9/11 attacks

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Donald Rumsfeld: Terrorists Didn't Shut Pentagon
 Didn't Shut 


Rumsfeld: Terrorists Didn't Shut Pentagon

Giuliani, Bloomberg, Wolfowitz reflect on 9/11

(Newser) - As bells tolled today at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and in a Pennsylvania field, politicians gathered on the Sunday talk shows to offer up their memories and interpretations of 9/11. “It was clear they had hit the seat of economic power in New York and the seat of military...

Obamas, Bushes Pay Respects at Ground Zero

Moment of silence at 8:46, moment first plane hit

(Newser) - President Obama opened a sun-splashed day of solemn remembrance today by honoring the 9/11 dead with a visit to ground zero, bowing his head at the cascading pools of the North Memorial Pond created in the footprint of the demolished north tower of the World Trade Center. Obama, hand in...

The Rich Use 9/11 to Dominate the Poor: Gerald Caplan

 Real Legacy of 9/11: 
 The Rich Win 

Real Legacy of 9/11: The Rich Win

A 'cabal of extremist millionaires' dominate policy: Gerald Caplan

(Newser) - After 9/11, a "cabal of extremist billionaires" escalated a class war that has crushed the American people and threatened the world, Gerald Caplan writes in the Globe & Mail . "There are more filthy rich folks now than at any other moment in history," he writes, but wounded...

US Pilots Tried Kamikaze Attack on United 93

Then-rookie tells story of how she almost gave her life on 9/11

(Newser) - Heather “Lucky” Penney was a rookie who’d just finished F-16 training on September 11, 2001, but when the attacks hit, she was one of two pilots who took to the air to defend Washington from United 93. There was just one problem: They didn’t have any ammo...

US Did Not &#39;Overreact&#39; to 9/11
 US Did Not 
 'Overreact' to 9/11 
charles krauthammer

US Did Not 'Overreact' to 9/11

Our response has kept us safe for 10 years: Charles Krauthammer

(Newser) - Charles Krauthammer issues an emphatic rebuttal to what he calls the "new conventional wisdom" about 9/11—that the US overreacted and brought upon itself a ruinous decade of war and financial misery. "Rubbish," he writes in the Washington Post . Al-Qaeda is on the brink of failure and...

NASA Clip Shows 9/11 From Space

Smoke rises from New York in ISS video

(Newser) - As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, NASA has provided a stunning new look at the tragedy—which was visible all the way from the International Space Station. American astronaut Frank Culbertson and two Russians were orbiting the earth in the ISS when they caught video of smoke...

New York Unveils 9/11 Memorial Flag

Andrew Cuomo presents banner to appear at Ground Zero

(Newser) - Gov. Andrew Cuomo has unveiled New York state’s official September 11th Memorial Flag, to be displayed at the Ground Zero memorial as well as the state Capitol, the Albany Times-Union reports. At a press conference today with the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, Cuomo said the flag “...

Recordings Offer Harrowing View of 9/11

New audio published for the first time

(Newser) - The horror and confusion of Sept. 11, 2001, comes to gut-wrenching life in newly published audio offering a real-time picture of the civil and military aviation responses during the first two hours after the hijackings. The 114 recordings, published by Rutgers Law Review and available in part on the New ...

Let's Honor 9/11 on Sunday ... Then Move On

EJ Dionne argues that our future depends on us looking forward, not back

(Newser) - EJ Dionne will give us our Sept. 11 anniversary—this time. But after we honor the 10th anniversary of those who died in the attacks, "we need to leave the day behind," he argues in the Washington Post . "The last decade was a detour that left our...

Holder: No 'Credible Threats' for 9/11

Attorney general says government will remain watchful

(Newser) - For years each Sept. 11 brought warnings of heightened terrorist threats on the grim anniversary. But, thankfully, not this year. US Attorney General Eric Holder said yesterday that there have been no credible threats of terrorism against the US for next week, reports Reuters . "We don't have any...

