Drill, Baby, Drill!: Palin

Renewable energy, domestic oil development are complementary

(Newser) - Even as the US develops renewable-energy sources and cars that don’t need gas, it’s important to recognize that petroleum will be a part of our lives for some time, writes Sarah Palin. And as long as we need it, we should be getting as much as possible from...

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers
Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Palin Memoir a Gift to Booksellers

Going Rogue likely to continue trend of hits from right-wing figures

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s memoir is expected sell so well that it will singlehandedly boost the fortunes of the ailing book business. The book is already topping preorder lists, and publisher Harper plans an extensive slate of promotional appearances to make full use the former Alaska governor's drawing power. "They...

Alaska Democrats Complain of Palin Email Cover-Up

Year-old requests still unfilled

(Newser) - Democrats have been waiting more than a year for officials to release the thousands of Sarah Palin’s emails, and they’re starting to get suspicious. “I think they’re hiding something, I think this is a travesty of justice,” says the state’s Democratic Party chairwoman. “...

Stories 681 - 700 | << Prev   Next >>