Emily's List

6 Stories

She's Expected to Be a Senator in 2 Days
Laphonza Butler Is
America's Newest Senator

Laphonza Butler Is America's Newest Senator

Third Black woman to serve in Senate was sworn in by the second

(Newser) - America's newest senator, Democratic Sen. Laphonza Butler, was sworn in to replace the late Sen. Barbara Feinstein on Tuesday, making history in more ways than one. Butler, president of the Emily's List fundraising group, is the third Black woman to serve in the Senate and she was sworn...

Allen West to DNC Chair: You're 'Vile,' 'Not a Lady'

Florida congressman refuses to apologize

(Newser) - Allen West refused to apologize today, after flipping out on fellow Florida rep Debbie Wasserman Shultz yesterday. Wasserman Schultz had criticized West—without mentioning his name—saying it was “unbelievable for a member from South Florida” to vote for the GOP’s “cut, cap, and balance” plan, because...

Emily's List Turns Mama Grizzlies on Palin

Democratic group launches website, parody video

(Newser) - Emily's List has drummed up its own group of Mama Grizzlies to counter Sarah Palin. The pro-choice group launched a SarahDoesn'tSpeakforMe website and campaign with this parody video, reports the Hill . The group is hoping to raise funds for candidates it supports, citing three races in particular against Palin-backed opponents:...

Court Rescinds Cap on Political Spending by Nonprofits

Emily's List wins ruling on 'soft money'

(Newser) - A federal appeals court today rescinded FEC limits on “soft money,” the Washington Post reports. The federal regulations had required that funds used by a nonprofit to influence a federal election be drawn from “hard money” accounts—individual contributions of “hard money” are capped at $5,...

Gibbs Will Meet the Press
Gibbs Will Meet the Press

Gibbs Will Meet the Press

Obama taps aide as press secretary, names 2 others for communications

(Newser) - Barack Obama today named Robert Gibbs as White House press secretary, the Washington Times reports. Gibbs, 37, worked for 2 years as an Obama spokesman on the campaign trail and was widely expected to take the job. Well-liked by reporters, Gibbs flared up at times on the campaign and is...

McCain Makes Pointed Pitch to Women; Dems Skeptical

With Clinton gone, women's-rights group quick to line up behind Obama

(Newser) - John McCain is fine-tuning his pitch to women, and while Democrats voice doubt the Republican can find a female following, they’re nevertheless gearing up to make sure it doesn’t happen, the Washington Post reports. McCain sees opportunity in disappointed Hillary Clinton backers, and top adviser Carly Fiorina today...

6 Stories
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