
Read recent Syrian news stories and current events on

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Syrian Rebels Using Exact Weapons That Took Gadhafi Down

Rebel weapon pipeline shows how US arms could end up in undesirable hands

(Newser) - Obama recently announced he'd begin sending arms to anti-government rebels in Syria, but where have they been getting their weapons until now? Many of them come from Libya, reports the New York Times , thanks to a secretive, Qatar-financed supply pipeline that sneaks in unregistered arms previously used by Libyan...

CIA Training Syria Rebels: Report

LA Times says secret work started last year

(Newser) - The White House may be moving too slowly in the eyes of some critics when it comes to helping the Syrian opposition, but the CIA and special ops forces have been at it since late last year, reports the Los Angeles Times . It says the Americans have been secretly training...

There Was a New Refugee Every 4.1 Seconds in 2012

Now 45.2M displaced people in the world—most in developing countries

(Newser) - About 7.6 million people became refugees in 2012—that's one every 4.1 seconds—bringing the total number of displaced people in the world to 45.2 million, the highest figure since 1994, reports al-Jazeera . A new report from the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees...

Obama: I'm Not 'Bush- Cheney Lite'

President refutes charge in Charlie Rose interview

(Newser) - Appearing on Charlie Rose last night, President Obama had a few things to clear up: First, he's not, as Rose put it, "Bush-Cheney lite." "Some people say, 'Well, you know, Obama was this raving liberal before. Now he’s, you know, Dick Cheney,'"...

Obama, Putin Tussle Over Syria ... and G8 Gym

Obama calls dibs, so Putin swims in lake

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin had a reportedly tense 2-hour meeting at the G8 summit today. The two leaders butted heads over the conflict in Syria, the Washington Post reports. "Our opinions do not coincide," said Putin. "But all of us have the intention to stop the...

4 Reasons Why You Should Care About the G8

7-1 split on Syria looms large as summit opens

(Newser) - It's OK, you can admit it: The G8 summit begins in Northern Ireland today and you didn't exactly wake up with thoughts of "it's G8 week!" (Our first thought: Rain again?) But the two-day summit in Northern Island is worth a few moments of your...

Clinton Is Right: Obama Did Too Little, Too Late on Syria

Maureen Dowd: Bill Clinton has schooled Obama on the fallacy of governing via polls

(Newser) - News that both Bill Clinton and John McCain think Obama is being a wuss on Syria should be a wake-up call for the President, says Maureen Dowd in the New York Times . "When the man who polled where to take his summer vacation and whether to tell the truth...

Palin on Syria: 'Let Allah Sort It Out'

Says US should wait until it has a commander in chief 'who knows what he's doing'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin offered her thoughts on the question of US military intervention in Syria at the Faith and Freedom Coalition Conference today. The full quote, as per ABC News :
  • "Militarily, where is our commander in chief? We're talking now more new interventions. I say until we know what

Egypt Severs Ties with Syria, Shuts Embassy

Morsi calls for Lebanon to follow suit

(Newser) - Egypt's president announced today that he was cutting off diplomatic relations with Syria, closing Damascus' embassy in Cairo, and withdrawing the Egyptian charge d'affaires from Damascus. The decisions were made amid growing calls from hard-line Sunni clerics in Egypt and elsewhere to launch a "holy war" against...

Obama's Weapons Won't Do Enough In Syria

Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy say it's time to unleash the MANPADs

(Newser) - The Obama administration is at last willing to send weapons to Syrian rebels —but it looks like neither the president, nor anyone else in Washington, is willing to go far enough to actually help, write Michael Weiss and Elizabeth O'Bagy at the Atlantic . "Even the most hawkish...

US to Provide Syria Rebels With Weapons

Decision follows conclusion regime used chemical agents

(Newser) - Now that the US has determined that Bashar al-Assad's regime used chemical weapons, the Obama administration intends to help arm Syrian rebels, officials tell the New York Times . The US will send light arms and ammunition; antitank weapons are also a possibility. Rebel leaders have called for antiaircraft weapons,...

US: Syria Used Chemical Weapons

NYT: Obama now convinced after new intelligence assessment

(Newser) - The Syrian war seems to have tipped lately in favor of Bashar al-Assad, but here's one development with at least the potential to change things: The US has concluded that Syria used chemical weapons on a small scale multiple times, reports the New York Times . President Obama has long...

Clinton: 'Big Mistake' Not to Act in Syria

Presidents who don't act because of polls risk looking 'like total wuss'

(Newser) - With the body count mounting in Syria, Bill Clinton has joined the chorus calling for American intervention, in what some are seeing as a sharp turn away from the White House. At a closed-to-the-press event on Tuesday night, Clinton sided with John McCain—the Obama administration's biggest critic on...

Grim New Number for Syria: 92,901

UN says that's the number of documented dead

(Newser) - The United Nations' human rights office released a grim number today: 92,901 confirmed killed in Syria between March 2011 and April 2013. Even worse: The actual number is probably much higher, the AP reports. At least 6,561 children are among the dead, 1,729 of them under age...

Villagers 'Massacred' by Syrian Rebels: Report

Shiite clerics hung from gates of town, activist claims

(Newser) - Rebels attacked a village in eastern Syria yesterday, leaving at least 60 people dead—most of them pro-government Shiite fighters, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, which says the rebels numbered into the thousands. A government official describes the attack on Hatla as "a massacre against villagers...

Syrian Refugees Could End Up in US

State Department 'ready to consider the idea,' official says

(Newser) - Thousands of Syrian refugees could end up living in America, as Washington and other international capitals consider a resettlement plan to help relieve the Middle Eastern countries that have so far taken in 1.6 million refugees. The UN Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees has not yet made...

Syria, Hezbollah Grab Key Town From Rebels

Fall of Qusair a huge setback for rebels

(Newser) - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's troops, backed by Lebanese Hezbollah fighters, regained control today of the strategic town of Qusair where fighting has raged with rebels for nearly three weeks, according to state TV. The capture of the town near the Lebanese border solidifies some of the regime's recent...

Callous Liberals Doomed Syria
 Callous Liberals Doomed Syria 

Callous Liberals Doomed Syria

Syria isn't Iraq, Richard Cohen wants you to know

(Newser) - As Syria's bloody civil war has raged on, Richard Cohen at the Washington Post has been dismayed to see so many liberals fighting against intervention. "The argument is that Syria would be Iraq all over again," Cohen writes. But "this is tendentious." People like Cohen...

Al-Qaeda's New Service: Complaints Dept.

Notice welcomes public concerns in Syria

(Newser) - Having taken over some of the civilian government in the Syrian city of Raqqa, al-Qaeda is ready to hear from the public. "Anyone who might have a complaint against any element of the Islamic state, whether the Emir"—a leadership position—"or an ordinary soldier, can come...

US Woman Killed in Syria 'Brainwashed': Family

'My mother was not a terrorist,' wrote Nicole Mansfield's daughter

(Newser) - How did Nicole Lynn Mansfield, a 33-year-old woman raised in a Baptist family in the suburbs of Michigan, end up dying alongside rebel forces in Syria this week ? It's not an easy question for her family to answer, but they have some speculation: brainwashing, bribery, or perhaps force,...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>