Joe Lieberman

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Brzezinski Down on Idea of Afghan 'Surge'

Security expert: McCain camp on path to world war

(Newser) - The presidential candidates seem to agree that Afghanistan needs a troop surge, but Zbigniew Brzezinski doesn’t. Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser, now a Barack Obama backer, says he's concerned that the US is “literally running the risk of unintentionally doing what the Russians did,” and being...

Jews Like Obama Far Better Than Lieberman, McCain

It's not even close

(Newser) - Despite Barack Obama’s much debated Jewish problems—and Joe Lieberman’s place of pride as unofficial Jewish spokesman—the Dem is viewed favorably by 60% of American Jews and unfavorably by only 34%, while the Independent scores 37% and 48% (McCain comes in at 34% and 57%). The numbers...

VP Picks Lieberman, Hagel: Disasters for Party Bases

Candidates seem certain to pay for aisle-crossing tickets

(Newser) - With talk that John McCain and Barack Obama could pick Joe Lieberman and Chuck Hagel, respectively, to round out their tickets, liberal and conservative stalwarts tell Politico the aisle-crossing VPs would likely wreak havoc with the parties’ bases. While each has broken with his party on Iraq, Lieberman is far...

GOP's Hagel Will Travel to Iraq With Obama

Republican has been a vocal critic of the war

(Newser) - GOP national-security stalwart and longtime McCain friend Chuck Hagel will join Barack Obama on his upcoming trip to Iraq, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. The retiring Nebraskan senator has been a vocal critic of the war and the Bush administration. Despite his Republican credentials, he has been floated as...

Lefties Deliver 'Joe Must Go' Petition to Dems

Activists say backer of McCain, war shouldn't hold key Senate spots

(Newser) - Online activists are bringing a petition with 43,000 signatures to Democratic senators today, demanding Joe Lieberman be stripped of key committee roles. The group states, “We CANNOT tolerate a leader of the Senate Democratic Caucus who supports George Bush and McCain's War in Iraq … and endorses and...

Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?
 Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?  

Deja Vu: Joe for Veep?

Party-swapping, hawkish Lieberman would push McCain to the center

(Newser) - John McCain's best choice for running mate may be a familiar face in the vice presidential slot—Joe Lieberman. The independent Connecticut senator would be the "first Jewish, party-crossing, second-time-around VP nominee in American history," and could push McCain toward the center just enough to attract valuable conservative...

Lieberman, Hagel Cross Aisles to Pound Candidates

Senators cross party lines with foreign policy criticism

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman and Chuck Hagel are fighting a duel of aisle-crossing foreign policy critiques, as the former Dem candidate takes aim at Obama and the GOP heavyweight scolds McCain. “How did the Democratic Party get here?” Joe asks in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, accusing Barack of kow-towing to...

Lieberman Would Speak at RNC
 Lieberman Would Speak at RNC 

Lieberman Would Speak at RNC

Independent's support might be just what McCain needs

(Newser) - Former Democrat Joe Lieberman could cross the aisle in primetime to give a speech in support of John McCain at September's Republican National Convention, the Hill reports. The Connecticut Independent hasn't been tapped yet, but told reporters, “If Sen. McCain, who I support so strongly, asked me to do...

Lieberman Campaign, Not Opponents, Crashed Site

Site was 'overutilized and misconfigured'

(Newser) - The FBI found accusations by Joe Lieberman’s campaign that challenger Ned Lamont’s supporters crashed the Connecticut Senator’s Web site on primary eve in 2006 to be unfounded, reports the Stamford Advocate after obtaining federal documents. Instead, it was probably Lieberman’s camp itself that brought down a...

Lieberman Dem in Name Only
 Lieberman Dem in Name Only  

Lieberman Dem in Name Only

Former VP nominee takes GOP line in describing party's change

(Newser) - Joe Lieberman is several months into his job as John McCain’s wingman, but, writing in Time, Michael Scherer sees shades of 2004 turncoat Zell Miller in the Connecticut independent's anti-Democrat tone. Scherer hears a “Republican general election argument” in Lieberman's claim the Dems are ruled “by a...

