
Stories 861 - 880 | << Prev   Next >>

Alaskans Give Stevens Hero's Welcome

After corruption conviction, GOP senator begins 5-day marathon reelection bid

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Stevens returned home to Alaska to jump-start his reelection campaign yesterday, proclaiming his innocence and asking for the votes of 500 supporters at a rally. “Like most people, I'm not perfect,” said the 84-year-old Republican, who plans to appeal his conviction on federal corruption charges, the...

GOP Ticket Agrees: Stevens Must Go

Alaska governor stopped short on state's senior senator, now toes nominee's line

(Newser) - John McCain and Sarah Palin delivered Ted Stevens a synchronized shooing toward the Senate door today, Politico reports. McCain said  the 84-year-old Republican senator, convicted yesterday of corruption, “should now step down,” while Palin—who stopped short last night of urging her fellow Alaskan to resign—said today...

Defiant Stevens Restarts Campaign, Pending Appeal

Republican plans to hit campaign trail touting record, blasting feds

(Newser) - Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens returns home tomorrow to campaign for reelection after being convicted on felony corruption charges yesterday; his team vows a "nonstop, very aggressive" effort, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Stevens enjoys deep loyalty in the state, particularly in rural areas, where he’s brought billions of...

Stevens Sunk by His Own Testimony
Stevens Sunk
by His Own Testimony

Stevens Sunk by His Own Testimony

Senator came across as evasive, combative in cross-examination

(Newser) - Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens' decision not to take the Fifth in his corruption trial was a bold gamble that backfired, the Hill writes. The Republican came across as "evasive and combative" under tough questioning on the stand, hurting his credibility and adding weight to the prosecution's argument that...

Jury Finds Stevens Guilty on All Counts
 Jury Finds Stevens 
 Guilty on All Counts 

Jury Finds Stevens Guilty on All Counts

(Newser) - After 5 hours of deliberations, a federal jury found Ted Stevens guilty today on all seven corruption counts against him. Coming just before Election Day, the felony convictions cloud the political future of the 84-year-old Republican, who has represented Alaska in the Senate since 1968. As the foreman read the...

Alaska Paper Picks Obama
 Alaska Paper Picks Obama 

Alaska Paper Picks Obama

Anchorage Daily News is wary of both McCain and Palin

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has accomplished a lot and has brought unexpected recognition to Alaska, but for the presidency, Barack Obama is "a clear choice" for the Anchorage Daily News. John McCain has abandoned his maverick positions to curry conservative favor, and the demands of the White House would "stretch...

Palin's 'Reforms' Include State Jobs for Donors

Governor's appointees include loyalists with iffy qualifications

(Newser) - Sarah Palin has touted herself as a reformer, telling voters she "took on the old politics as usual in Juneau." But an LA Times investigation shows the Alaska governor gave more than 100 state jobs to campaign contributors and their relatives, many of whom lacked qualifications for...

Death in Juror's Family Puts Stevens Trial on Hold

Jury sent home as deliberations grind closer to Election Day

(Newser) - Deliberations in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens were halted again today when the judge sent the jury home following the death of a juror’s father, Politico reports. The juror flew to California, and it’s unknown whether she’ll return for deliberations. This latest delay pushes...

Palin Charged Alaska $21K for Children's Travel

Uninvited children were said to be on 'official business'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin billed the state of Alaska repeatedly for costs incurred by her children accompanying her on trips, sometimes altering expense reports to indicate that they were on official business even though they were not invited, an investigation by the AP finds. Palin charged the state a total of $21,...

Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands
 Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands 

Stevens' Fate in Jury's Hands

Deliberations to begin Wednesday

(Newser) - The jury in the corruption trial of Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens will begin deliberating tomorrow, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Prosecutors urged the jury to use common sense to conclude that $250,000 in gifts received by the powerful senator were bribes. His defense counsel told jurors that evidence against...

Stevens Testimony Ends Bitterly

Senator's third day on stand includes usual measure of barbed encounters

(Newser) - The prosecution got tough, and Ted Stevens testy, on the senator’s last day of testimony in his Washington corruption trial, the Hill reports. The prosecution challenged Stevens with emails that seemed to undercut assertions he knew nothing of gifts allegedly given to him by oil boss Bill Allen. At...

Alaskan Blacks Call Palin Insensitive

(Newser) - Black leaders in Alaska say it's no surprise to see Sarah Palin sparking debate over race on the campaign trail, the AP reports. "She has no sensitivity to minorities," said a black Baptist minister who has urged her to hire more people of color. Another likened her supporters...

Palin Can't Keep Beluga Off Endangered List

Whale population just won't rebound

(Newser) - The beluga whales living in Alaska’s Cook Inlet were declared an endangered species yesterday over Sarah Palin’s vehement objections, the New York Times reports. The beluga population was cut almost in half during the late '90s, and hasn’t recovered despite a wave of new protections. But Palin...

Prosecution, Stevens Tangle
 Prosecution, Stevens Tangle 

Prosecution, Stevens Tangle

Alaska senator's temper emerges under cross-examination

(Newser) - The defense rested in the Ted Stevens corruption trial this afternoon, and the famously feisty senator then submitted to cross-examination. After 5 hours of friendly guidance from his own lawyers, the lead prosecutor's rapid-fire questioning didn't sit well, Politico reports. “I’m not going to get in the middle...

Alaskans Weigh Impact of New High Profile

Palin's southern exposure may drive increased tourism

(Newser) - Will America’s favorite moose-field-dressing expert draw more visitors to her wintry home state? Alaska’s sudden burst of Palin-centric publicity has some travel agents salivating, the Anchorage Daily News reports; every misty mountain vista that shows up on CNN is a win. But others worry that the increasingly controversial...

Stevens: Wife Was in Charge of House

Sen. testifies that he asked for all renovation bills, and thought he paid for everything

(Newser) - Ted Stevens was out of the loop on his home renovation, preferring to let his wife handle financial details, the Hill reports. In testimony today in Washington, the senator said he was only at the cabin for two days in 2000 while renovations were ongoing. He also said he thought...

Stevens Takes Stand, Denies Shady Deals

Alaska senator rebuffs charges he got free construction work

(Newser) - Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens took the stand today in his own defense and denied scheming to hide $250,000 in home improvements and other gifts from a corrupt businessman. When asked by his lawyer whether he thought his Senate disclosure forms were accurate when he signed them, the Alaska political...

Stevens' Wife Denies Impropriety

Catherine Stevens says she thought oil workers were part of construction crew

(Newser) - Ted Stevens’ wife, testifying at the Alaska senator’s Washington corruption trial today, said she didn’t know that two men working on a home renovation were oil-company employees, the Anchorage Daily News reports. Catherine Stevens, herself a lawyer, often spoke directly to the jury as the defense pushed its...

Friend of Stevens Bullied Contractor Into Eating $13K Bill

'Think of it as a political contribution,' pal said

(Newser) - An Alaska oil exec told a carpenter working on renovations to Sen. Ted Stevens home that he would have to “eat” a final $13,393 bill, the Anchorage Daily News reports. The carpenter, Augie Paone, took the stand in Stevens’ corruption trial today in Washington, telling the court that...

Stevens May Testify Tomorrow
 Stevens May Testify Tomorrow 

Stevens May Testify Tomorrow

Wife could also take stand in senator's corruption trial

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Stevens appears likely to testify tomorrow as part of his defense against corruption charges, Reuters reports. The Alaska Republican, charged with failing to disclose $250,000 gifts from oil firms, told a Washington court today he understood he was not legally required to testify. Stevens’ wife, Catherine, may...

Stories 861 - 880 | << Prev   Next >>