John Thune

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Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012
Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Senate GOP Quizzes Base About 2012

Potential nominee: John McCain (yes, that John McCain)

(Newser) - Republicans, are you ready to repeat the McCain-Obama showdown? No? Well, the National Republican Senatorial Committee figured it ought to check, just to be sure. The NRSC, which you would think would be busy working on 2010 Senate campaigns, sent a questionnaire to its supporters asking which presidential candidate they’...

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future
Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Unassuming Thune Could Be GOP's Future

Nice-guy populist eyed as 2012 contender

(Newser) - The junior senator from South Dakota is starting to get a lot of attention from the less hysterical sections of the GOP as the party seeks to build on recent successes, writes David Brooks . John Thune never sounds like he's auditioning for a spot on talk radio, but instead puts...

Defense Dept. Opposed Anti-Rape Rule for Contractors

But lefties ripped GOP senators for nay votes

(Newser) - When 30 Republicans voted against an Al Franken amendment prohibiting defense contractors from forcing their employees to agree not to sue if they’re raped, Jon Stewart and liberals everywhere went ballistic. But those 30 Republicans weren’t alone, the Huffington Post reports; the Defense Department opposed the amendment as...

GOP Plans Stall Tactics for Health Bill Fight

Opponents hope long debate will force voters to 'understand this thing'

(Newser) - Lacking the votes for a filibuster and increasingly resigned to the fact that Democrats will stand united, GOP senators have a novel strategy to stall the health care reform bill: They’re going to stall it however they can. The Democratic plan “is inconsistent with the American people,”...

Senate Dems Bring Down Concealed-Weapons Measure

Schumer leads effort to quash Thune amendment

(Newser) - Senate Democrats today narrowly defeated a measure that would have let concealed weapons be transported across state lines, the Hill reports. The amendment, which required 60 votes to pass according to a prior, bipartisan agreement, went down 58-39. Sen. Charles Schumer and majority whip Dick Durbin fought hard to drum...

Thune Takes Ensign's GOP Leadership Post

Policy Committee slot is No. 4 in party's Senate hierarchy

(Newser) - Republicans today elected Sen. John Thune to the leadership post vacated by Sen. John Ensign, who stepped down after admitting last week to an extramarital affair with a campaign aide. Thune will lead the Senate Republican Policy Committee, the No. 4 position in the leadership, and play a role in...

GOP Rivals Slowly Emerge for 2012 Battle

Barbour, Pawlenty only the first to begin making political waves

(Newser) - The 2008 presidential campaign was one of the longest in history, but be prepared: As the Washington Post reports, the 2012 race may be even longer. With the Republican Party at its weakest point in decades, possible challengers to Barack Obama are already scrambling for position. The latest: Mississippi governor...

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby
 Romney Takes Lead
 in VP Derby 

Romney Takes Lead in VP Derby

Insiders excited about Romney's fundraising talents, conservative cred

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is today's top candidate to fill out John McCain’s ticket, Politico reports. The ex-Massachusetts governor has conservative cred, Michigan roots, fundraising chops—and not much chemistry with McCain. McCain hopes to wait out Barack Obama and see the Democratic ticket before announcing his choice, a play one...

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?
 Who Are They Eyeing for VP? 

Who Are They Eyeing for VP?

Blogger runs down likely veep candidates for Obama and McCain

(Newser) - “Since McCain and Obama appear to have the nominations locked up,” it's time to start eyeing the veepstakes, Chris Cillizza writes in The Fix blog. Here are his top three for each presumptive nominee, GOP first:
  1. Tim Pawlenty: The Minnesota governor is a longtime McCain backer, and widely

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