Steny Hoyer

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Dems Have No Idea Who'd Replace Pelosi

If they lose the House, expect big leadership shakeup

(Newser) - If the Democrats lose control of the House—as it is widely expected they will—Nancy Pelosi will probably step down, sparking a clean sweep of Democratic leadership. The only problem? Democrats have no idea who their new leaders would be. “This is a subject that everybody in town...

Congress Cuts Racist Crack Sentencing Disparity

Felony amount now only 18 times higher for powder cocaine

(Newser) - Congress quietly eased up the federal sentencing guideline on crack cocaine yesterday, addressing one of the more glaring disparities of the drug war. In what critics have called a racist double-standard, possessing a mere 5 grams of crack is considered a felony, compared to 500 grams for powdered cocaine. The...

Massa's Male Staffers Complained for a Year
Male Staffers Complained
for a Year

Massa's Male Staffers Complained for a Year

Ex-rep's aides cite lewd comments, touching

(Newser) - This was apparently no isolated tickle fest , no matter what Eric Massa says. A Washington Post investigation finds that the former congressman's male staffers began complaining about lewd overtures from him in March 2009, just 3 months after he took office. Massa's senior aides tried to handle it internally—for...

House Dems Get Extra Security

Capitol police on case after post-health-vote threats

(Newser) - The rising threats against a number of House Democrats in the wake of Sunday’s health-reform vote has authorities beefing up security for them, Majority Leader Steny Hoyer says. Capitol Police and the FBI are looking at at least 10 representatives, the Huffington Post reports; Reps. Bart Stupak (Mich.),...

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In
 Reps Get Last 
 Health Reform Jabs In 

Reps Get Last Health Reform Jabs In

House members debate whether Dems have the votes

(Newser) - If you hadn't heard, the House votes on a little thing some like to call health care reform today—and the debate got an early start on the Sunday shows with Democrats signaling they had the votes, and Republicans digging in their heels. David Plouffe and Karl Rove also went...

'We'll Have the Votes': Hoyer

 'We'll Have the 
 Votes': Hoyer 

'We'll Have the Votes': Hoyer

House majority leader, whip confident about health reform passage

(Newser) - Health care reform legislation will sail through the House of Representatives in Sunday's vote, Steny Hoyer says. “We'll have the votes when the roll is called,” the majority leader tells Politico . Democrats haven’t lined up enough yeas for President Obama’s key domestic agenda, but the majority...

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
Health Bill to Shave $130B
Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer
house votes on sunday

Health Bill to Shave $130B Off Deficit in Decade: Hoyer

Vote scheduled for Sunday as Dems try to wrangle 10 yeas

(Newser) - The Congressional Budget Office numbers aren’t in yet, but House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer assures wary legislators that health care reform will save billions, even trillions, over the next 20 years. His statement comes as House Democrats try to wrangle the 10 additional votes needed to pass the bill,...

Sports Teams Fall Victim to Congress' Petty Feuds

Lawmakers attack each others' hometown squads

(Newser) - Health care reform? Congress has trouble enough honoring sports teams. A resolution to formally salute Maryland's basketball team for making the NCAA tournament nearly fell victim to a feud between congressmen today. Maryland Democrat Steny Hoyer proposed the seemingly noncontroversial measure, which should have zipped by in a voice vote....

Rush Limbaugh: I'm No 'Champion' of Eric Massa

He pulls back as Steny Hoyer and Robert Gibbs blast ex-congressman

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh says the mainstream media has it all wrong about his opinion of former Democratic congressman Eric Massa. “They think I'm a big supporter,” the talk show host said today, perhaps because yesterday he promised to make Massa’s ordeal “a national story,” reports Politico...

Democratic Leaders at Each Others' Throats

Reid and Pelosi furious with each other, and President

(Newser) - The daggers are coming out among Democrats, with relations between the House, Senate, and White House strained to the breaking point. Nancy Pelosi and her allies are furious that President Obama forced them to take tough votes on cap and trade and health care while allowing the Senate to dither,...

