suicide bombing

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Pakistan Suicide Blast Kills 11 at Mosque Memorial

Victims mostly police officers on anniversary of violence

(Newser) - A suicide bombing near Pakistan’s Red Mosque killed at least 11 and wounded more than 22, most of them police officers, the New York Times reports. Thousands were nearby yesterday to observe the anniversary of a showdown between militants and security forces which killed more than 100 people last...

Desperation Drives Iraq's Female Bombers

Death of insurgents leaves female relatives feeling suicide is their only option

(Newser) - Female suicide bombings are on the rise in Iraq's restive Diyala province, the New York Times reports, and success in combating al-Qaeda may be the cause. Many local insurgents have been killed or detained, leaving their surviving female relatives with little hope for the future. They often come under great...

18 Afghans Killed by Bomber in a Burka

Taliban claims responsibility for blast

(Newser) - A suicide bomber wearing a burka killed 18 people today in a western Afghanistan bazaar, Reuters reports. A spokesman for the Taliban, which claimed responsibility for the attack, said the bomber was a man. The past two years have been Afghanistan’s bloodiest since 2001, and some Western officials fear...

Hit-and-Run Tactics Keeping Taliban Afloat
Hit-and-Run Tactics Keeping Taliban Afloat

Hit-and-Run Tactics Keeping Taliban Afloat

'Asymmetrical' warfare has casualties down, hopes of prevailing up

(Newser) - The Taliban might hope Sunday's brazen attack on Afghan president Hamid Karzai signaled a new age of potency for the rebels. But although deaths from Taliban violence are on the rise, the Economist argues, the organization has not grown substantially—it has shifted its strategy away from conventional firefights to...

Bombs Kill Dozens in Iraq
 Bombs Kill Dozens in Iraq 

Bombs Kill Dozens in Iraq

35 dead in double wedding blast; US soldier among dead in Baghdad attack

(Newser) - As US forces engaged in heavy fighting in the Mahdi Army's Sadr City today, bombings in Baghdad and Diyala province took the lives of as many as 45 Iraqis and one US soldier, the AP reports. The Diyala bombing, in Balad Ruz, was carried out by two suicide bombers—one...

Taliban Bombs Afghan Opium Task Force, Killing 18

41 wounded in attack as authorities target skyrocketing drug production

(Newser) - A suicide bomber struck a meeting today of an Afghan poppy-eradication team, CNN reports, killing at least 18, including 11 police officers and seven civilians. Another 41 were injured in the attack in the eastern Nangarhar province; authorities said the incident was further proof of the rebel Taliban's involvement with...

49 Killed in Suicide Attack on Iraqi Funeral

Bomber blows self up amid dozens of mourners

(Newser) - A suicide bomber blew himself up in the middle of a funeral in northern Iraq today, killing 49 mourners. The bomber detonated a vest stuffed with explosives in a village along the border of Diyala and Salahuddin provinces, not far from the site of Tuesday's bomb attack that killed 40....

9 Terrorists Escape From Moroccan Prison

Militants were guilty of 2003 Casablanca bombings

(Newser) - Nine Moroccan terrorists convicted of involvement in the 2003 Casablanca suicide bombings escaped from prison today, AFP reports. The men, Islamist extremists who were serving 20 years to life, tunneled out of Kenitra detention center, near Rabat. They left a note explaining that, having exhausted the appeals process, they resorted...

Pakistan's New Leaders Will Open Talks With Militants

New coalition will defy US, open negotiations

(Newser) - Pakistan's new coalition government says it will negotiate with the militants thought to be behind a wave of recent suicide bombings, the New York Times reports. The change in strategy will alarm US officials, who have recently stepped up strikes on suspected al-Qaeda strongholds using pilotless Predator drones. Pakistanis blame...

Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36
 Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36 

Iraqi Suicide Bomber Kills 36

Meanwhile, Cheney and McCain visited the country touting successes

(Newser) - A female suicide bomber killed 36 and wounded at least 50 in the Shiite city of Karbala today, even as John McCain and Dick Cheney visited Iraq to tout American successes in increasing security, reports the Los Angeles Times. A roadside bomb also killed two American soldiers on a road...

