Obama administration

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White House Split on Afghanistan Strategy

'Skeptic-in-chief' Biden challenges McChrystal's call for more troops

(Newser) - Gen. Stanley McChrystal's call to beef up the war effort in Afghanistan is proving a tough sell with senior administration officials.  White House advisers challenged many aspects of the commander's assessment at a meeting this week, including his belief that al-Qaeda would again find sanctuary in Afghanistan if the...

In Blog Post, White House Blasts Fox News

Prez promised to call out detractors, and that he did over Olympics claims

(Newser) - In an unprecedented move, the White House has excoriated one of its most vocal opponents in a blog post ripping Fox News. The post singles out Glenn Beck, saying his "program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan...

Obama May Need GOP to Send More Troops

Democrats uneasy about Afghan buildup

(Newser) - If President Obama decides to go along with Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s request for 40,000 more troops in Afghanistan, he’s probably going to need Republican help to do it. Democrats are increasingly opposed to the buildup, with party leaders telling the Washington Post they worry that more American...

EPA Gets Nod to Crack Down on Industrial Greenhouse Gas

Big industrial plants to be targeted, not 'cows and Dunkin' Donuts'

(Newser) - The Obama administration has given the EPA the green light to start moving for the first time toward limiting greenhouse-gas emissions from major industrial sources. The proposed new rules would affect only large facilities that emit 25,000 tons or more of carbon dioxide annually, instead of applying to "...

Righty Site Yanks Post on US Military Coup

Newsmax scribe said Obama overthrow 'gaining possibility'

(Newser) - A Newsmax columnist—the conservative mag says he's a mere “unpaid blogger”—suggests that a military coup against the Obama administration is “gaining possibility.” “Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration,” writes John Perry in a column...

On Terror Case, Rare Silence From Obama
On Terror Case, Rare Silence From Obama

On Terror Case, Rare Silence From Obama

Also a reversal of Bush attempts to 'conflate' threat to US: Ambinder

(Newser) - The absence of a statement from the Obama administration on the arrest of terror suspect Najibullah Zazi is quite a contrast from a president Americans have gotten used to seeing just about every time they turn on the TV—and from the treatment such incidents received during the Bush administration,...

Media Lose Interest in War Dead: Only AP Shoots Coffins

Photo ban lifted, but photographers aren't bothering

(Newser) - Back when George W. Bush was president, the media made a big fuss about the administration’s refusal to allow the press to photograph soldiers’ coffins, saying it hid the true cost of the war. President Obama lifted the ban in April, and the media flocked to snap shots of...

Obama to Tighten Bush's Iran Sanctions

White House will apply pressure unilaterally on world trading

(Newser) - The Obama administration’s plan to sanction Iran looks a lot like that of his predecessor. Officials say that if nuclear talks with Iran fail, they will likely tighten enforcement of Bush sanctions rather than impose new ones, the Washington Post reports. Obama has even retained the top architect of...

Health Foes Fight Mandatory Insurance at State Level

Efforts, mainly GOP-led, appear more symbolic, but could result in court battles

(Newser) - Efforts are afoot in more than a dozen states to outlaw mandatory health insurance, a preemptive strike against federal health reform that, though mainly symbolic and constitutionally dubious, could provoke a court battle that would be costly and delay any plan passed by Congress. “I just don’t want...

Michelle Obama Walks the Walk on Fitness, Health

First lady joins administration's push for more positive habits

(Newser) - The Obama administration's push for better fitness and nutrition starts at the top, with the gym-rat president and garden-planting first lady setting the bar high for a nation of couch potatoes. It's all about moderation, Michelle Obama tells Prevention magazine. "My message to women: Do what makes you feel...

Obama Wants More School, Less Summer Break

Wants to give US kids boost globally, idea 'not popular' with Sasha, Malia

(Newser) - Well, Barack Obama’s approval rating just plummeted in the K-12 demographic. The president is calling for longer school days and a shorter summer break, arguing that it’s a necessary step to catch up with kids from around the world. The president admits they’re “not wildly popular...

Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too
Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too

Bush Redux? Runaway Exec Power Traps Obama, Too

Every modern president succumbs to the National Security State, writes Wills

(Newser) - George W. Bush expanded executive power to an extreme degree, but he wasn't an exception, writes historian Garry Wills. Since World War II, the presidency has accrued massive, unintended authority—controlling nuclear weapons, intelligence agencies, and a worldwide military network under "the cult of the commander in chief."...

Obama and Cable News: It's Love/Hate
 Obama and 
 Cable News: 
 It's Love/Hate 

Obama and Cable News: It's Love/Hate

Prez can't stand the "chatter" that obfuscates real issues

(Newser) - President Obama tries to downplay the “cable chatter” of the 24-hour news networks, but his frustration with them is as old as their fascination with him. “I think a lot of this stems from the election,” press secretary Robert Gibbs tells Politico, when some donors “would...

Sotomayor Reminisces About Life-Changing Call

Says she burst into tears when Obama gave her the news

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor sat by the phone for 12 hours waiting for the call. When it finally rang, “I had my left hand over my chest, trying to calm my beating heart,” she recalls in an interview with C-SPAN. When President Obama offered her the Supreme Court appointment, “...

Public Option Lives—If the Left Pushes Hard Enough

Nancy Pelosi still wants it in House-Senate compromise

(Newser) - As health care reform chugs through the Senate Finance Committee, Mike Madden checks in on the prospects for a public option and finds it's not quite dead yet. A big test comes today when the committee votes on amendments from supporters of the public option, such as Jay Rockefeller. "...

White House Counsel May Quit Over Gitmo Struggles

Craig taking heat as January closing deadline slips away

(Newser) - The Obama administration's promise to close Guantanamo Bay within a year is in serious danger of being broken, and White House counsel Greg Craig may be leaving his post because of it, senior officials say. Craig ordered the January deadline after being advised not to by outgoing Bush administration officials...

Volcker: Obama Plan May Lead to More Bailouts

Former Fed chief faults strategy of 'too big to fail'

(Newser) - A top White House economic adviser says the Obama administration's proposed overhaul of financial rules preserves the policy of "too big to fail" and could lead to future bailouts. Former Fed chief Paul Volcker told Congress that by designating some companies as critical to the broader financial system, the...

Sullivan: That's Not Weakness, It's Confidence

(Newser) - The "usual suspects" in the neoconservative camp are apoplectic at President Obama's behavior at the UN, writes Andrew Sullivan. After all, he had the nerve to "engage foreign powers as equals rather than as subordinates." Obama's critics, of course, see America as always in the right—even...

Obama-Led Security Council OKs Nuke Resolution

US-drafted measure strengthened by Obama appearance at meeting

(Newser) - The UN Security Council today adopted a US-drafted resolution that outlines much of President Obama’s plan to rid the world of nuclear weapons. The president’s attendance at the meeting of heads of state—just the fifth in UN history—underscores the centrality of the issue for his administration....

McChrystal Denies Rift, Says He's Not Quitting

General will not resign, even if his requests are not honored

(Newser) - General McChrystal says his bleak assessment of the US effort in Afghanistan has not created any ill will between him and the Obama administration, and he welcomed the national debate over the mission. In an interview with the New York Times, McChrystal also denied rumors that he will resign he...

Stories 781 - 800 | << Prev   Next >>