Obama administration

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Larry King Better Than Feds at Interrogation: McConnell

Senate's top Republican blasts Obama on terror

(Newser) - Perhaps a little too pumped up by his new 41-59 majority in the Senate, Republican leader Mitch McConnell lashed the Obama administration for allowing would-be Detroit bomber Umar Farouq Abdulmutallab to lawyer up.

Off-Message Biden Is Right: US Must Stay on Top

EJ Dionne: Vice president recasts the political debate perfectly

(Newser) - Straying off-message yet again during an interview on the stimulus plan, Joe Biden gave EJ Dionne a new perspective on the Obama agenda. The vice president passionately insisted America will remain the world's most influential country—because of its economy, which needs the stimulus. "So many people have bet...

Obama's GOP Outreach Too Little, Too Late

Obama allowed Democrats to scorn Republican input: Rove

(Newser) - President Obama's televised question-and-answer session with House Republicans was a photo-op aimed at boosting his poll numbers instead of a real effort to seek input from the GOP, writes Karl Rove. The beleaguered president did get a modest bounce after the meeting, but it came at the expense of further...

Hey, Obama: In Iraq Exit, Don't Forget Strategy

US withdrawal or not, the country still has 'geostrategic significance'

(Newser) - Iraq is centrally important to the Middle East region, and the Obama administration does the country and the world a disservice by focusing on troop withdrawal without considering the future, writes Henry Kissinger. “The outcome in Iraq will influence the psychological balance in the war against radical Islam, specifically...

Obama to Democrats: 'We Still Have to Lead'

President reminds senators they still have a big majority

(Newser) - President Obama implored Senate Democrats today to stay aggressive in pushing their agenda despite the loss of one vital seat, saying: "We still have to lead." Speaking to his party's senators at their strategy conference, Obama reminded Democrats they still hold a 59-41 majority. For Democrats searching for...

Abdulmutallab Now Cooperating With Feds

Authorities get 'useful, current' info from underwear bomber

(Newser) - The so-called “underwear bomber” is now cooperating with US authorities, who have acted upon the “useful, current” information Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab has given them, sources tell Politico . Abdulmutallab is said to have clammed up when he was given his Miranda rights less than an hour into questioning after...

Rahm Emanuel Apologizes for 'Retarded' Comment

Obama's chief of staff personally calls Special Olympics CEO

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel says he's sorry he called liberals “retarded” in August, and he has personally apologized to the CEO of the Special Olympics. "The apology was accepted,” a White House aide tells the Washington Post . The comment has drawn fire since it came to light, and it...

Spurning Beijing, Obama Will Meet Dalai Lama

President ignores Chinese warning against sit-down with Tibetan leader

(Newser) - Despite China's warning that a meeting with the Dalai Lama would "threaten trust and cooperation" with the US, President Obama still plans to sit down with the Tibetan spiritual leader when he visits Washington this month. "The president told China's leaders during his trip last year that he...

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again
 Health Reform: 
 It's 1994 All Over Again 

Health Reform: It's 1994 All Over Again

Parallels to last time comprehensive legislation died are stark

(Newser) - Even a cursory look at Democrats’ activity on health care reform brings back clear memories of their 1994 failure to pass comprehensive legislation. For instance, write Carrie Budoff Brown and Chris Frates, “the same people who spent months arguing that reform had to be jammed through quickly” are now...

Obama Readies $3.8T Budget With Record $1.6T Deficit

Record shortfall in current fiscal year would shrink to $1.3T in 2011

(Newser) - President Obama's proposed budget predicts the national deficit will crest at a record-breaking $1.6 trillion in the current fiscal year, then start to recede in 2011 to $1.3 trillion, a congressional official said today. The new budget, out tomorrow, says deficits over the next decade will average 4....

Why Losing Mass. May Be Great News for Obama
Why Losing Mass. May Be Great News for Obama

Why Losing Mass. May Be Great News for Obama

Having big majorities in Congress is a mixed blessing

(Newser) - Scott Brown's Massachusetts victory just might end up being the best thing that ever happened to President Obama, writes Matt Bai. And it could propel him to becoming exactly the kind of transformative president his supporters hoped for back in January. Look at history: Presidents who have to work with...

9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC
 9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC 

9/11 Trials Won't Be in NYC

White House gives up on bringing terror suspects to Manhattan

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s plan to try alleged 9/11 terror plotters in a lower Manhattan court bit the dust today, swamped by waves of criticism from politicians from New York to Washington. “New York is out,” a source tells the Washington Post tonight. “We’re considering other...

Gov't Will Slash Greenhouse Emissions: Obama

Executive order requires federal agencies to reduce waste, conserve energy

(Newser) - Federal agencies have until 2020 to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 28% under an executive order President Obama signed today. The order also calls for improvements in energy efficiency, water conservation, and waste reduction. "As the largest energy consumer in the United States, we have a responsibility to...

CBO Predicts Hefty Deficit, Jobless Figures

Senate, meanwhile, rejects bipartisan panel on red ink

(Newser) - The CBO issued some bleak news today about the economy and prospects for a quick recovery. The nonpartisan agency predicted a $1.35 trillion budget deficit this year—on par with last year's record of $1.4 trillion—and unemployment averaging 10.1%. The forecast for next year doesn't look...

Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm
 Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm 

Left Takes Out Rage on Rahm

Emanuel takes heat for the president

(Newser) - Liberals disappointed with Barack Obama are pointing their daggers less at him than at his chief of staff. Rahm Emanuel is not a popular guy on the left these days—many see him as the obstacle to the change they thought Obama would bring. One liberal radio host called him...

Prez Must Get Tough, Not Just Talk Tough
 Prez Must Get  
 Tough, Not 
 Just Talk Tough 

Prez Must Get Tough, Not Just Talk Tough

Obama will never make a great populist, writes Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - President Obama is going to have to recapture the political initiative with substance instead of style, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama—despite his modest upbringing—is never going to have the guy-next-door touch George W. Bush had, so he should focus on making his actions match his words instead of trying...

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0
Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Hey, GOP: It's Time for Contract With America 2.0

Strong statement of principles could win more seats this year

(Newser) - Republicans will probably gain seats this year by doing nothing, Matt Lewis writes for Politics Daily . But if the GOP wants a real victory, it should take a page from Newt Gingrich’s playbook and come up with Contract with America, version 2.0, "a promise that if Republicans...

Health Reform Hit Partisan 'Buzz Saw': Obama

President says he won't quit trying 'just because it's hard'

(Newser) - President Obama says his health care overhaul has "run into a bit of a buzz saw" and acknowledges the process is looking ugly. Nonetheless he says he'll keep working to finish sweeping legislation. In comments prepared for a town hall meeting in Ohio today, Obama said, "I am...

Volcker Trumps Geithner With Tough Bank Rules

Treasury Secretary's influence over Obama fading

(Newser) - Paul Volcker scored a major victory yesterday as Barack Obama endorsed his proposal for tough new bank regulations over the objections of Tim Geithner. Obama even dubbed the proposal, which would prevent banks from making speculative investments that don't benefit their customers, the “Volcker Rule.” It’s a...

Support Wanes for New Term for Ben Bernanke

Populist anger is getting to Senate Democrats

(Newser) - Ben Bernanke's confirmation for another term as chair of the Federal Reserve is looking shaky, Jake Tapper reports, as Senate Dems, responding to populist rage against Wall Street, weaken in their support. With a hold on the nomination from three senators, 60 votes will be required to bring it to...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>