Christopher Hitchens Thinks Al-Qaeda Is Just Evil

 Quit Making Excuses: 
 al-Qaeda Is Evil 
Christopher Hitchens

Quit Making Excuses: al-Qaeda Is Evil

Intellectuals have tried too hard to overthink 9/11: Christopher Hitchens

(Newser) - Usually "public intellectuals" are supposed to add nuance to a discussion, but when it comes to al-Qaeda and 9/11, Christopher Hitchens has taken up a different motto: "Never, ever ignore the obvious," he writes for Slate . In this case, the obvious is this: Al-Qaeda is a "...

Flight 93 Crash Video Surfaces

'Probably a terrorist bomb,' narrates videographer Dave Berkebile

(Newser) - A massive cloud of smoke is all that remains in the sky of United Flight 93 in a video shot by a Pennsylvania resident seconds after the plane crashed on 9/11. The film has finally been released publicly 10 years after the 42 people on board went down in a...

DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11
 DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11 

DC Suffered, Too, on 9/11

We seem to forget 184 died in the Pentagon attack

(Newser) - Tickets for the opening of the 9/11 Memorial in New York City sold out nearly instantly, and are heavily booked already for much of the month. The Pentagon Memorial , on the other hand, is nearly always open—if you're willing to make the long hike through an underpass beneath...

One in Four Would Trade Rights for Security: Poll

And that's down big time since 9/11

(Newser) - Only about 25% of Americans now say they would give up their “basic civil liberties” in exchange for security—a huge decrease from the days after the September 11 attacks, according to a new USA Today/Gallup Poll . In January of 2002, close to half of respondents (47%) were willing...

9/11 Firefighters Face Increased Cancer Risk

Those at site 19% more likely to get diagnosis: Lancet

(Newser) - A major study seems to confirm anecdotal evidence about the firefighters who responded to the World Trade Center attack: They are more likely to get cancer. The study in the Lancet finds that firefighters exposed to the toxic stew of dust in the air were 19% more likely to be...

Forgotten Story of 9/11: World's Biggest Boatlift

Documentary recounts rescue of 500K by water

(Newser) - A 12-minute documentary tells a remarkable but overlooked story from 9/11—the evacuation by water of an estimated 500,000 New Yorkers, reports the Washington Post . The film, Boatlift, recounts how panicked residents made their way to the waterfront in Lower Manhattan and boarded a flotilla of ferryboats, Coast Guard...

White House: Here's a Guide to Observing 9/11

Releases guidelines for public commemorations

(Newser) - As the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks approaches, the White House has issued guidelines for public commemorations and official statements to government officials both in the US and abroad. The domestic guidelines are much shorter than those issued overseas, including to American embassies and consulates worldwide, the New York ...

Obama: Here's How to Honor 9/11 Victims

Mark the 10th anniversary by doing community service

(Newser) - In his weekly radio address, Barack Obama tackled the topic of Sept. 11 by urging Americans to mark the 10th anniversary of the attacks by volunteering. The attacks "brought out the best in the American people," he explained, noting that regardless of where you live, "every American...

CIA Heavily Edits FBI Agent's 9/11 Book

Cuts are due to criticism of CIA, author says

(Newser) - After the FBI submitted a former agent's 600-page memoir about the 9/11 attacks and their aftermath to the CIA, the agency responded with a 181-page list of cuts it wanted to make. Author Ali Soufan—an Arabic-speaking counterterrorism agent who played a central role in many investigations—says the...

10 Years Later, Ground Zero Remains ID'd

Risk manager from brokerage is 1,629th victim identified

(Newser) - Nearly 10 years after the 9/11 terror attacks, another victim has been identified, reports the New York Daily News . Ernest James, a 40-year-old risk manager who worked at the Marsh & McLennan brokerage, was identified from a DNA sample, the medical examiner announced yesterday. Of the 2,753 people killed...

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