Obama administration

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Obama Doesn't Lie&mdash;But He Does Mislead
Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

Obama Doesn't Lie—But He Does Mislead

President slides by on half-truths on health care: Krauthammer

(Newser) - Joe Wilson wasn’t quite right. President Obama doesn’t lie, exactly, writes Charles Krauthammer of the Washington Post, but he still has an odd “relationship to the truth.” For example, Obama promised to veto any bill that grew the deficit, then with his very next sentence promised...

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists
 Some Obama Critics 
 Actually Are Racists 

Some Obama Critics Actually Are Racists

They reject his 'legitimacy as president'

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter was right when he said racism fuels some of President Obama's critics, Eugene Robinson writes for the Washington Post. Carter may have overstated it—plenty of naysayers have legit policy concerns over issues such as health reform—but "the most vitriolic attacks" reject Obama's "legitimacy as...

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race
 Obama Backlash 
 Isn't About Race 

Obama Backlash Isn't About Race

The real, centuries-old conflict is between urban elites and small towners

(Newser) - It's a mistake to see the growing backlash against President Obama through the prism of race, David Brooks writes in the New York Times. The anti-Obama movement springs not from racism, but from the long American tradition of popular distrust of the urban elite, argues Brooks. He notes mostly white...

Fallen Soldier Awarded Medal of Honor

Army sergeant perished in Afghanistan saving an injured comrade

(Newser) - Army Sgt. Jared Monti, who died in 2006 while trying to save the life of a wounded comrade in Afghanistan, was awarded the Medal of Honor this afternoon at the White House. "Jared Monti saw the danger before him and went out to meet it," said President Obama....

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub
GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

GOP Blasts Obama for Fox News Snub

President will appear on every other network Sunday

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers are peeved because President Obama is—try not to laugh—snubbing Fox News. Obama will appear on every political Sunday talk show this week, except Fox News Sunday. “If people are going to be on the Sunday talk shows, they should be on all of them,”...

Obama's Missile Move Leaves Allies in the Lurch

(Newser) - President Obama’s decision to scrap plans for a missile defense shield is a political bombshell, writes Robin Oakley for CNN. America’s allies in Poland and the Czech Republic are left holding the bag after expending significant political capital on the unpopular system. Abandoning it might make their lives...

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains
 Working Class Picks 
 Wrong Villains 

Working Class Picks Wrong Villains

(Newser) - When the tea party protesters converged on Washington, one leader, radio demagogue Mark Williams, repeatedly described them as “working stiffs” who felt left out. It’s no wonder they’re angry, writes Timothy Egan for the New York Times, because it’s been a lost decade for “working...

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt
Mock Beck's
Czar Hunt

Democrats Mock Beck's Czar Hunt

Bogus name tars legit jobs, they say, but even some Dems aren't sure

(Newser) - Democrats are fighting back against the anti-czar fervor that has taken hold of the Republican party. Many of the so-called czars these officials insist must be confirmed by the Senate actually already have been, writes Jason Linkins of the Huffington Post. Others occupy positions they themselves voted to create, and...

US to Shelve European Missile Shield

Kremlin delighted as Obama administration ends Bush program

(Newser) - The Obama administration will scrap Bush-era plans to build a missile defense shield in eastern Europe, sources tell the Wall Street Journal—a move expected to delight Russia, which has strongly opposed the program. Washington is basing its decision on a new, more modest assessment of Iran's long-range missile capabilities....

Young Adults Will Pay Steep Price for Health Reform

Insurance will be cheaper, but not cheap, and they'll be forced to buy it

(Newser) - Young adults are the demographic most firmly behind President Obama and health care reform, but they may also end up funding a disproportionate share of it, the Washington Post reports. Requiring young adults to sign up for health insurance is a key part of reform plans, as it will ensure...

Obama Supports Extending Patriot Act Provisions

Administration tells Congress it wants to renew surveillance laws

(Newser) - The Obama administration supports extending three controversial provisions of the Patriot Act that are due to expire at the end of the year,  AP reports. The Justice Department tells Congress in a letter they will back preserving the post-9/11 law's authority to access business records, monitor so-called "lone...

With Race in Play, Obama's White Support Softens

Poll numbers plummeted amid Sotomayor, Gates controversies

(Newser) - President Obama’s downward opinion-poll trajectory among whites seems to be linked to the “blackening” of his image, writes Joan Walsh in Salon. It accelerated during two racially charged moments this summer: Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, marked with debate over her “wise Latina” comment,...

Obama to Wall Street: Prepare for Reform

(Newser) - President Obama visited Wall Street’s historic Federal Hall today, on the anniversary of Lehman Brothers' collapse, to make the case for the financial regulatory reforms wending their way through Congress. He spoke of the need for “strong rules of the road” for the financial system. “History cannot...

Obama Neglects a Powerful Presidential Tool: Fear

Opponents' ability to criticize with impunity hinders the president's effectiveness

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been praised for bringing a more conciliatory tone to the presidency after the with-us-or-against-us swagger of George W. Bush. But Obama’s preference for gentle negotiation and compromise leaves him less able to use an effective presidential tool: fear, writes Ben Smith for Politico. Obama has failed...

US Agrees to Iran Talks
 US Agrees to Iran Talks  

US Agrees to Iran Talks

Iran says nukes not on the table, but White House will try anyway

(Newser) - The US has accepted an offer from Iran to hold direct talks on a range of issues, the New York Times reports, despite Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's insistence that the country's nuclear enrichment program will not be on the negotiating table. State Department officials say they will still press Iran on the...

Afghanistan Push Meets Resistance —From Democrats

Levin, Pelosi object to troop buildup; Obama weighs options

(Newser) - Support for the war in Afghanistan is dwindling among Democrats as President Obama mulls increasing US involvement in the region, the New York Times reports. Ahead of an expected request for more troops from the US commander in the country, the chair of the Senate armed services committee says he’...

Hillary Run for NY Gov? Uh, No, Scoff Lefty Pundits

Lefty Internet moves to dismiss rumor floated by right-leaning site

(Newser) - Pundits jumped today on a report that Hillary Clinton will leave the State Department to run for governor of New York, with Michael Crowley, in the New Republic, saying three Clinton sources dismissed the notion, and that anyone floating such things is “on crack.” That, evidently, would be...

NEA Official Resigns: Another Glenn Beck Victory?

(Newser) - The NEA's spokesman has resigned, and the Huffington Post chalks it up as another victory for Glenn Beck. The NEA official, Yosi Sergant, raised the Fox host's ire by participating in an August conference call in which the group sought artists to participate in a national program called United We...

Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer
Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Vitriol surrounding health care debate sure to continue

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech last night will probably prod Congress into passing health care reform, writes Joe Klein in Time. “But it will not end the public malignancy that has attended this debate, and threatens the democratic fabric of our nation.” Klein attended an Arkansas town hall recently...

Ranks of Uninsured Grow; Poverty Rate Soars

(Newser) - The number of uninsured Americans rose to 46.3 million last year, up from 45.7 million in 2007, as the poverty rate hit an 11-year high, the Census Bureau announced today. The poverty rate was 13.2% for 2008, up from 12.5% in 2007, the largest annual jump...

Stories 821 - 840 | << Prev   Next >>