Eric Holder

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Babs Backs Holder for AG
 Babs Backs Holder for AG 

Babs Backs Holder for AG

Streisand urges fellow lefties to fight for Obama nominee

(Newser) - Barbra Streisand is using her star power to push for the speedy confirmation of Eric Holder as attorney general, Politico reports. In a letter, Babs asks like-minded people to sign a petition supporting a man who is “committed to liberty, the rule of law, and our constitutional rights.”...

GOP Questions Put Brakes on Holder Vote

Committee will wait week on AG nominee, infuriating chair Leahy

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee delayed today’s scheduled vote on Eric Holder’s confirmation by another week, CNN reports. Republican members engineered the move, saying they have questions about the attorney-general nominee’s stance on interrogation techniques. Chairman Patrick Leahy, who said he was “extremely disappointed,” banged down...

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure
Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

Real Reason for Rich Pardon: Israeli Pressure

It's a taboo topic in DC, as evidenced by Holder's hearing

(Newser) - For the sake of a quiet confirmation, attorney general nominee Eric Holder is letting us forget the real reason for Bill Clinton’s controversial Marc Rich pardon. Clinton didn’t let Rich off the hook because of his generous wife, writes Joe Conason in Salon. He did so because of...

Holder Slams Rendition, Tribunals
 Holder Slams 
 Rendition, Tribunals 

Holder Slams Rendition, Tribunals

Attorney-general nominee signals clear break with Bush practices

(Newser) - Attorney General-designate Eric Holder continued his forceful rebuke of Bush administration policies at his confirmation hearing today, Politico reports. Holder slammed rendition, saying it “should not be the policy or practice of our great nation,” and criticized the military commissions trying Guantanamo detainees. They don’t “have...

Holder: Waterboarding Is Torture

But supports FISA, Patriot Act

(Newser) - Eric Holder minced no words when asked about waterboarding in his confirmation hearing today. “Waterboarding is torture,” the AG-designate said, a declaration neither Michael Mukasey nor Alberto Gonzales was willing to make. He said that, even in emergencies, the president couldn’t override the constitution. Republicans also leapt...

Holder Pushed Clemency for Puerto Rican Militants

Obama's attorney-general pick helped commute sentences for PR nationalists

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s attorney-general nominee fought for clemency for 16 militant Puerto Rican nationalists during his time in the Clinton administration, the Los Angeles Times reports. Eric Holder pushed Justice Department subordinates to pave the way to Clinton’s clemency grant, documents show, sparking fury from law-enforcement officials who’d...

Republicans Picking a Fight Over Holder

Dems need one GOP vote to move AG pick out of committee

(Newser) - Senate Republicans seem to have settled on attorney-general-designate Eric Holder as their main target for a tough confirmation hearing. Thanks to his liberal leanings and his role in the Clinton administration—especially the controversial 11th-hour Marc Rich pardon—Holder will get a grilling in the Judiciary Committee. Ranking Republican Arlen...

4 Justice Dept. Picks Mark Break From Bush Era

Obama taps Harvard dean, Clinton vets

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced his nominees for four top positions in the Justice Department yesterday, all of whom suggest a sharp turn away from Bush-era legal policies. Among them is Elena Kagan, the dean of Harvard Law School and a Clinton adviser, who is the first woman named solicitor general. In...

GOP: Hold Up on Holder
 GOP: Hold Up on Holder 

GOP: Hold Up on Holder

GOP plans a fight over Obama's AG nominee

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are laying a speed bump on Eric Holder’s route to confirmation as attorney general, Politico reports. Joined by a key Democrat, they're objecting to Judiciary Committee Chairman Pat Leahy’s plan to fast track Holder's confirmation, scheduling hearings as early as Jan. 8. Republicans note that more...

Holder's Nom Raises Ghost of Rich Pardon

AG pick played key—if inadvertent—role in clearing fugitive

(Newser) - Eric Holder has earned a lot of praise in his career, but there’s one glaring blemish on his resume: the pardon of Marc Rich. Critics say Barack Obama’s attorney general pick was the driving force behind the fugitive’s backdoor pardon, while supporters say he’s an innocent...

Obama Unveils Security Team Starring Clinton, Gates

Security not a partisan issue, president-elect declares

(Newser) - Barack Obama officially announced his national-security team today, a group including primary rival Hillary Clinton as secretary of state and Bush holdover Robert Gates as defense secretary, the AP reports. “One of the dangers in a White House, is that you get wrapped up in group-think,” Obama said,...

'Demand Accountability' from Citi: Podesta

Transition boss discusses bailout, Cabinet

(Newser) - The government should “demand accountability” from Citigroup in return for bailout funding, Barack Obama’s transition team leader says. “If we’re going to have one rule, we ought to apply it to all of the financial institutions that we’re taking a look at,” John Podesta...

Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG
 Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG 

Holder Is 'Sept. 10' Pick for AG

Conservative mag urges GOP to vote against Obama's Justice nominee

(Newser) - Eric Holder is “a conventional, check-the-boxes creature of the Left,” the editors of the National Review write of Barack Obama’s reported choice for Attorney General, and his selection reveals a “September 10 mentality” and a “lack of seriousness about the terrorist threat.” They add,...

Obama Taps Holder for AG
 Obama Taps Holder for AG 

Obama Taps Holder for AG

DC lawyer, who has accepted post, oversaw VP selection; confirmation looks likely

(Newser) - Eric Holder, a former US Attorney, judge, and deputy attorney general under Bill Clinton, will be Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department, Newsweek reports. Sources say Holder has been considered for the post from the beginning, and he ran the Democrat’s vice-presidential search along with Caroline...

Obama Names Caroline, 2 Others for VP Search

JFK daughter will have a role in picking his running mate

(Newser) - Barack Obama today named Caroline Kennedy and two Washington insiders to lead the search for his running mate, the AP reports. The others are former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson and Eric Holder, who was Bill Clinton’s No. 2 at the Justice Department. Kennedy and her uncle Ted endorsed...

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