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MTV Banks on Vice Video
MTV Banks
on Vice Video

MTV Banks on Vice Video

Online sticks with mag’s ‘raw’ aesthetic, is a training ground for TV content

(Newser) - MTV has put its hippest foot forward with, the online video channel run by Vice magazine’s editors. The web presence, originally pitched as “‘60 Minutes’ meets ‘Jackass,’” is a toehold in youth web programming, the Times reports. “Our aesthetic is raw,...

Syria to Let US Screen Iraqi Refugees

Move clears way for some to come to America

(Newser) - Syria, home to more than 1 million refugees from Iraq, will for the first time allow US officials into the country to clear the way for their possible resettlement in America, the AP reports. The US, under criticism for not doing more to ease the growing refugee crisis in the...

Syria's Alleged Nuke Site Gone in Puff of Smoke

Military facility bombed by Israel is quickly razed, pics show

(Newser) - A Syrian military facility bombed in an Israeli air strike last month has been quickly—and mysteriously—razed and cleared, according to a new photograph taken by a commercial satellite. The Syrian government had been accused of building a nuclear reactor on the site capable of producing weapons, the Washington ...

Cheney Amps Up Rhetoric Against Iran

Threatens 'serious consequences' over nuke program

(Newser) - Cheney threatened "serious consequences" today if Iran doesn't drop its nuclear program, Reuters reports. "Our country and the entire international community cannot stand by as a terror-supporting state fulfills its most aggressive ambitions," he told the audience at a think-tank forum. One analyst called Cheney's threat "...

Israeli Strike on Syria Hit Nuke Reactor

Partly-built facility based on North Korean model

(Newser) - Israel's air strike on Syria last month was aimed at a nuclear reactor, US and Israeli intelligence analysts say. The partly-built facility was based on a North Korean model—a link that could harm Pyonyang's new denuclearization deal if Israel can prove that Kim Jong Il helped mount the reactor....

Lebanon MPs Deadlock, But Deal Looms

After last week's killing, possible presidential compromise awaits

(Newser) - As expected, the Lebanese parliament deadlocked today as it tried to select a successor to outgoing president Émile Lahoud. But after last week's assassination of an anti-Syrian MP, this week brought promising signs of a compromise between the ruling party and more pro-Syrian opposition groups, including Hezbollah. Another vote...

Syria, Saudis to be Invited to Peace Table

Rice hopes Mideast talks will include Arab neighbors

(Newser) - The US will issue invitations to this fall's Mideast peace conference to Saudi Arabia, Syria and other Arab nations that don't have diplomatic ties to Israel, the Washington Post reports. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice suggested Sunday that attendance would bring with it "certain responsibilities" such as avoiding violence...

US Knew About Israel's Raid on Syria in Advance

Shared intelligence on suspected nukes led to mysterious airstrike

(Newser) - Israeli intelligence provided President Bush with indications that North Korean nuclear officials had arrived in Syria before Israel stealthily bombed an alleged nuclear facility there. Although the US was reluctant to upset progress on North Korean nonproliferation, it nevertheless tacitly supported Israel's raid—and likely corroborated the facts before Israel...

Despite Assassination, Lebanon Will Hold Elections

Defiant government says it won't retreat

(Newser) - As the country mourns yesterday's death of anti-Syrian politician Antoine Ghanem, Lebanon's government is determined to hold presidential elections as scheduled next week, the BBC reports. "The hand of terror will not win," Prime Minister Fouad Siniora said today. "The Lebanese will … have a new president...

Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon
Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon

Car Bomb Kills Lawmaker in Lebanon

Anti-Syrian MP among victims of massive pre-election blast

(Newser) - Anti-Syrian lawmaker Antoine Ghanem was one of at least seven people killed by a car bomb in Beirut today, just days before Lebanon’s parliament is set to select a successor to pro-Syrian president Emile Lahoud. Ghanem was a member of an anti-Syrian governing coalition, which has been locked in...

