
Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>

Republicans Happier Than Democrats

Polls also show old happier than young

(Newser) - If you believe the polls, Republicans are consistently happier than Democrats. In a recent Pew survey, 45% of Republicans said they were happy, compared to only 30% of Democrats—and they've been on top since 1972. So the Daily Beast decided to look at some other happiness polls, to find...

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help
 Democrats, Blaming 
 This Guy Won't Help 

Democrats, Blaming This Guy Won't Help

Angry voters are going to blame the guy in charge

(Newser) - President Obama and Democrats are harping on a new theme as the midterm elections approach: voting for Republicans is the same as voting for a return of the ruinous policies of George W. Bush. They're wasting their breath, writes Steve Kornacki for Salon . Democrats will get trounced no matter what...

Palin Writes Tax Figure on Hand to 'Avoid' Looking Stupid

'Liberals will say I don't know what I'm talkin' about'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is writing on her hand again, this time so she can remember a tax hike number while she skewers the Democrats on Fox TV. She lambasted President Obama's move to let the Bush administration's tax cuts for the rich expire at the end of the year, and claimed...

Democrats' Real Problem: Chris Christie
Democrats' Real Problem:
Chris Christie
peggy noonan

Democrats' Real Problem: Chris Christie

New Jersey governor is 'going to break in a big way'

(Newser) - The Democrats have a genuine problem on their hands, and it's not the Tea Party. It's Chris Christie, the blunt-talking New Jersey governor who "just closed an $11 billion budget gap without raising taxes," writes Peggy Noonan. He's one of the only GOP leaders willing to eschew the...

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks
 Beware Lame-Duck 
 Dems' Dirty Tricks 
Charles Krauthammer

Beware Lame-Duck Dems' Dirty Tricks

With nothing to lose, they could jam through legislation

(Newser) - It's looking more certain by the day that Democrats will lose lots of congressional seats in November, and that's precisely why Republicans have reason to worry, writes Charles Krauthammer. Consider this scenario: Democrats call a lame-duck Congress into session after the midterm elections and pass a slew of controversial measures—...

GOP Lays Out Strategy to Retake Senate

(Newser) - With all the focus on the House, the GOP has been quietly laying the groundwork to take back the Senate and stun the Democrats. The GOP needs to win 10 Democratic Senate seats while not losing any of their own. A tall order in anybody's book, but tossup races in...

36-Year-Old Will Succeed Robert Byrd

Youngest senator Carte Goodwin replaces oldest senator

(Newser) - The US Senate seat occupied by Robert Byrd, who died last month , will be temporarily filled by a former aide to West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin, USA Today reports. Carte Goodwin, 36, will occupy the seat until a special election for a successor to serve out Byrd's term, which ends...

Pelosi: Dems 'Will Keep Control of the House. Period'

House speaker is optimistic (in fundraising letter)

(Newser) - Whatever Robert Gibbs may think , Nancy Pelosi isues a defiant prediction about the midterms: "Here is what will happen in November. Democrats will keep control of the House. Period." Of course, it wouldn't hurt if Democratic supporters opened their wallets, she adds in a fundraising letter . She helpfully...

Workers May Get Automatic Retirement Accounts

Democrats want all employees enrolled

(Newser) - Democrats plan to introduce legislation that would automatically enroll private-sector workers in retirement savings accounts, the Hill reports. The measure, being heavily pushed by the AARP, would apply to those whose employers don't offer 401k accounts. Workers would be able to opt out of the plan, whose backers don't expect...

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP
Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Jim DeMint Could Destroy the GOP

Democrats love his with-us-or-against-us conservatism

(Newser) - Jim DeMint might just be the Democrats’ secret weapon. For starters, the senator from South Carolina is making good on his declaration that he’d rather have “30 Republicans in the Senate who believe in principles of freedom than 60 who don’t,” endorsing lots of far-right candidates...

