Obama administration

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US Asks Pakistani Elite to Look for Terrorists ...

... inside their own families

(Newser) - The Obama administration has issued an unusual request to Pakistan's leaders: Make sure your kids aren't terrorists. A federal official tells Philip Shenon of the Daily Beast that the administration sent a “clear, if carefully worded warning” to political and and military leaders to check their families and staff...

US Economy Needs Less Caution, More Spending
US Economy Needs Less Caution, More Spending
Paul Krugman

US Economy Needs Less Caution, More Spending

Forget deficit; fret over threat of 'lost decade'

(Newser) - No matter what you've heard panicked commentators say, the US is not the next Greece, and the government is not trying to do or spend too much in the face of the slumping economy. In reality, Washington isn't doing or spending enough, and as a result, the US could be...

Obama Embraces Sestak
 Obama Embraces Sestak 

Obama Embraces Sestak

Meet the man who beat Arlen Specter

(Newser) - Barack Obama was lined up against Joe Sestak until Tuesday, as was much of the Democratic establishment, but, well, that was Tuesday and this is now. The president called the Pennsylvania rep yesterday to congratulate him on beating Arlen Specter, and promised him his full support—including campaigning on his...

Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response
Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response

Scientists Slam White House on Oil Spill Response

Meanwhile, heavy oil hitting Louisiana marshlands

(Newser) - With heavy oil at last washing ashore in Louisiana, scientists are slamming the Obama administration for responding to the Deepwater Horizon spill too slowly, and not investigating enough. “It seems baffling that we don't know how much oil is being spilled,” one oceanographer said on Capitol Hill yesterday....

Obama &amp; Co. Romance Hated Karzai With Lies
Obama & Co. Romance
Hated Karzai With Lies
Maureen Dowd

Obama & Co. Romance Hated Karzai With Lies

Time to snuggle up to the lesser of two evils

(Newser) - Washingtonians lie all the time, but “with the arrival of Hamid Karzai, the mendacity blossomed into absurdity,” writes Maureen Dowd of the New York Times . Obama can't stand Karzai—and really, neither can anyone else. But Dowd says they'll pretend to like him, because “like a lover...

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'
Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

Obama Team Afraid to Mention 'Radical Islam'

They keep downplaying terrorists' jihadist connections

(Newser) - The Weekly Standard rips into the Obama administration's anti-terror record in a scathing new essay. Stephen F. Hayes and Thomas Joscelyn accuse the administration of failing to detect three plots beforehand (Times Square, the Christmas Day attempt, and Fort Hood), taking credit for dumb luck when two of the attempts...

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights
Dana Milbank

The NRA Fights for Terror Suspects' Gun Rights

We prevent them from flying, but not buying weapons

(Newser) - If you ascribe to George W. Bush's “you're either with us or you're with the terrorists” logic, then the head of the NRA “should be just a few frequent-flier miles short of a free ticket to Gitmo right about now,” argues Dana Milbank of the Washington Post...

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'
 Obama: 'We Will Not Cower' 

Obama: 'We Will Not Cower'

Obama urges resolve in face of Times Square attack

(Newser) - President Obama commended New Yorkers today for not freaking out about the attempted Time Square bombing, and in a brief statement about the arrest of Faisal Shahzad, he promised to follow their example. Obama called the failed attack a “sobering reminder of the times in which we live” and...

Obama: I Still Like Drilling, But ...

The Gulf spill shows why it must be done 'responsibly'

(Newser) - In the wake of the spill off the Louisiana coast, how goes President Obama's plan to expand offshore drilling? After statements from the president and a top aide, it amounts to: We'll see. The president reiterated today that he likes the idea as part of an overall energy plan. "...

Feds May Sue Arizona Over Immigration Law

Justice Department prepares to block state law

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering taking the rare—and potentially explosive—step of challenging Arizona's immigration law in court. The government may sue the state over the law as the Justice Department examines ways to block the statute before it takes effect this summer, officials tell the Washington Post .

