Obama administration

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Obama's Approval Hits New Low
 Obama's Approval 
 Hits New Low 

Obama's Approval Hits New Low

But Congress, as ever, is even worse

(Newser) - President Obama’s approval rating dips to a new low in the latest Washington Post-ABC News poll . Just 43% approve of the job the president is doing, while 54% disapprove—including one-third of Democrats. Obama’s supporters aren’t very enthusiastic, either: Twice as many people gave him a strongly...

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama
 Gun Rights Gain Under Obama 

Gun Rights Gain Under Obama

Fear of backlash keeps Dems timid on 2nd amendment

(Newser) - Gun-rights advocates who feared that the Obama presidency would mean the end of the Second Amendment have instead found the political climate surprisingly friendly, the Washington Independent reports. The Supreme Court and state legislatures alike have awarded victories to pro-gun forces, and federal lawmakers are wary of rocking the boat....

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona
Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Hey Obama, Sue Rhode Island, Not Arizona

Police there already have a similar immigration policy

(Newser) - It’s odd that the Obama administration is suing Arizona over its immigration law—because Rhode Island cops have been carrying out the same basic procedure for years, writes Andy McCarthy in the National Review . Rhode Island cops routinely check for immigration status during traffic stops, reporting any illegals they...

Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest
Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest

Darrell Issa: The Republicans' Best Pest

'Call me a pain,' says man who wants to impeach Obama

(Newser) - Darrell Issa makes it his business to be the fly the Obama administration can’t swat. The ranking Republican on the House Oversight Committee is an admitted attention hog, and he brings that attention to whatever issues will most annoy the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in a profile for...

US Files Suit Against Arizona Immigration Law

It says civil rights abuses could result

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed suit today against Arizona’s controversial new immigration law. The Justice Department is challenging the law's constitutionality, arguing that state laws can’t trump federal ones when it comes to immigration, thanks to the "preemption" doctrine, notes the Washington Post .

US Nonprofits Fund Israeli Settlements in West Bank

Obama administration simultaneously fights construction

(Newser) - When President Obama meets with Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House today, he’ll probably pressure the Israeli PM to stop illegal construction in the West Bank. But even as the administration fights those settlements, the US government is giving millions in tax breaks to groups that help build them,...

Joe Biden Becomes Backstage Powerhouse

The 'skunk at the family picnic' has Obama's ear

(Newser) - It may have looked as though Joe Biden lost last fall’s argument over strategy in Afghanistan, but he actually emerged with a powerful, well-defined role in the administration. His position, in his own words: “the skunk at the family picnic.” Biden has been the in-house skeptic on...

US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism
US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism
charles krauthammer

US Too Chicken to Name Its Enemy: Islamic Radicalism

Obama administration prefers euphemisms instead

(Newser) - The would-be Times Square bomber calls himself a "Muslim soldier," and the Fort Hood shooter calls himself a "soldier of Allah." But when Team Obama refers to our enemy, it uses euphemisms like "a loose network of violent extremists." How meaningless and cowardly, writes...

Clinton, Obama Back Rival Colorado Candidates

Ex-president endorses underdog Andrew Romanoff

(Newser) - The Clinton-Obama faultline that split Democrats in 2008 appears to have reopened in Colorado. Bill Clinton has bucked the Obama administration and given his support to Andrew Romanoff in the state's Democratic primary for the US Senate, the Denver Post reports. Romanoff—who endorsed Hillary Clinton in 2008—is running...

G20 Leaders Head Home, Vowing to Cut Deficits

Economic powers set goals for reducing public debt

(Newser) - The leaders of the Group of 20 nations wrapped up their 2-day summit today in Toronto, striking an agreement to reduce deficits over the next 3 to 6 years without endangering the global economic rebound. The major economic powers vowed to cut their deficits in half by 2013 and "...

What Senators Should Ask Elena Kagan

Confirmation hearings must focus on big picture

(Newser) - The process Elena Kagan once derided as a "vapid and hollow charade" gets under way tomorrow when the solicitor general appears before the Senate Judiciary Committee as President Obama's second Supreme Court nominee. "Instead of playing cat-and-mouse with the nominee about how she would rule in future cases,...

Inmates Got $9.1M in 'Homebuyer' Tax Credits

IRS working to recoup money

(Newser) - Almost 1,300 prisoners, including 241 serving life sentences, filed for the Obama administration’s First Time Homebuyer Credit on their taxes, claiming they’d bought homes while incarcerated, according to a Treasury Department report released today. The IRS paid out $9.1 million on those claims, money it now...

Judge Blocks Drilling Ban; White House Will Appeal

Affected companies oppose 6-month moratorium

(Newser) - The Obama administration may not impose a 6-month moratorium on deepwater oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, a federal judge in New Orleans ruled today. The White House immediately said it plans to appeal the decision, CNN reports . The Interior Department imposed the ban in the wake of the...

McChrystal's a Bonehead
 McChrystal's a Bonehead 

McChrystal's a Bonehead

Pundits can't understand how the general let this happen

(Newser) - Stanley McChrystal’s Rolling Stone stunner has pundits baffled—no one can understand how he let this happen. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Joe Klein of Time defends the “McChrystal I know” as “an extraordinary man” who, unfortunately, has no PR skills and is “incapable of

McChrystal Recalled to DC After Article Slamming White House

General has some explaining to do after mocking, criticizing colleagues

(Newser) - The top US commander in Afghanistan has been summoned to Washington to explain his controversial comments about colleagues in a Rolling Stone interview, Obama administration officials said today. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, who has issued an apology for the article—in which either he or his aides slammed Joe Biden, Richard...

Obama to Give Gays Parents Right to Family Leave

Will be able to take time off to care for sick kids

(Newser) - President Obama intends to give gay workers the explicit right to take family and medical leave to care for a partner’s sick child—even if they have no legal relationship with that child. The Labor Department will issue a formal opinion tomorrow saying that the 1993 law that grants...

Budget Director Orszag Stepping Down

Senior official's departure expected as soon as next month

(Newser) - White House Budget Director Peter Orszag is planning to leave the administration, Democratic officials say. Orszag will be most senior official to leave the Obama team and his departure could come as soon as next month, insiders tell the Wall Street Journal . Orszag, a former director of the Congressional Budget...

Rahm Emanuel: Report I'm Quitting Is 'BS'

Chief of Staff planning to move family to DC

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel is not happy about the report that he’s leaving the White House after the midterm elections. “This is BS. And if you need it for translation, it is baseless,” the White House chief of staff said in a statement today. Rumors have circulated that Emanuel...

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law
Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Supreme Court Upholds Anti-Terror Law

Humanitarian groups can't give 'material support' to terrorists

(Newser) - The Supreme Court today upheld a US law that bars "material support" to foreign terrorist organizations, rejecting a free speech challenge from humanitarian aid groups. The court ruled, 6-3, that the government may prohibit all forms of aid to designated terrorist groups, even training and advice for entirely peaceful...

BP Fought Back Against Obama Demands

Balked at picking up tab for White House drilling moratorium

(Newser) - BP didn’t just roll over in the face of Barack Obama’s (ahem) “shakedown.” At the negotiating table, the oil giant managed to shoot down some of the White House’s requests, the Wall Street Journal reports—for example, it refused to pay to restore the Gulf...

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