US Senate

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John McCain's Replacement Is No Stranger to the Senate

Jon Kyl was once the No. 2 GOP senator

(Newser) - The person who will fill John McCain's Senate seat is a man who has occupied such a chair before. The Arizona Republic reports former Sen. Jon Kyl will be named as McCain's successor on Tuesday; the AP received confirmation from Cindy McCain. Kyl and McCain served as fellow...

Trump Has a Gift for House Republicans

The president releases funds from his campaign coffers

(Newser) - House Republican candidates, check your campaign accounts: A nice donation may be headed your way. President Trump himself has let his re-election campaign share funds with 100 GOP candidates in House and Senate races—not a ton, but still thousands per lucky contender, Politico reports. And the Republican National Committee...

Chelsea Manning 'Safe' After Window Ledge Jumper Photo

The 30-year-old took down the photo after about 10 minutes

(Newser) - A close friend and colleague of Chelsea Manning said Monday that the convicted leaker of government secrets and longshot candidate for US Senate is safe after a photo on her Twitter account apparently showed the 30-year-old woman standing on the edge of an upper-story window ledge. The photo was posted...

Hell or High Water, Blankenship Says He'll Be on Ballot

Intends to run for US Senate in November as Constitution Party candidate

(Newser) - Don Blankenship's political career isn't going gently into that good night. Though Politico reports he finished "a distant" third in West Virginia's Republican primary for US Senate—state Attorney General Patrick Morrisey secured the nomination—he still plans to vie for the seat and says he...

Duckworth, Newborn Make Senate History

Baby was brought onto Senate floor for vote

(Newser) - Sen. Tammy Duckworth and daughter Maile have made Senate history, the AP reports. The Illinois Democrat brought her daughter, in a pink hat, onto the Senate floor Thursday under new rules that permitted it. Duckworth already is the only senator to have given birth while serving in the Senate. Maile,...

All 22 Female Senators Demand Anti-Harassment Bill

They draft bipartisan letter to Senate leaders

(Newser) - The Senate must begin debating legislation helping people who work in Congress pursue claims of sexual harassment or discrimination, all 22 female senators said Wednesday in a letter to the chamber's leaders. "Inaction is unacceptable," the group wrote to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Minority Leader...

Government Shutdown Stretches Into Monday
GOP Senator Blames
Trump Aide for Impasse

GOP Senator Blames Trump Aide for Impasse

Government shutdown stretches into Monday

(Newser) - A deal to end the government shutdown before the beginning of the workweek failed Sunday night, meaning the first shutdown since 2013 will stretch into Monday—and possibly much longer. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Sunday night that a vote on a deal to fund the government through Feb....

What to Expect in a Government Shutdown
What to Expect If
Government Shuts Down
the rundown

What to Expect If Government Shuts Down

Mail and Social Security checks would be OK, and maybe the national parks on a limited basis

(Newser) - The looming government shutdown has had one tangible effect so far: President Trump has put plans for a trip to his Florida Mar-a-Lago resort on hold, reports NBC News . "The President will not be going to Florida until the CR passes," the White House said, referring to a...

Bill Passes House, but Shutdown Still Looms

Senate Democrats are expected to kill it

(Newser) - A government shutdown starting midnight Friday is looking like a strong possibility: A short-term spending bill to avert a government shutdown was passed by the House Thursday evening, largely along party lines, but the measure appears unlikely to pass the Senate, Reuters reports. After a last-minute deal with the conservative...

Roy Moore's Hopes Dashed by Bugs Bunny and Jesus

22,000 write-in votes helped push Doug Jones into the Senate

(Newser) - On Wednesday Vice President Mike Pence will officially welcome Doug Jones into the U.S. Senate, bringing to an end one of the strangest and most controversial elections in recent memory, the Hill reports. And while Jones' former opponent, Roy Moore, is still refusing to concede the race, Alabama state...

Judge Quashes Moore Suit, Jones Officially Given the Win

Doug Jones certified as winner of Dec. 12 special election, despite Moore complaint of voter fraud

(Newser) - Despite an 11th-hour effort by Roy Moore to keep Doug Jones from officially being declared the winner of a seat on the US Senate, Alabama's election officials did just that Thursday, with Jones calling it a "new chapter" for the Yellowhammer State. Per USA Today , the Alabama State...

Jones Says He'd Consider Voting With Republicans

The new senator-elect talks up bipartisanship after his stunning win last week

(Newser) - Doug Jones spent his first Sunday as the new senator-elect from Alabama promising to work with Republicans and even leaving the door open to voting with them. Five days after defeating Roy Moore and becoming the first Democrat to win a Senate seat in Alabama since 1992, Jones was on...

McCain Could Have Another Thumbs-Down Moment

Senate vote on tax bill might be a close one

(Newser) - Perhaps not for the first time , President Trump may be regretting his digs at John McCain, given that the Arizona senator could decide the fate of the GOP tax bill. In order to pass the Senate, all GOP senators but two need to vote yes. Though vocal critics Bob Corker...

Second Republican Opposes Senate Tax Plan

Steve Daines joins Ron Johnson

(Newser) - As the Republican leadership in the Senate races to pass a sweeping tax reform bill this week, they're running into opposition from their own members. Two weeks ago, Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson came out against the bill in its present form, saying it favors large corporations over small businesses,...

Franken: 'This Will Not Happen Again'

Minnesota senator acknowledges regaining trust will take time

(Newser) - Al Franken apologized today and said he feels "embarrassed" and "ashamed" of his behavior in light of recent accusations of sexual harassment, USA Today reports. At a press conference outside his Senate office as he returned to work , the Minnesota senator told reporters, "To all of you...

Kid Rock: If I Run, It&#39;s &#39;Game On&#39;
Kid Rock: If I Run, It's 'Game On'

Kid Rock: If I Run, It's 'Game On'

But at the moment he's more concerned with voter registration

(Newser) - "It's game on mthrfkers." Not the likeliest slogan for a political campaign, but there you have it. No, Kid Rock isn't saying he's actually running for the US Senate ... but he is saying that, were he to run, it would be a campaign like none...

Russian Lawyer Who Met Trump Jr. Ready to 'Clarify the Situation'

Natalia Veselnitskaya says she'd testify before Congress

(Newser) - The Russian lawyer who met with President Trump's eldest son during the 2016 election campaign said Wednesday she's ready to "clarify the situation behind this mass hysteria, but only through lawyers or testifying in the Senate." Donald Trump Jr. agreed to meet with Natalia Veselnitskaya in...

Kid Rock Hints at 'Major Announcement'

Suggests he may be planning Senate run

(Newser) - Is America ready for Senator Rock? Kid Rock strongly hinted Wednesday that he's planning a run for the US Senate from his home state of Michigan for the 2018 election, reports USA Today . The rocker—whose real name is Robert Ritchie— tweeted that the website is real...

Surprise! Senate Fails to Repeal Obama-Era Rule

It was a rare victory for environmentalists during Trump presidency

(Newser) - Something unprecedented under President Trump's watch happened Wednesday: The Senate failed to repeal an Obama-era rule. The Washington Post reports it was a surprise 49-51 defeat for a resolution that would have repealed a Bureau of Land Management rule curbing methane emissions, with Republicans John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and...

Would-Be Ala. Senator Wants to 'Make America Good Again'

Republican Roy Moore has a values pitch to make to voters

(Newser) - Seated beneath the Ten Commandments plaque that first made him a conservative icon in the culture wars, US Senate candidate and former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore invokes President Trump's campaign slogan—but with his own twist. "We can only make America great again if we make America...

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