9/11 attacks

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9/11 Defendants to Explain Why They Did It

Men plan to air their grievances against US

(Newser) - The five men accused of plotting the 9/11 attacks will plead not guilty, but only so they have an opportunity to air their grievances against the US. The accused freely admit organizing the devastating terrorist attack, but wish to “explain what happened and why they did it," said...

The Decade's Best Quotes
 The Decade's Best Quotes 

The Decade's Best Quotes

(Newser) - With the end of the decade near, Newsweek has rounded up the top 10 most important quotes from 2000 to 2009. A selection:
  • "Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job": President George W. Bush, Sept. 2, 2005. In one line to then-FEMA director Michael Brown, Bush summed

KSM Trial Will Be a Perverse Farce
 KSM Trial 
 Will Be a 
 Perverse Farce 


KSM Trial Will Be a Perverse Farce

It will be like rereleasing ' 9/11—the Director's Cut '

(Newser) - Everybody knows that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is never going to walk free, and that makes the logic behind Eric Holder's decision to give him a civilian trial in New York all the more puzzling, writes Charles Krauthammer. With the 9/11 not just the most destructive terrorist attack, "but the...

Paterson Rips Obama for Putting 9/11 Trials in NYC

NY governor among few Dems to criticize move

(Newser) - New York Gov. David Paterson, already unpopular with the White House, tonight ripped the Obama administration for deciding to try five men implicated in the 9/11 terror attacks in New York City. "This is not a decision that I would have made,” Paterson said. “New York was...

Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat
 Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat 

Clinton: Karzai on the Hot Seat

White House 'will expect more,' focused on defeating 'those who attacked us'

(Newser) - It's time for Afghan President Hamid Karzai to put up or shut up, Hillary Clinton said today, underscoring the White House's heightened expectations of Kabul. "We are expecting there to be a major crimes tribunal, an anti-corruption commission," she told This Week, adding that the original Afghan mission...

9/11 Families Split on New York Trial

Some welcome plotters' trial, to others it's a 'smack in the face'

(Newser) - Some see it as poetic justice—the plotters of the Sept. 11th attacks brought to justice a few blocks from the site of the Twin Towers they destroyed—and others are outraged that the terrorists will enjoy a jury trial in a court in this country, let alone this city....

6 Myths About Trying Mohammed in NYC
 6 Myths About Trying 
 Mohammed in NYC 

6 Myths About Trying Mohammed in NYC

US legal system is, in fact, up to this challenge

(Newser) - While the news that Sept. 11 terror suspect Khalid Sheik Mohammed will be tried in New York has created quite a furor, there are also a number of misconceptions floating around about the trial. Andrew Cohen clears up six:
  • Mohammed’s lawyers won’t be able to get the case

9/11 Plotters Will Face Death: Holder

New York trial represents proper US tradition, AG says

(Newser) - Confessed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed and his four co-defendants will face the death penalty, Eric Holder confirmed today, and the AG leapt to defend the decision to try them in a civilian court in New York. They will “answer for their alleged crimes in a courthouse just blocks...

Republicans Decry Decision to Try 9/11 Planner in NYC

GOP slams AG's 'dangerous mentality'

(Newser) - Republican leaders are sharply criticizing the Obama administration’s decision to prosecute Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court. John Boehner called the plan to try the confessed planner of the 9/11 attacks in New York "irresponsible” and accused AG Eric Holder of "reverting to a dangerous pre-9/11 mentality....

Mastermind of 9/11 to Face Trial in NYC

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed will be transferred from Gitmo

(Newser) - Self-proclaimed 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other Guantanamo Bay detainees will be sent to New York to face trial in a civilian federal court. An official announcement is expected later today. The actual transfer of the detainees isn't expected to happen for weeks because formal charges have not...

Colo. Senator Compares Obama to 9/11 Hijackers

Schultheis denies reference to United 93

(Newser) - A Colorado state senator is at the eye of a storm of criticism for a tweet that critics say likened President Obama to the 9/11 hijackers—and urged violent action. “Don't for a second think Obama wants what is best for US,” David Schultheis tweeted. “He is...

Feds Eye Hasan Link to 9/11 Imam

'Spiritual' adviser is 'radicalizer of first order,' says official

(Newser) - Federal investigators are probing a connection between Fort Hood rampage suspect Nidal Malik Hasan and the Muslim imam who was spiritual adviser to two 9/11 terrorists. Hasan attended the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in northern Virginia in 2001 when it was led by Anwar al-Aulaqi. The US-born imam, who now lives...

Beck Rates Health Reform as 9/11 Attack

9/12ers are girding for this year's national catastrophe

(Newser) - Glenn Beck's found a new way to frame his opposition to heath care reform, and this one's a doozy: It's a terrorist attack. A decade ago “I could have shouted every single day about Osama bin Laden,” the Fox News commentator said, “and nobody would have been...

World Trade Center Steel Sails Back to NY
 World Trade Center 
 Steel Sails Back to NY 

World Trade Center Steel Sails Back to NY

(Newser) - Seven and a half tons of steel from the fallen World Trade Center towers returned to New York today, reconstituted as the bow of a newly launched Navy warship. The crew of USS New York stood at attention for a 21-gun salute as the $1 billion amphibious dock landing ship...

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

 100 Defining 
 of the '00s 

pop culture

100 Defining Moments of the '00s

The iPod, Guitar Hero, Twitter—and some serious moments, too

(Newser) - From the tragic (World Trade Center attacks, Hurricane Katrina) to the seemingly trivial (Stephen Fry's first Tweet), the Telegraph lists the top 100 defining cultural moments of the decade so far:
  • April 2000: Metallica sues music-sharing service Napster.
  • October 2001: The iPod is released.
  • February 2003: Sacha Baron Cohen hits

Pakistan Finds Passports Linked to 9/11

Discovery suggests suspects hiding in South Waziristan

(Newser) - Pakistani soldiers battling their way into a Taliban stronghold along the Afghan border have seized passports that may be linked to 9/11 suspects. One is a German document belonging to a man named Said Bahaji, believed to be a member of the Hamburg cell that conceived the attacks. The passport...

Bush AG: Court Terror Trials Too Dangerous

Challenges to security, secrecy would be 'overwhelming'

(Newser) - The Obama administration wants to try alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other Guantanamo detainees in federal courts—and that's a major mistake, says Michael Mukasey. Terrorism trials pose "overwhelming" security challenges, and classified information would have to be revealed, warns George Bush's relatively moderate third attorney general...

Navy Ship Built With World Trade Center Steel Sets Sail

USS New York heads from Louisiana to namesake city for official commissioning

(Newser) - A US Navy ship built using materials from the World Trade Center has left the Louisiana yard where it was built and headed north for its official christening. The USS New York, an amphibious transport ship, features at its bow some 7½ tons of steel deemed still usable after the...

Taliban to West: We Mean You No Harm

Group may be trying to sway Afghanistan strategy debate

(Newser) - With the US debating what to do in Afghanistan, the Taliban has announced it poses no threat to the West. “We did not have any agenda to harm other countries, including Europe, nor do we have such agenda today,” said a statement posted on Taliban websites. The group...

Terror Suspect Zazi Arrives Back in NYC

Man accused of plotting bomb attacks faces Tuesday hearing in Brooklyn

(Newser) - Terror suspect Najibullah Zazi arrived tonight in New York from Denver, where he was arrested on charges of plotting bombings around the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He’ll spend the weekend in jail and has a hearing set for Tuesday in a Brooklyn court.

Stories 341 - 360 | << Prev   Next >>