White House Dangles Obama Commencement Speech

Public school voted tops will land president

(Newser) - If your high school commencement speech was some guy from the Chamber of Commerce, the White House has a less nap-inducing alternative: The public school voted most dedicated to prepping its kids for college and career will get a graduation address from one Barack Obama. Six finalist schools are on...

Jones Puts Foot in Mouth With Jewish Joke

National security adviser draws fire from conservatives

(Newser) - Jim Jones gave a major speech at a top Middle East think tank last week, but the information he imparted has been drowned out by the kerfluffle over the joke he opened his remarks with—in which a Jewish merchant fleeces a thirsty Taliban fighter. It's tame stuff, and the...

Obama Targets 'Misguided' Arizona Immigration Law

President says measure flies in the face of 'basic notions of fairness'

(Newser) - President Obama ripped into Arizona's new illegal immigration law today, saying it threatens “to undermine basic notions of fairness we cherish as Americans.” Speaking at a naturalization ceremony for members of the military, he said he'd ordered his administration to “examine the civil rights and other implications...

Newt Gingrich: How America became a 'secular-socialist machine'
 Why Obama's Our Most 
 Radical President 
Newt Gingrich

Why Obama's Our Most Radical President

Chief executive runs a 'secular-socialist machine' from White House

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is defending—and, in fact, repeating—his assertion that President Obama is "the most radical president in American history." Only those in the "cultural elite" could possibly view his administration as moderate, he writes in the Washington Post . It is a "secular-socialist machine,"...

Op-Ed Columnist - The Government War - NYTimes.com
Thanks to Dems, Centrist America Suffers Again
david brooks

Thanks to Dems, Centrist America Suffers Again

We're rehashing the stale debate of big vs. small government

(Newser) - David Brooks sees himself as an advocate of "progressive conservatism," which he says puts him at the center ("or a step to the right") of American politics. And he's not happy with the plight of the "broad middle" these days. He had hopes that Barack...

Krugman: Don’t Cry for Wall Street - NYTimes.com
 Obama, Please Screw the Banks 
Paul Krugman

Obama, Please Screw the Banks

President doesn't have to play nice with these guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama went to New York yesterday to beg Wall Street to play nice on financial reform, and Paul Krugman really wishes he hadn't. Obama said reform would ultimately help the financial industry, but Krugman doesn't see the need to play nice with the big banks. “Reform actually should...

Hillary Clinton Weary of Constant Travel

'It wears you out,' she tells Esquire

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton has said she's probably a one-term secretary of state, and nothing in a new interview with Esquire suggests she's changing her mind. The constant travel, she says, is a burden. "It wears you out. The jet lag, the dry air on planes, the whole 'If it's Tuesday,...

Rahm Emanuel: I Want to Be Chicago Mayor

White House Chief of Staff says he misses Illinois

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel sounds like he wants out of the Obama administration—and Washington altogether. In an interview with Charlie Rose last night, Emanuel confirmed the rumor that he's considering running for mayor of Chicago in 2011. “I hope Mayor Daley seeks reelection. I will work and support him” if...

Karzai, White House Mend Fences; Visit On

Afghan president will travel to Washington next month as scheduled

(Newser) - The Obama administration and Hamid Karzai have buried the hatchet, and the Afghan president will visit Washington next month as scheduled, reports the Washington Post . The White House had threatened to call off the visit because of Karzai's recent shenanigans—including a vow to join the Taliban if Afghanistan's Western...

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims
 Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims 

Obama Quietly Talks to Muslims

White House reaches out to neglected constituency

(Newser) - Barack Obama has gone out of his way not to be seen with Muslim or Arab-American leaders, and he's still never set foot in a mosque as president, but behind the scenes, his administration is listening and responding to the concerns of American Muslims. Community leaders have participated in policy...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>