suicide bombing

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Twin Baghdad Bombs Kill 31
 Twin Baghdad Bombs Kill 31 

Twin Baghdad Bombs Kill 31

Post-Ramadan quiet shatters with 2 car bombs

(Newser) - Two car bombs exploded in Baghdad this morning, killing at least 31 people, breaking what has been a period of relative calm since the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. The biggest blasts in the Iraqi capital in a month occurred as commuters were starting their work week,...

31 Killed in Somalia Hotel Attack

Islamic militants sought to topple government

(Newser) - Two Islamic militants opened fire in a hotel in the Somali capital yesterday, killing at least 31 people. Six members of Somalia's parliament were among the dead. After firing randomly into the hotel, the attackers blew themselves up as government security forces approached.

Iraq Suicide Attacks Kill at Least 48

Bombers target anti-Qaeda militia group Sahwa

(Newser) - Twin suicide bombings killed 48 people today, including dozens from a government-backed, anti-al-Qaeda militia who were lined up to get their paychecks near a military base southwest of Baghdad, Iraqi officials said. The bombings were the deadliest in a series of attacks across Iraq today aimed at the Sons of...

8 US Troops Killed in Taliban Attacks
 8 US Troops Killed 
 in Taliban Attacks 

8 US Troops Killed in Taliban Attacks

Taliban claims responsibility for car bomb, gun, grenade attack

(Newser) - Eight American troops died in attacks in southern Afghanistan in the last 24 hours, including a car bombing and gunfight outside a police compound in Kandahar. In that attack, a suicide attacker slammed a car bomb into the gate of the headquarters of the elite Afghan National Civil Order Police....

Pakistan Blasts Kill 42 at Sufi Shrine

Many blame attack on government support for US

(Newser) - Twin suicide blasts killed at least 42 people at a Sufi shrine in Lahore, Pakistan, late yesterday. At least 175 people were injured. Thousands were visiting the shrine, which holds the remains of a saint revered by followers of Islam's mystical tradition, the BBC reports. Many blamed the attack on...

NATO Base Attacked in Afghanistan

Day after Petraeus warned of more violence

(Newser) - Taliban insurgents attacked a NATO base in Afghanistan this morning in a commando-style raid that caused no allied casualties. Gunmen set off a car bomb and fired rocket-propelled grenades, attacking NATO facilities at an airport near the Pakistani border from multiple directions; several suicide bombers were killed in the attack....

Suicide Car Bombs at US Consulate in Pakistan Kill 3

Four blasts hit in Peshawar

(Newser) - Two suicide car bombs detonated near the US Consulate in the northwestern Pakistani city of Peshawar have killed at least three people. Police said those killed in today's attack include a paramilitary soldier, a private security guard, and a civilian. There have been no reported US casualties. Meanwhile, the death...

Chechen Rebel Claims Subway Bombings

Warns Russians that more attacks are coming

(Newser) - A Chechen militant claimed responsibility today for this week's deadly subway bombings in Moscow. Doku Umarov, who leads Islamic militants in Russia's North Caucasus, said in a video posted on a pro-rebel website that the attacks were an act of revenge for the killing of civilians by Russian security forces....

12 Killed in New Russian Double Suicide Blast

1 of 2 North Caucasus bombers dressed as cop

(Newser) - Two suicide bombers—one of them impersonating a police officer—killed at least 12 people and injured 18 others in the southern Russian province of Dagestan today. Nine police officers were among the dead. The blasts in the North Caucasus region came two days after a twin suicide bombing tore...

Female Suicide Bombers Kill 37 in Moscow Subway

Two female suicide bombers hit Moscow Metro in rush hour

(Newser) - Two explosions in Moscow's subway system killed at least 37 people at the height of rush hour this morning. The city's mayor says both explosions were caused by female suicide bombers who blew themselves up as trains pulled into busy stations, the AP reports, and security officials said the bombers...

Birthday Cake Awaited Suicide Bomber at CIA Base

Officers had birthday party for double agent al-Balawi

(Newser) - CIA officers in Afghanistan were so eager to meet the spy they believed would help them crack al-Qaeda's leadership they planned a birthday celebration for his visit in December. A birthday cake was waiting. But before they could begin to question their golden source, he detonated a powerful bomb, killing...

4 Suicide Attacks Kill 30 in Afghanistan

Separate blasts rock Kandahar, one of them near a prison

(Newser) - At least 30 people were killed and dozens more hurt in four suicide attacks in the Afghan city of Kandahar. A local official—the half-brother of President Hamid Karzai—says a main target of the attacks was a prison, but no prisoners escaped. It may have been an attempt to...

Bombers Hit Baghdad as Early Voting Starts

Voters casting ballots in parliamentary elections are targets

(Newser) - A string of blasts across Baghdad targeting voters killed at least 17 people today, ratcheting up fear as many Iraqis cast early ballots ahead of Sunday's nationwide parliamentary elections. The blasts hit voters outside polling stations. "Terrorists wanted to hamper the elections, thus they started to blow themselves up...

Sheik Issues Fatwa Against Terrorists

Suicide bombers are hell-bound, warns Islamic scholar

(Newser) - An influential Islamic scholar has issued a sweeping and unreserved condemnation of terrorism in all its forms as un-Islamic. "Terrorism is terrorism, violence is violence and it has no place in Islamic teaching and no justification can be provided for it," Sheik Tahir ul-Qadri wrote in his 600-page...

Suicide Bombers Kill 17 in Downtown Kabul

Taliban claims responsibility for attack targeting Indians

(Newser) - At least 17 people were killed when gunmen and five suicide bombers struck in the heart of Kabul today. The Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attacks, which targeted a major shopping center and two guesthouses used mainly by Indian embassy employees and other foreigners working in the Afghan capital....

Attack Draws Attention to Quiet US Efforts in Pakistan

Taliban may have had intelligence from within the Frontier Corps

(Newser) - The US had an uncomfortable light shined on its training operations in Pakistan yesterday, when three American soldiers were killed in a Taliban suicide bombing in Lower Dir. The soldiers were part of a Special Operations team training Pakistan’s paramilitary Frontier Corps, the New York Times reports, a program...

Stunning Kabul Attack Shows Taliban Moving Into Cities

'Nobody is ready to make any kind of deal'

(Newser) - Yesterday's militant assault in the heart of Kabul succeeded not only in paralyzing the city for hours—it also exposed the vulnerability of the US-backed Afghan government, demonstrated the resilience of the Taliban, and left the usually quiet city with a lingering sense of fear. The morning rush-hour attack offered...

In Video, CIA Bomber Talks Revenge, Secrets

Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi says attack was payback

(Newser) - The suicide bomber who killed seven senior CIA officials last week said in a video released today that the attack was an act of revenge for the August killing of the leader of the Pakistani Taliban. Jordanian doctor Humam Khalil Abu Mulal al-Balawi appears next to the new leader in...

CIA Suicide Bomber Was Double Agent

Agency thought Jordanian was spying on al-Zawahiri for US

(Newser) - The suicide bomber who killed seven senior CIA officials last week was a double agent the CIA thought was hunting down Ayman al-Zawahiri for the US. Intelligence officials tell NBC the culprit was Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a doctor and al-Qaeda sympathizer arrested by Jordanian officials more than a year...

Toll Nears 100 After Pakistan Suicide Attack

Bomber detonated car during volleyball tournament

(Newser) - A northwest Pakistani village that tried to resist Taliban infiltration struggled with grief today as families mourned 96 people killed in an apparent revenge suicide bombing at an outdoor volleyball game. The attack on Shah Hasan Khel village was one of the deadliest in a surge of bombings that have...

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