Obama administration

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'Glimmers' of Economic Hope, But Work's Not Done: Obama

(Newser) - After a meeting today with the administration's top economic officials, President Obama said he’s starting to see “glimmers of hope,” Bloomberg reports. The president noted that government loans to small business are up but cautioned, “We’ve still got a lot of work to do.”...

In a Switch, Emanuel Now Backs Immigration Reform

Once worried about red-state candidates, chief of staff now pushes Obama's reforms

(Newser) - Rahm Emanuel seems to have had a change of heart about immigration reform. In the past, he's been a lukewarm advocate at best for fear it would hurt Democrats at the polls. But in his new job as chief of staff, he’s pushing immigrant-friendly laws and predicting legislation on...

Banks Launch Mortgage Refinancing Program

(Newser) - The country’s top lenders are slowly implementing the Obama administration’s plan to help otherwise ineligible borrowers to refinance their mortgages at the current bargain-basement rates, the Wall Street Journal reports. The program is open to those with mortgages owned by Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae who are current...

Obama Snaps Up 17,600 Fuel-Efficient US Cars

Government will buy thousands of fuel-efficient cars

(Newser) - President Obama announced yesterday that the government plans to buy up 17,600 American-made hybrid and fuel-efficient cars for the federal fleet, reports the Washington Post. In addition to being a way to get some more money to the automakers, the plan will boost the efficiency of the government fleet...

Feds Put the Squeeze on Auto Creditors

Billions of dollars in concessions sought from banks, bondholders

(Newser) - The government is pushing hard to wring billions of dollars in concessions from the creditors of General Motors and Chrysler, the Wall Street Journal reports. Insiders say Treasury has pushed GM to offer bondholders only stock in return for debt after it judged as too generous a deal involving stock,...

Obama Seeks $83.4B for Wars
 Obama Seeks $83.4B for Wars 

Obama Seeks $83.4B for Wars

(Newser) - President Obama will ask Congress for $83.4 billion in supplemental funding for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AP reports. Obama had in the past opposed such requests outside of the federal budget, but the administration says it's necessary one final time to fund the military through the...

Economy's 'Free-Fall' Nearly Over: Summers

(Newser) - Top Obama economic adviser Lawrence Summers said today that measures to stabilize the economy will have a discernible effect in the next few months, the Hill reports. Loosening credit and an increased flow of inventory from manufacturers means the sense of “free-fall” will dissipate, though jobless numbers will continue...

Email Error Reveals Obama Staffers' PR Calculations

Back-and-forth over schedule shows administration's inner workings

(Newser) - A daily email from the White House Press Office outlining President Obama’s schedule accidentally included in-house correspondence among staffers, CNN reports. The error revealed the political calculations that go into the missive—among them deliberations on emphasizing “real people”—homeowners Obama and his economic team would be...

Obama Hates America: Santorum
Obama Hates America: Santorum

Obama Hates America: Santorum

Ex-senator blasts president for State Dept. nomination

(Newser) - President Obama doesn’t respect American values—he made that clear when he apologized for the “arrogance” of the Bush years in France last week, former US senator Rick Santorum writes for the Philadelphia Inquirer. But the president has outdone himself by nominating Harold Koh to be the top...

Cash Flows to Add Broadband, But Feds Don't Have Plan

FCC has until Feb.; ISPs get stimulus now

(Newser) - The Federal Communications Commission is beginning to draw up a plan to deliver broadband internet to every home in the US, the Washington Post reports. But as the FCC accepts public comment and reviews policy in the year it has to draft the plan, broadband providers will be using stimulus...

Kennedy Is 'Mistake' for Vatican Post: Ex-Envoy Flynn

She's a rumored candidate for ambassador to the Holy See

(Newser) - Caroline Kennedy can’t seem to catch a break. The onetime Senate aspirant is being called a “mistake” for ambassador to the Vatican. “It’s essential that the person who represents us to the Holy See be a person who has pro-life values,” Raymond Flynn, who held...

Bailout Honchos Weigh Toxic-Asset 'War Bonds'

Treasury's new idea would allow private investors to profit from bailouts

(Newser) - Responding to charges the bank bailout privatizes profits while socializing losses, the Obama administration is exploring creating mutual-fund-type instruments that would allow private citizens to invest in toxic assets. The bailout funds, akin to war bonds, would allow the taxpayers who funded the bailout to profit along with Wall Street,...

Obama Eyes Perilous Terrain of Immigration Reform

President pushing ahead with plans to legalize millions despite economic crisis

(Newser) - With an economic crisis, two wars, and major battles on health care and energy looming, the Obama White House will also enter the politically treacherous terrain of immigration reform, the New York Times reports. White House officials said the president "plans to start the debate this year," aiming...

White House Mulls Drastic Action on Climate Change

Geo-engineering could be last resort, Holdren says

(Newser) - Global warming may get to the point where drastic "geo-engineering" measures to cool the earth will be necessary, President Obama’s top science adviser tells the AP. John Holdren said shooting reflective particles into the upper atmosphere to reflect some sunlight is a last resort, but one he's raised...

Job Hunt Drags On for Obama Faithful

(Newser) - The odds of getting a job in the Obama administration aren’t great—the White House has hundreds of thousands of applicants for a little more than 3000 jobs—but that hasn’t deterred young, would-be Obama-ites, the Washington Post reports. Applicants are flooding the capital, networking online and, in...

Obama Speaks Softly, Carries ... You Know the Rest

President trades macho for cool

(Newser) - President Obama didn't swagger through his European road trip, but that doesn't mean he isn't ready to play hardball. "If George W. Bush was a cowboy, Obama is a group hug," writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post. The contrast between Obama, who's still establishing his presidential persona,...

Big Oil Blows Off Obama's Clean-Energy Push

Firms say alternatives won't replace oil anytime soon

(Newser) - As the Obama administration seeks to spearhead a $150 million clean-energy overhaul, oil firms are conspicuously not getting on board—they're staying on the sidelines and, in many cases, betting against it, the New York Times reports. Shell is freezing its development work on wind, solar and hydrogen power, after...

Cheney's 'Dead Wrong,' We're Safer: Biden

(Newser) - Joe Biden begs to differ with Dick Cheney's view that the US is less safe under President Obama. Cheney is not “out of line, but he is dead wrong,” Biden told CNN. In fact, the Bush administration left the nation in its weakest state since WWII, stretched thin...

Frenetic White House Braces for Congress' Roadblocks

Long-term push for big items will go with day-to-day small initiatives

(Newser) - They knew it would happen: Despite impressive speed out of the blocks, the Obama administration now faces the inevitable slowdown to a typical congressional crawl, as its agenda meets resistance from members of both parties. Energy and global warming plans are likely to be the toughest sell, Mike Allen writes...

Obama's FDA Cracks Down on Food Industry

Sweeping pistachio recall rejects slow pace of peanut crisis

(Newser) - Under President Obama, the Food and Drug Administration is taking on a tougher, more preventative role, the New York Times reports, leading, for example, to product recalls before anyone’s been sickened. The change is evident in the agency’s handling of the pistachio scare: It warned against eating them...

Stories 1381 - 1400 | << Prev   Next >>