Melania Trump

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Melania Fails to Take Trump's Hand, and Internet Notices

First lady was apparently not interested on airport tarmac

(Newser) - Innocent flub? Public diss? Either way, President Trump and wife Melania provided an unintentionally buzzy moment upon their arrival in Tel Aviv. Watch it via this video clip from the newspaper Haaretz. It shows the president reaching back to take wife Melania's hand on the airport tarmac and then...

No Headscarf for Melania, Ivanka Despite Trump Tweet

'They were insulted. We have enuf enemies'

(Newser) - Neither Melania nor Ivanka Trump wore a headscarf after arriving in Saudi Arabia for President Trump's first trip abroad, the BBC reports. In fact, none of the women in the president's entourage wore one. It turns out that while sharia law requires Saudi women to wear a headscarf,...

Trumps Break With Tradition on Barron's New School

He'll go to St. Andrew's, the first modern-day first kid to not attend Sidwell Friends

(Newser) - Melania and Barron Trump are prepping for their big move to the nation's capital from New York City, where they remained after President Trump's inauguration so the 11-year-old could finish out the school year. And the Washington Post reports Barron's new school has been chosen: St. Andrew’...

Melania Trump Wanted $150M From Tabloid, Got $3M

Settlement with 'Daily Mail' paper and site did get her retractions and an apology, though

(Newser) - Melania Trump just made the Daily Mail and Mail Online pay up on her libel claims. Per the Guardian , the newspaper and website have apologized and fully retracted and withdrawn "false and defamatory" allegations about the first lady made in an article originally published last August, a statement noted...

Here Is the First Lady's Official Portrait

Melania Trump was photographed at the White House

(Newser) - The White House released First Lady Melania Trump's official portrait Monday. Not much information was given about the photo beyond the fact that it was "taken in her new residence at the White House." "I am honored to serve in the role of First Lady, and...

First White House Tourists of Trump Era Get Surprise

1600 Pennsylvania Ave. reopened to visitors Tuesday

(Newser) - Until Tuesday, the White House had been closed to tourists since President Trump's inauguration—and when it re-opened Tuesday, Trump himself made sure to greet the first visitors who arrived for tours. Fox News video shows the president surprising one group of people who cheered wildly as he brought...

At Trump Rally, Shades of His Campaign

President revisits familiar themes, says 'life is a campaign'

(Newser) - Just four weeks into his administration, President Trump appeared at a campaign rally that mirrored the months leading up to Election Day, complete with promises to repeal the health care law, insults for the news media, and a playlist highlighted by the Rolling Stones. "I want to be among...

Times Reporter Owns Up to Calling Melania Trump 'Hooker'

Jacob Bernstein apologizes, calls it a 'stupid remark'

(Newser) - The New York Times reporter who called Melania Trump a hooker during a conversation with a supermodel at New York Fashion Week has come forward. "Speaking at a party in what I thought was a personal conversation, I nevertheless made a stupid remark about the first lady," tweeted...

White House Restarting Tours After Lawmakers Complain

First lady Melania Trump makes the announcment

(Newser) - Following a longer-than-usual delay, the White House will be back open for tours next month. First lady Melania Trump announced Tuesday that the tours will resume on March 7, per ABC 7 . White House tours are typically halted when a new president takes office, but a seven-week interruption is out...

NYT Reporter Told Off for Melania 'Hooker' Comment

Supermodel called reporter out for 'slut-shaming'

(Newser) - Referring to the first lady as a prostitute is not OK, a New York Times reporter was told by the paper after being called out by supermodel Emily Ratajkowski. She tweeted Monday that she'd been told "Melania is a hooker" by the reporter at a New York Fashion...

Melania's 'Once in a Lifetime' Chance Marred by Mail: Suit

First lady says article alleging she was an escort hurt her chance to make millions

(Newser) - Melania Trump isn't just miffed at the Daily Mail for making her look bad with its phony story of her being an escort in the past—she's upset the paper cost her "multi-million dollar business relationships" during a "multi-year term" in which she'd be "...

Melania Has Hired a Chief of Staff, but Little Else

Melania Has
Hired a Chief of
Staff, but Little

Melania Has Hired a Chief of Staff, but Little Else

Everyone's wondering how she'll make the first lady role her own

(Newser) - Melania Trump is holed up in New York City until at least the end of son Barron's school year, already redefining the role of first lady. The New York Times reports on that upended role, and whether Melania will even play much of one at all, noting it was...

Melania, Barron Won't Immediately Move to DC

Sources say the 4th grader will finish out the school year in NYC

(Newser) - The New York Post first reported on Melania and Barron Trump's post-election plans, and now NBC News echos the newspaper: Sources say the two will not accompany Donald Trump to the White House in the immediate aftermath of his Jan. 20 inauguration, but will rather remain largely in Trump...

Documents Reveal Melania Worked Illegally in US

AP says she took modeling jobs while on visitor visa

(Newser) - Unwelcome news for the Trump campaign days ahead of the election: According to documents unearthed by the AP , Melania Trump worked illegally in the US for a few weeks in 1996, earning $20,056 for 10 modelling jobs. According to the documents, which the AP says it has been seeking...

Media Points Out Melania Trump's Ironic Goals as First Lady

She'd focus on cyberbullying

(Newser) - Melania Trump gave a rare campaign speech Thursday—her first since the Republican National Convention—that Jezebel notes was "rich with apparently unnoticed irony." Talking about what she'll focus on as first lady, Trump said she wants to stop bullying on social media and be an "...

Melania Trump Goes On Offensive for Her Husband

Says he was egged on by host Billy Bush in hot mic comments

(Newser) - Melania Trump has kept a low profile since the GOP convention, but she's suddenly taking a more aggressive role on behalf of her husband. In interviews with CNN and Fox News , the wife of Donald Trump said she has accepted his apology over the language he used in his...

Weirdest Factoid of Debate: Melania's Blouse

Trump campaign swears Mrs. Trump's 'pussy-bow' shirt wasn't intentional troll

(Newser) - Melania Trump, master troller? While what Donald Trump's wife was wearing during the "ugliest debate in American history" at first glance didn't seem newsworthy, it's now creating buzz based on name alone, the Hill reports. There was no "wardrobe malfunction," but Melania's bright...

Trump: &#39;Zero Chance&#39; I&#39;ll Quit
Trump: 'Zero Chance' I'll Quit

Trump: 'Zero Chance' I'll Quit

'I'm not quitting this race'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has a message for those calling on him to drop out of the race after his videotape scandal : There is "zero chance I'll quit," he tells the Wall Street Journal . He expresses a similar sentiment to the Washington Post : “I’d never withdraw. I’...

Melania Trump Sues Daily Mail Over Escort Claims

She's seeking $150M in libel damages

(Newser) - Melania Trump is taking on the Daily Mail—armed with the lawyer who brought down Gawker . Attorney Charles Harder announced Thursday that Trump is suing the British newspaper and US blogger Webster Tarpley for libel over claims that she worked as an escort in the '90s, the BBC reports....

Polls Show Trump Is in Trouble
 Polls Suggest  
 Trump Is in Trouble 

Polls Suggest Trump Is in Trouble

McClatchy puts Clinton 15 points ahead

(Newser) - Even somebody with Donald Trump's knack for PR will have a hard time portraying these poll numbers as terrific. According to the latest McClatchy -Marist poll, he's now 15 points behind Clinton, who has a 48% to 33% lead and has made gains among all major groups, including...

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