House of Representatives

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Student Loan Bill a No-Brainer That Actually Might Pass

But issue of rising tuition remains

(Newser) - For health reform watchers despairing that lawmakers "will never be able to do anything, ever," it's time to turn an eye on the no-brainer student loan reform in the House, Gail Collins writes in the New York Times. Right now, the government gives banks money, pays them to...

House Admonishes Wilson for 'You Lie!'

(Newser) - The House formally admonished Joe Wilson today for his "You lie" outburst during President Obama's speech. The vote was 240-179, with 12 Democrats and seven Republicans voting against party lines. "At issue," declared House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer during debate, "is whether we are able to...

Economy Wallops Lawmakers' Fortunes

Combined, members of Congress sough off hundreds of millions

(Newser) - The 50 richest members of Congress are still rich, but their personal finances show they’re not immune to the economic downturn, Roll Call reports. Together, the pols on the list have lost $275 million in personal wealth since 2007. In 2008, the legislators' combined assets of $1.3 billion...

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter
Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Part of a new-media push to take on critics, raise campaign cash

(Newser) - Joe “You Lie” Wilson has hired a new-media strategist, intent on responding to his now-numerous critics, the Hill reports. So far, that strategist’s chief job seems to be to send Twitter messages—Wilson dispatched 15 within 5 hours of hiring him, four shy of his total for all...

Wilson YouTube Video Sparks $200K Haul

But 'You lie' rep's foe raises $750K, leads in poll

(Newser) - Joe Wilson has raised more than $200,000 since he shouted "you lie" during President Obama's speech Wednesday—but his Democratic opponent has pulled in more than three times as much, CNN reports. Even worse for the Republican, opponent Rob Miller leads the incumbent, 44%-43%, in a poll conducted...

Apologize for 'You Lie,' or Else: Dems to Wilson

Lawmakers want apology on House floor

(Newser) - Apologizing to Rahm Emanuel apparently wasn't enough. Now House Democrats plan to vote next week on whether to discipline Joe Wilson for his "You lie!" outburst, the Washington Post reports. Aides say Democratic leaders want Wilson to apologize on the House floor for violating rules of decorum,...

For Shame, Wilson: You Have Free Government Health Care

As a National Guard retiree, SC rep is set for life with TRICARE

(Newser) - Consistent with his “You lie!” outburst the other night, Joe Wilson’s campaign website loudly proclaims he's “PASSIONATE ABOUT STOPPING GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE!” That sentiment would ring truer if the congressman weren't the beneficiary of what he calls “world class” government-run health care, Adam...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

Joe Wilson's Challenger Rakes in $200K

'You lie!' outburst pays off for SC Republican's Dem foe

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson has apologized for his outburst during President Obama’s speech last night, but the South Carolina Republican can’t take back the money flowing into his Democratic opponent’s coffers, CNN reports. Rob Miller has pocketed $200,000 since Wilson cried “You lie,” and Internet-savvy...

Boustany: Obama Should Start Over on Bipartisan Plan

(Newser) - Charles Boustany, who was upstaged last night by the impromptu opposition from his colleague, Joe Wilson, delivered the official response to Obama's speech, opening with his "disappointment" that Obama hadn't announced a do-over in the effort to reform health insurance. “Most Americans,  the Louisiana congressman said, wanted...

Obama on Health Reform: Time for Bickering Is Over

President addresses Congress in final push

(Newser) - Declaring that the US is at a “breaking point” and that “the time for bickering is over” on health-care reform, President Obama pressed his case before a joint session of Congress tonight. Obama shot down a number of charges from opponents, to applause from supporters, Politico notes—though...

SC House Republicans Tell Sanford to Resign

Fellow Republicans slam governor in open letter

(Newser) - The majority of South Carolina’s House Republicans told Mark Sanford to resign today, the State reports. At least 60 of the 73 representatives signed a letter hand-delivered to Sanford’s office that slammed the governor’s scandalous actions as “destructive to our state's image on a worldwide stage,...

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less
 Obama: Use 
 House More, 
 Senate Less 

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less

The Senate's not all it's cracked up to be

(Newser) - Barack Obama may come to regret using House Democrats as “expendable shock troops” in his battle to pass health care reform, writes David Rogers of Politico. Obama has focused on the Senate as his crucible of compromise, but the House—bolstered by a Rules Committee able to test competing...

House Dems Back to Work in Same Quagmire

Public health insurance option still splitting party after hectic summer break

(Newser) - House Democrats returned to work yesterday in the same position they were in before they spent their summer break getting an earful from the public, the Washington Post reports. House lawmakers are still expected to move first on the health care bill. But while broad support remains for some kind...

Pelosi Lets Rangel Slide...for Now

Nancy Pelosi is better off doing nothing than punishing Charlie Rangel, aides say

(Newser) - Stripping ethics-challenged Charlie Rangel of his Ways and Means Committee chairmanship would create more problems for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi than it would solve, reports Politico, citing current and former House aides. Punishing Rangel would mean having to fill his seat—with one of several less-than-stellar replacements—and infuriating the...

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver
50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

50% Approval Rating Just Another Number: Silver

Obama likely to win re-election, Dems to keep House majority with current numbers

(Newser) - Much has been made of President Obama’s 50% job-approval rating, but that number in and of itself is “not particularly newsworthy,” writes Nate Silver for Obama could probably win in 2012 even with approval below 50%: George W. Bush was re-elected with the approval of...

Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010
Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010

Democrats Could Lose Big in House in 2010

Experts say GOP could pick up more than 20 seats

(Newser) - Top political analysts are predicting a dismal 2010 election for House Democrats, who could lose more than 20 seats, Politico reports. Acclaimed handicapper Nate Silver gives the GOP a 25% to 33% chance of winning the 40 seats they’d need to take over the House. Democratic newcomers face “...

Oops: GOP Lawmaker Retracts 'Great White' From Hopes

(Newser) - As if the GOP wasn't already a bit too lily white for the 21st century, Rep. Lynn Jenkins, a Kansas Republican, had this to say about her party at a town hall forum last week: "Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope. I suggest to...

Dems Hope George Washington Can Tame Town Halls

(Newser) - Democrats are taking some unconventional steps to keep town halls civil, the Hill reports. Rep. Betsy Markey plans to hand out copies of George Washington’s Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior to attendees, in a nod to their patriotic zeal. The first rule? “Every Action done in Company,...

White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law
White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law

White House Sought to Weaken Whistleblower Law

(Newser) - The Obama administration appears to have attempted to water down the whistleblower protection law the president himself championed on the campaign trail. In an e-mail obtained by the Washington Times, a lawyer in the White House counsel's office sent a new draft of the bill to the Senate. That draft...

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>