McCain Mixes Up Militants on Mideast Tour

Candidate says Teheran's helping al-Qaeda

(Newser) - John McCain mixed up his militants today during a stop on his Mideast tour. He told reporters in Jordan that Tehran is “taking al Qaeda into Iran, training them and sending them back.” A whisper from Sen. Joseph Lieberman prompted him to add, "I'm sorry, the Iranians...

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy
Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

Writers Parse Buckley's Legacy

What ended his brand of conservatism—or does it endure?

(Newser) - William F. Buckley Jr. was a titan on the political scene, carving out his own brand of conservatism. But one day after his death, writers differ on his legacy:
  • At Slate, Timothy Noah notes Buckley’s more noxious stances—defending segregationists and Joe McCarthy—and says it’s good fortune

Dodd Endorses Obama
Dodd Endorses Obama

Dodd Endorses Obama

Conn. senator is 1st ex-Democratic candidate to take sides

(Newser) - Chris Dodd endorsed Barack Obama today in Cleveland, praising his ex-opponent for his "ability to reach and touch the hearts and souls of Americans," the Plain Dealer reports. The first former candidate to make an endorsement in the race, Dodd told the Hartford Courant he was "back...

Bush Wins War Budget Battle
Bush Wins War Budget Battle

Bush Wins War Budget Battle

Senate approves $70 billion in war funds

(Newser) - The White House last night won a major victory in the Senate—securing $70 billion in funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, free of the restrictions linked to troop withdrawals Democrats had insisted on for weeks. In a budget deal that ended months of wrangling, the Senate passed...

Surging McCain Hopes History Repeats in NH

Once-faltering bid rides endorsements, rivals' disappearance

(Newser) - John McCain, whose candidacy barely registered in polls a few months ago, is enjoying a momentum surge in New Hampshire. “I am obviously going to try to capitalize” on three key newspaper endorsements and Joe Lieberman’s support, McCain said. He's seeking the same independents who gave him the...

Lieberman to Back McCain
Lieberman to Back McCain

Lieberman to Back McCain

Hawkish pal could sway moderates & independents

(Newser) - Democratic Connecticut senator and one-time vice presidential nominee Joe Lieberman is expected today to announce his support of Republican presidential hopeful John McCain, reports the Washington Post. The newly "Independent Democrat" agrees with McCain's hawkish Iraq stance, and his backing is thought to hold some sway with moderate and...

Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard
Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard

Dems Should Throw Joe Overboard

Lieberman does party more harm than good, columnist claims

(Newser) - Senate Democrats wouldn’t be in the majority if Joe Lieberman didn’t caucus with them, but maybe they’d be better off, the New York Observer’s Steve Kornacki argues. Kornacki says the Independent senator embarrasses Dems by siding with the enemy  and accusing them of being terrorist coddlers....

Senate OKs Spying Program
Senate OKs Spying Program

Senate OKs Spying Program

Dems bow to White House on warrantless wiretapping bill, will revisit in 6 months

(Newser) - The Senate voted last night to temporarily extend the government's controversial surveillance program, the Washington Post reports. The contentious 60-28 vote, a  concession to the White House by Democrats, will allow for the continued interception of electronic communication between Americans and overseas parties without  a court order. The measures will...

Senators Pitch Regional Primary Days

Plan would prevent current race to the top of the calendar

(Newser) - Three senators—a Democrat, an Independent and a Republican—have proposed a radical reinvention of the now-hopelessly-congested presidential primary system. To avoid states racing to the top of the calendar, it would establish four regions, each assigned its own voting day. Drafted by Amy Klobuchar, Joe Lieberman, and Lamar Alexander,...

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid
Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Mormon Faith Bedevils Romney Bid

Voters wary; rivals quick to take advantage (and apologize later)

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still having to explain and defend his religion on the campaign trail. In recent weeks, staffers for two GOP rivals sent out e-mails questioning Mormon beliefs (the candidates later apologized), notes ABC News. And Romney himself has had to battle misconceptions about his faith, especially with regard...

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