Portrait of the Suicide Bomber as a Young Man

US military's profile reveals alienation, anger

(Newser) - The people carrying out suicide bombings in Iraq are overwhelmingly young men from other countries who grew up in large, poor families, the LA Times reports. After interrogating four dozen men taken into custody over 4 months, the American military has drafted a profile of the typical suicide bomber, who...

Baghdad Blast Kills 5 US Troops
Baghdad Blast Kills 5 US Troops

Baghdad Blast Kills 5 US Troops

Leader of Sunni Awakening killed in separate suicide attack

(Newser) - Five American troops are dead after a suicide bomber struck today in the Mansour district of Baghdad, the BBC reports. The soldiers were patrolling a busy shopping center when a young man wearing an explosive vest engaged them in conversation shortly before detonating, said a military spokesman. Three other service...

Lahore Navy School Blast Kills 6
Lahore Navy School Blast Kills 6

Lahore Navy School Blast Kills 6

Suicide attack comes as chair of Joint Chiefs meets Musharraf

(Newser) - A suicide attack at one of Pakistan's premier military academies has left at least seven people dead and 19 injured. The blast in the parking lot of Lahore's Naval War College set off explosions in the gasoline tanks of neighboring cars and sparked a fire, Reuters reports. Today's bombing, the...

Pakistan Suicide Bomber Kills 39
Pakistan Suicide Bomber Kills 39

Pakistan Suicide Bomber Kills 39

Attack marks third violent incident in as many days

(Newser) - A suicide bomber killed at least 39 people today gathered at an outdoor meeting of tribal elders in northwest Pakistan, Reuters reports, in the volatile country's latest bout of violence. The attack, which left scores of others wounded, occurred as the elders finalized security plans to “take steps against...

Pakistan Charges 5 in Bhutto Murder

Top Taliban leader and others accused of plotting assassination

(Newser) - Police in Pakistan have filed charges against five men, including the country’s top Taliban commander, accusing them of planning the December assassination of Benazir Bhutto, the AP reports. President Pervez Musharaff had named the Taliban leader (and suspected al-Qaeda operative), Baitullah Mehsud, days after the attack, but today’s...

35 Dead in Suicide Bombing at Pakistan Funeral

Service for police superintendent targeted

(Newser) - At least 35 people were killed and at least 60 injured today when a suicide bomber struck a funeral in northwest Pakistan' near the border with Afghanistan, the AP reports. The funeral in the Swat Valley drew 800 mourners for a police official killed today by a roadside bomb in...

Pakistan Surgeon General Killed
Pakistan Surgeon General Killed

Pakistan Surgeon General Killed

Dies with 8 others in suicide bombing

(Newser) - Pakistan's surgeon general was killed today by a suicide bomber who blew himself up at a busy intersection in the city of Rawalpindi.  Lt. Gen. Mushtaq Ahmad Baig, his driver and his guard were killed, the Washington Post reports; Baig was the highest-ranking military officer to be killed in...

40 Iraq Shiite Pilgrims Killed in Blast

Tent explodes as pilgrims take a break during a days-long trek

(Newser) - At least 40 people were killed today when a suicide bomber detonated an explosive vest amid a crowd of Shiite pilgrims during a trek south of Baghdad. A tent where the marchers stopped for food exploded in Iskandariyah in the second attack on Arbaeen, a day when millions descend on...

80 Killed in Afghan Bombing
80 Killed in Afghan Bombing

80 Killed in Afghan Bombing

Worst Taliban suicide attack since 2001 hits spectators at dog fight

(Newser) - A suicide blast today killed at least 80 in a crowd of spectators watching a dog fight in the Afghan city of Kandahar. Nobody claimed responsibility for the attack, but local authorities believe it was the work of the Taliban, which has a large presence in the area, BBC reports....

Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday
Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday

Blasts Mar Sri Lankan Holiday

Four separate attacks, claiming 13, are attributed to the Tamil Tigers

(Newser) - Four separate bombings today rang in Sri Lanka's 60th anniversary of its independence, capping off a string of four consecutive days that have seen horrific violence, CNN reports. A roadside bomb claimed the lives of 12 and wounded 17 passengers on a bus, and a soldier died in a separate...

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