Obama administration

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Geithner, Summers Outline New Regulatory System
Geithner, Summers Outline New Regulatory System

Geithner, Summers Outline New Regulatory System

(Newser) - The current financial regulatory system “is riddled with gaps, weaknesses, and jurisdictional overlaps,” Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Obama economic guru Larry Summers write in today’s Washington Post. They outline, in broad strokes, their plan to fix it:
  • Capital and liquidity requirements will be raised across the

Anti-Biz Obama 'Loathes Profit Motive': Barnes

(Newser) - “Anti-business may be too crude a label” for President Obama, Fred Barnes writes in the Weekly Standard, but America's leader certainly "has a dark view of profits." Surveying Obama's appointments, policies, and remarks about business, Barnes concludes that "Obama loathes the profit motive or at least...

Colonize the Moon? NASA to Scope It Out

(Newser) - NASA will launch a mission Wednesday to gather information about how humans might someday colonize the moon, the Los Angeles Times reports. A robotic orbiter will provide detailed maps of the topography and first-of-their kind peeks inside craters where ice might be hiding. “We're going to provide NASA with...

Clinton: US Is 'Waiting and Watching' on Iran

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton said today the US hopes the outcome of the contested Iranian presidential election reflects the "genuine will and desire" of the Iranian people. "We are monitoring the situation as it unfolds in Iran, but we, like the rest of the world, are waiting and watching to...

OK, Mr. President, Enough With the TV: Maher
OK, Mr. President, Enough With the TV: Maher

OK, Mr. President, Enough With the TV: Maher

Obama should focus on getting things done, Bill Maher writes

(Newser) - The country needs more presidential action and fewer presidential TV appearances, Bill Maher writes for the Los Angeles Times. "Every time you turn on the TV, there's Obama. He's getting a puppy! He's eating a cheeseburger with Joe Biden! He's taking the wife to Broadway," he writes. Not...

Obama's Approval at 62%; Government Less Popular

(Newser) - Though opinions of the government vary, most Americans continue to have a favorable view of President Obama, Fox News reports. In a new poll, 62% of respondents approve of the job Obama is doing; 31% disapprove. 64% like the president as a person. But on the administration’s takeover of...

Economists See High Unemployment Through 2010

(Newser) - Economists think the US unemployment rate will stay above 9% through 2010, the Wall Street Journal survey finds. Accordingly, those in the know believe the Federal Reserve will hold interest rates down at least through spring. “For real people, there is no recovery until the unemployment rate stabilizes,”...

Military's New Afghanistan Chief Gets Free Rein

Allowed to choose own team as Obama prioritizes effort

(Newser) - With Afghanistan a priority for the administration, officials have given the new US commander there free rein to select his team, the New York Times reports. Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s job “is that important. Afghanistan is the main effort right now,” said the chairman of the Joint Chiefs....

6 Conservatives Worth Obama's Time
 6 Conservatives 
 Worth Obama's Time 

6 Conservatives Worth Obama's Time

(Newser) - There are a few in the conservative camp who the Obama administration respects. “By respect, I mean, quite simply, the degree to which the White House responds to their worries and needs and believes that the time spent responding is useful and necessary,” Marc Ambinder writes in the...

Israeli Minister Urges Sanctions Against US

Upset with Obama shift, he also wants to influence elections

(Newser) - An Israeli cabinet minister has suggested his country stop buying technology from the US and even try to influence US elections because of the Obama administration’s perceived shift on Mideast policy, the Jerusalem Post reports. Yossi Peled, a “minister-without-portfolio,” said “Obama’s ascendance represents a turning...

Obama to US: A Salad Wouldn't Kill You

Prez battles for prevention, sets fit example

(Newser) - President Obama is on a mission for a fitter America, Politico reports: he has given health department jobs to warriors against trans fats and smoking, and he wants a health care plan that keeps Americans from getting sick in the first place, with obesity screenings and an emphasis on exercise....

Republicans See Rising Debt as Obama's Soft Spot

(Newser) - Republicans think they’ve found one chink in President Obama’s armor: public fear over rising national debt. Some 51% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s efforts to control federal spending, according to a recent poll. In every other area, Obama enjoys positive ratings. “The president is still popular,...

Done Deal: Fiat Buys Chrysler Assets

Administration triumphs as bankruptcy effectively ends

(Newser) - Chrysler finalized its sale of assets to Fiat with a government wire transfer this morning that gave Chrysler $6.6 billion in funds to exit bankruptcy, the New York Times reports. The sale is good news for the Obama administration, which sought an “efficient” restructuring for Chrysler. It may...

How We Wound Up With a $1.2T Deficit
How We Wound Up With
a $1.2T Deficit

How We Wound Up With a $1.2T Deficit

(Newser) - President Obama’s agenda plays a very small role in the massive deficits facing the country, but it won't do anything to correct them, wither the New York Times reports. After reviewing a decade’s worth of Congressional Budget Office reports, the paper explains how the government turned a $800...

Palau to Take Gitmo's Chinese Detainees

Island nation's move resolves key camp-closing concern

(Newser) - Palau agreed to accept 17 Chinese Muslims who have languished in legal limbo at Guantanamo Bay, indicating a resolution to one of the thorniest issues facing the Obama administration's decision to close the prison camp. The announcement, which would clear the last of the Uighurs from the camp, was a...

White House Shifts Course on Wall St. Pay

Salary caps will be dropped, but bonus restrictions remain

(Newser) - The Obama administration has scrapped plans for salary caps at banks and other firms that receive government bailout money, reports the Wall Street Journal. But congressional limits on bonuses will remain in force, and the White House will still push for major changes to executive compensation. The double whammy of...

First Gitmo Detainee to Face Trial Pleads Not Guilty

Denies role in 1998 embassy bombings

(Newser) - The first Guantanamo Bay detainee to be brought to the US for trial has pleaded not guilty in two embassy bombings. Ahmed Ghailani entered the plea today in federal court in Manhattan. Ghailani is charged with participating in the bombing of embassies in Africa in August 1998, attacks that killed...

US Offers $200M to Send Gitmo Inmates to South Pacific

(Newser) - The US wants to resettle Uighur detainees held at Guantanamo Bay on the Pacific island nation of Palau, the AP reports. Palau, whose eight main islands lie 500 miles east of the Philippines, has strong ties to the US and depends on it for aid and protection. Daniel Fried, the...

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum
Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Ex-Bushie: Media won't call White House on its unmeasurable metric

(Newser) - President Obama confidently declared yesterday that the stimulus plan had already “saved or created” 150,000 American jobs and would “save or create” another 600,000 by this summer. Which is pretty surprising, former Bush official William McGurn writes in the Wall Street Journal, because the economy’s...

Obama Effect Drove Lebanon Allies to Victory
Obama Effect Drove Lebanon Allies to Victory

Obama Effect Drove Lebanon Allies to Victory

Hezbollah defeat bodes well for Iranian election this Friday

(Newser) - Voters in Lebanon had many reasons for backing American allies over a Hezbollah-led coalition in Sunday's bellwether elections, but political analysts say that Barack Obama's efforts to reach out to the Muslim world played a significant role in the outcome. For the first time in years, being linked to Washington...

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