Korea Denies Secret Nuclear Pact with Syria

China cancels talks after Israeli raid raises suspicions

(Newser) - North Korea and Syria each strongly denied a secret nuclear alliance today, after an Israeli raid in Syria, rumored to be aimed at a nuclear installation, raised suspicions. North Korea called the pact a fabrication designed to stall progress in its multi-national nuclear negotiations, while a state-run Syrian newspaper said...

Israeli Raid on Syria Had Iran in Sights

Hush-hush attack may have targeted North Korean nukes

(Newser) - Arab governments aren’t talking too loudly about the reported Israeli bombing of Syrian territory two weeks ago.  They’re waiting to see what the fallout is, Newsweek notes, for the real intended target—Syrian sponsor Iran. The raid appears to have been a signal that Israel will act...

Couric in Iraq: Lousy Ratings, Good Journalism

Despite anchor's road trip, 'Evening News' ties record ratings low

(Newser) - Katie Couric's trip to Iraq and Syria was a failure as a ratings gimmick but pretty good journalism, say critics. The "CBS Evening News" tied a record low of 5.5 million viewers last week, which the network blames on US Open coverage. And Harvard journalism prof Marvin Kalb...

Syria Claims Israel Bombed its Territory

Recon planes likely caught by surprise, diplomats say

(Newser) - Syria accused Israel of bombing its territory today—and says it could retaliate, Reuters reports. Israel's "aggression and treachery" caused no casualties or damage, Syria said. "It appears the Israeli planes were on a reconnaissance mission when they got caught by Syrian defenses and were forced to drop...

Lebanese Rout Militants in Camp
Lebanese Rout Militants in Camp

Lebanese Rout Militants in Camp

Months of fighting leaves refugee camp in ruins

(Newser) - Jubilant Lebanese celebrated with soldiers yesterday after they finally wrested control of a besieged Palestinian refugee camp from an al-Qaeda ally, Fatah al-Islam. Lebanese special forces attacked strongholds that remained inside the ruins of the Nahr al-Bared camp near Tripoli after nearly three months of fighting, reports the London Times.

Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered
Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered

Iraqis Fleeing to US Hindered

Workers' lives are in danger, but exit routes are clogged

(Newser) - Iraqis who have worked with the occupation forces, endangering their own lives, face overwhelming obstacles if they want to enter the US as refugees. Tens of thousands of locals work for contractors, but because they're not directly employed by the US government, they're not eligible for special immigration status. The...

Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria
Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria

Couric Will Report From Iraq, Syria

Anchor plans 10-day trip through Mideast before surge report

(Newser) - Katie Couric leaves today for a 10-day trip to Iraq and Syria, where she will cover the war and the turbulent Middle East as the Pentagon's September 15 deadline for a report on Iraq looms. Couric will spend six days in Iraq, twice anchoring "CBS Evening News" live from...

Intelligence Community Doubts Iraqi Leadership

Big insurgent offensive may be in the works

(Newser) - A National Intelligence Estimate released today reveals that the US intelligence community doubts Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki has the ability to lead the country effectively, CNN reports. Coming one day after President Bush defended Maliki in a speech, the report by US intelligence agencies also expresses worry over a possible...

Iraq's Upper Class Flees
Iraq's Upper Class Flees

Iraq's Upper Class Flees

2M Iraqi refugees flood surrounding region

(Newser) - More than 2 million Iraqis have left home, mostly crossing the borders into neighboring Jordan and Syria. And the upper class has been the first to go—robbing the country of the doctors, engineers and government officials necessary to rebuild it. With one of ten Iraqis living abroad, the war...

Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat
Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat

Pro-Syrian Wins Lebanon Seat

Former president defeated in race for murdered son's seat

(Newser) - The complex political crisis in Lebanon deepened yesterday when a Christian opposition candidate  defeated a  pro-government former president in a special parliamentary election—one of two held to fill seats of anti-Syrian politicians assassinated last year. Ex-president Amin Gemayel, a key player in the US backed majority coalition, was running...

Stories 1541 - 1560 | << Prev   Next >>