Obama administration

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Let Entrepreneurs, Not Uncle Sam Create Jobs

Obama jobs plan will turn the US into France

(Newser) - President Obama paid lip service to America's spirit of entrepreneurship in his jobs proposals this week, but his policies will turn the US into France instead of a 21st century rival to Asia, warns Daniel Henninger. Entrepreneurship involves some people getting extremely rich, and that's something the Democrats just don't...

Volcker to Bankers: 'Wake Up, Gentlemen'

Former Fed chief blasts them on pay, 'innovation'

(Newser) - Former Fed chair Paul Volcker had some harsh words for international bankers and regulators about the poor practices that led to the global financial crisis—and continue to this day. Volcker, who advises President Obama, surprised a forum in Britain with this broadside on pay: “Has there been one...

Geithner Extends TARP, Just In Case

Says US must be ready in case of new financial shocks

(Newser) - The Obama administration is keeping the TARP around for a rainy day, Tim Geithner told Congress in a letter today—the program will be extended through October. Though the Treasury is done bailing out big banks for now, Geithner said it needed to be prepared in case of new financial...

Obama to Conyers: Stop 'Demeaning' Me

President calls liberal congressman to carp about criticism

(Newser) - John Conyers hasn't been shy about what he sees as the president's failings, and his remarks seem to have struck a nerve. “I’ve been saying I don’t agree with him on Afghanistan, I think he screwed up on health care reform, on Guantánamo," said the...

EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant
 EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant 

EPA Declares CO2 a Pollutant

Agency can regulate greenhouse gases under Clean Air Act

(Newser) - It's official: the Obama administration today declared greenhouse gases a threat to public health, which will allow the agency to use the Clean Air Act to regulate emissions without congressional approval, the Washington Post reports. "There are no more excuses for delay," said EPA administrator Lisa Jackson, who...

EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen
EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen
business not happy

EPA Move to Curb Carbon Trumps Copenhagen

Regulation of greenhouse gasses will have more immediate impact

(Newser) - No matter what happens in Copenhagen, the Obama administration is preparing to make a move to curb greenhouse gases at home that has businesses up in arms. As early as today the EPA is expected to announce that carbon dioxide has officially been classified as a dangerous pollutant, meaning that...

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option
bluff and counterbluff

GOP: Congress, Prez Must Go On Public Option

If there is one, which we hope there isn't. Good idea, say Dems.

(Newser) - In the circus that is the Senate these days, a couple of anti-public-option Republicans—Tom Coburn and David Vitter—rolled out an amendment to the health care bill Friday requiring members of Congress to enroll in any such plan that might come to pass. When Dems didn’t object—Sherrod...

Obama Leans on Senate Dems
 Obama Leans on Senate Dems 
health care reform

Obama Leans on Senate Dems

President hits the hill to help move bill along

(Newser) - President Obama returned to his old haunts today in an attempt to unite Senate Democrats as he pushes to have health care reform legislation passed before the end of the year. Almost as unusual as a visit from the president is the fact that the Senate is meeting on a...

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy
 Long Road to 
 Afghan Strategy 

Obama's Long Road to Afghan Strategy

Prez was relentless in analyzing every angle

(Newser) - Amid cries of "dithering" and the silent finality of Arlington's rows of white tombstones, President Obama calmly, analytically, and exhaustively reviewed all options in Afghanistan before finally announcing to his team on Nov. 29 that he would send in 30,000 more troops. The New York Times retraces the...

The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It
The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It

The Obama Campaign Is Over: Get Used to It

The analytical balancing act is what the country needs

(Newser) - Many Democrats are complaining that the passion of the Obama campaign is missing from the White House but they should realize that upbeat rallies aren't what it takes to run a country, writes David Brooks. It requires endless amounts of prodding and compromise to get anything done in Washington and...

Young Voters Like Obama, Not His War

Two-thirds oppose the president's Afghan war surge

(Newser) - The young voters who helped President Obama get elected say they approve of his performance as president, but that doesn't seem to include his Afghan war strategy—or any of his other major policy moves, a Harvard poll finds. Some 58% of the 18- to 29-year-olds polled gave the president...

Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet
Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet
reality check

Beck Repeats Shoddy Stats on Obama Cabinet

Claim that only 10% of cabinet had private sector cred debunked

(Newser) - Glenn Beck’s claim that “under 10%” of Barack Obama’s cabinet appointees have “any experience in the private sector” turns out to be a bad statistic pulled from the internet. The tidbit originated in a study from JPMorgan Private Bank CIO Michael Cembalest, PolitiFact reports. Cembalest looked...

White House Piles on Rummy Over Afghan Troop Gripe

'You go to war with the defense sec you have'

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld would prefer President Obama not disparage the previous administration by suggesting it ignored troop requests by US commanders in Afghanistan, as he did in Tuesday’s speech. That’s a “bald misstatement,” the former defense secretary says in a statement. “At least as it pertains...

Obama Surge Dicey for Campaigning Dems

Liberal base could make life hard for incumbents, and others

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision on the Afghan troop surge is throwing a big monkey wrench into the campaigns of some Democrats, who must now walk the line between an exasperated liberal base and the approval of the White House. Support for the surge is being wielded like a cudgel by...

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs
 Obama Summit Tackles Jobs 

Obama Summit Tackles Jobs

Event will coincide with the release of November unemployment stats

(Newser) - The Obama administration will hold a much-hyped jobs summit today, bringing 130 guests—including labor leaders and a host of big-name CEOs—to brainstorm ideas for tackling unemployment. The event also just happens to coincide with the release of November’s unemployment figures, which aren’t expected to be pretty—...

Gates: Afghan Failure Means 'Civil War'

Troop surge is necessary to transition to humanitarian role

(Newser) - Defense chief Robert Gates and other members of the Obama administration took to Capitol Hill today to sell President Obama's plan to send 30,000 additional troops. "Failure in Afghanistan would mean a Taliban takeover of much, if not most, of the country and likely a renewed civil war,...

Obama OKs 11 New Human Stem Cell Lines

NIH authorizes 11 new lines, promises more to come

(Newser) - The Obama administration approved 11 new lines of human embryonic stem cells for federally funded research today, in the first expansion of stem cell support since Obama officially overturned George W. Bush’s policy against them. “This is a real change in the landscape,” said the director of...

Next Hurdle for Afghan Surge: Paying for It

Dems don't want to pony up for Obama's plan

(Newser) - Getting Congress to fund Barack Obama’s new Afghanistan strategy might be as arduous a process as the strategic review that devised it. Democrats, cold to the idea of sending more troops, don’t want to foot the bill; some are proposing a war tax to cover it. “If...

Obama Talks Afghan Strategy With Karzai

Morning videoconference pleased Afghan president, sources say

(Newser) - President Obama spent an hour on the phone with Hamid Karzi this morning to discuss the new US policy for Afghanistan, a spokesman for the presidential palace reports. A close confidant of Karzai's who was with the Afghan president following the call said Karzai was happy with the videoconference conversation...

Obama Issues Orders for More Afghan Troops

Briefed military last night, will reveal number and other details tomorrow

(Newser) - After weeks of deliberation, President Obama has settled on a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan and ordered the military to carry it out. The exact size of the troop escalation has not been announced, but sources put the number in the neighborhood of 30,000 more troops. The...

Stories 621 - 640 | << Prev   Next >>