Dem Congressman Loses It With Constituent

(Newser) - it was presumably a nice chat with constituents at a Mexican restaurant until Rep. Ciro Rodriguez was challenged on the cost of ObamaCare, which he voted for. This 44 sec. video shows the Texas Democrat losing his temper in a heated exchange when a woman who suggested he wasn't "...

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate
 'Seminal' Town Halls 
 of 2009 Still Resonate 
peggy noonan

'Seminal' Town Halls of 2009 Still Resonate

Consequences will be felt in November midterm elections

(Newser) - The midterm elections are poised to shake up the political landscape, a consequence that Peggy Noonan traces directly back to the volatile town hall meetings of last summer. "Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats saw it coming," she writes of the movement. "But it was a seminal...

Another Poll Spells Trouble for Obama, Democrats

Democracy Corps survey finds 55% think president is socialist

(Newser) - Writing in the New Republic , William Galston unveils the results of a most recent Democracy Corps poll taken on the public's perception of President Obama. The left-leaning polling firm, headed by James Carville and Stan Greenberg, found that 55% of those questioned agreed that "Obama is a socialist,"...

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight
Democrats, Obama Have
Lost Will to Fight
EJ Dionne

Democrats, Obama Have Lost Will to Fight

Where's the passion of that candidate in 2008?

(Newser) - Democrats are on their way to getting rolled in the midterm elections, and EJ Dionne says it's because the party and the president have lost their passion. "It might help if voters saw President Obama and his party in Congress fighting for something going into these elections (including their...

Robert Byrd Hospitalized; Senator, 92, 'Seriously Ill'

West Virginia lawmaker is longest-serving member of Congress

(Newser) - Robert Byrd, the Democratic senator from West Virginia who last fall became the longest-serving member of Congress, is hospitalized and in serious condition, his office tells MSNBC . The 92-year-old was admitted last week with what was believed to be a heat-related illness, but "other conditions have developed which has...

Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

peggy noonan

Obama Looks 'Snakebit'

The president's 'mystique' is suffering

(Newser) - Bad news for President Obama: "He's starting to look snakebit," writes Peggy Noonan, who sees similarities in the plight of Jimmy Carter. It's not Obama's fault the oil rig blew, just as it wasn't Carter's fault that Americans got kidnapped in Iran. No matter. Carter botched the handling...

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'
 Democrats, Snap Out 
 of Your 'Malaise' 
EJ dionne

Democrats, Snap Out of Your 'Malaise'

They've accomplished much but are losing all the arguments

(Newser) - EJ Dionne raises the dreaded specter of "malaise" afflicting Democrats, with a quick qualification: "President Obama is not Jimmy Carter, not even close," he writes in the Washington Post . His speech was "good and sensible" but not a "home run." And that's Dionne's point—...

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

 Support for Health Care 
 Bill Hits New High 
Poll time

Support for Health Care Bill Hits New High

More now support plan than oppose it

(Newser) - The patient is alive and kicking. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds public support for President Obama's new health care law has risen to its highest point. The nation remains divided, with 45% in favor and 42% opposed to the president's signature domestic accomplishment, but the shift is significant—last...

Tea Party Fave Sharron Angle Was a Democrat

(Newser) - Here's a fact that might surprise the left: Conservative Tea Party favorite Sharron Angle was once a registered Democrat. Angle was a Republican until June 1984, then a Dem until 1988, the AP has discovered from a study of voting records. She switched parties to work for a conservative Democrat...

Democrats May Back Crist
 Democrats May Back Crist 

Democrats May Back Crist

They're afraid Jeff Greene will win their primary

(Newser) - Top Democrats are now publicly considering supporting newly-minted independent Charlie Crist in Florida’s Senate race if self-made subprime billionaire Jeff Greene wins their party’s primary. Greene has a conveyor belt-worth of baggage , but he’s promised to drop $40 million on the primary alone. That probably gives him...

Stories 361 - 380 | << Prev   Next >>