Hoyer: US Must Raise Debt Ceiling $1.8T

Not until we have a solution, say moderate Dems and GOP

(Newser) - House Democrats are attempting to raise the national debt ceiling by $1.8 trillion to pay for loans coming due next year, despite strong opposition from Blue Dogs, their brethren in the Senate, and the GOP. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said today the move is necessary, and Nancy Pelosi...

Health Vote May Have to Wait: Hoyer

Majority leader bemoans 'delay tactics'

(Newser) - The House may not vote on its health care reform bill tomorrow after all, thanks to Democrats' squabbling over abortion and spending, Steny Hoyer said today. “We’re very close,” the majority leader insisted, but “clearly things happen. Delay tactics can be employed.” Hoyer acknowledged that...

House Dems Back to Work in Same Quagmire

Public health insurance option still splitting party after hectic summer break

(Newser) - House Democrats returned to work yesterday in the same position they were in before they spent their summer break getting an earful from the public, the Washington Post reports. House lawmakers are still expected to move first on the health care bill. But while broad support remains for some kind...

Pelosi, Hoyer: Health Reform Haters Ignore Facts

After a century, it's time to get this done

(Newser) - The debate over universal health care has lasted almost a century, and once again, an overhaul faces tough odds. This time, not only are opponents trying to “misrepresent” legislation—many others have been crashing meetings and making “civil dialogue” on the issue impossible, write Nancy Pelosi and Steny...

Waxman Offers Secret Health Deal to Blue Dogs

Dem: 'Don't think failure is a reasonable option'

(Newser) - Rep. Henry Waxman is optimistic he can get a health care bill out of his committee after pitching Blue Dog Democrats a compromise late last night, the Hill reports. After three hours of negotiations, the Dogs asked Waxman to get a cost estimate from the Congressional Budget Office before they...

Fat Chance Lawmakers Will Read Health Bill: Hoyer

(Newser) - House lawmakers may well be be voting before the end of summer on a momentous health-care reform bill. But that doesn't mean they're actually going to read the bill. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer laughed off the suggestion when CNS News posed it. “If every member pledged to not...

Hoyer and Pelosi: Unlikely Allies
 Hoyer and Pelosi: 
 Unlikely Allies 

Hoyer and Pelosi: Unlikely Allies

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer are about as different as Democrats get; he’s an affable Blue Dog budget hawk, she’s the pugilistic progressive poster girl. When Hoyer ran for House majority leader, Pelosi backed the other guy. But these days, the two are thick as thieves, Politico reports,...

Senate Centrists Hold House Dems Hostage

Stick up to Reid, Dems urge Pelosi

(Newser) - The Senate requires 60 votes to avoid filibuster, so the 58-strong Democrats are at the mercy of centrist Republicans Arlen Specter, Olympia Snowe, and Susan Collins. Politico reports that House Dems, who have no trouble passing bills on their own, are unhappy that their legislation has to run this gauntlet....

Bill's New Baubles Persuade Some, May Scare Others

Adding pet projects could cost support of conservative Blue Dog Dems

(Newser) - The Senate’s version of the bailout bill is loaded with provisions specifically designed to sweeten the pot for House dissenters, Politico reports, including $3.3 billion for rural schools, equal health coverage for the mentally ill, and a suspension of the Alternative Minimum Tax. These changes may win over...

Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi
 Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi 

Pressure Shifts Back to Pelosi

Speaker, derided for partisan remarks ahead of first vote, gets another crack at bailout bill

(Newser) - After Republicans blamed partisan remarks for dooming Monday’s bailout vote, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is firmly in the crosshairs with a second chance coming tomorrow, the Sacramento Bee reports. But the Democrat isn’t backing off, a rep says. “Part of being able to deal with this crisis is...

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