Obama administration

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Lets States Tighten Fuel Standards

(Newser) - Barack Obama announced a drastic change in the nation’s energy policy today, beginning with an executive order allowing states to raise their fuel efficiency standards. "America will not be held hostage to dwindling resources,” Obama said. “Today I announce the first steps on our journey to...

Congress Mulls Salary Freeze
 Congress Mulls Salary Freeze 

Congress Mulls Salary Freeze

Both sides look to gain political capital in putting off raise

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s freeze on top White House salaries has put pressure on Congress to do the same for itself, reports Politico, but as with much on the Hill, that’s a lofty idea mired in the mud of political reality. Even those who support a pay freeze are scrambling...

Nationalizing Banks Looks More and More Likely
Nationalizing Banks Looks More and More Likely

Nationalizing Banks Looks More and More Likely

Case for Nationalization grows

(Newser) - Team Obama is coming closer and closer to using the N-word they've been studiously avoiding: nationalize. Already the government is the top shareholder at both Bank of America and Citigroup, and with both banks in freefall, many think buying the rest is the only option. “I would guess that...

Obama Tries to Re-Plant Netroots

(Newser) - Barack Obama is determined to turn the legions of Facebook friends and Twitter subscribers that got him elected into an effective force for his administration, the New York Times  reports. He’s already begun issuing his weekly addresses via YouTube video, rather than radio, and crafted a new group called...

All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure
All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure

All Options on Table in Fight to Halt Foreclosure

Obama considering moratorium, gov't-sponsored refinancing

(Newser) - The Obama administration is considering plans to stem the tide of foreclosures ranging from doubling the mortgage interest deduction to a six-month foreclosure moratorium to government-sponsored refinancing, reports the Los Angeles Times. But a strategy is still at least several weeks away and, regardless of what bandages are applied, “...

Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess
 Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess 

Gitmo Detainee Files a Mess

Obama officials condemn disorder; ex-Bushies cry blame game

(Newser) - The case files of many Gitmo detainees are incomplete, disorganized, or strewn around the executive branch, complicating President Barack Obama’s plan to close down the detention center, reports the Washington Post. Incoming officials discovered the chaos when given access after the inauguration. One former official says he sometimes had...

Vatican Blasts Obama Policy on Abortion

Backers say plan promotes women's health, fights AIDS

(Newser) - The Vatican today condemned President Obama's move to give federal funding to international groups that include abortions and abortion counseling with health care, the BBC reports. A Vatican official said the policy dealt a blow to those fighting "the slaughter of the innocents." Supporters of the move say...

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

 Rahm Less Partisan, 
 More Powerful 

Rahm Less Partisan, More Powerful

Obama's no. 2 tones down trademark partisanship

(Newser) - President Obama’s chief of staff has a reputation as a feisty, vicious partisan, but he’s trying to tone it down as he takes a central role in the White House, writes Mark Leibovich in the New York Times. Never far from his boss, Emanuel is more “chief”...

Obama Approval Drops to 68%
 Obama Approval 
 Drops to 68% 

Obama Approval Drops to 68%

(Newser) - President Obama's poll numbers are sinking back into the stratosphere now that he's in office, Politico reports. The first Gallup poll since his inauguration gives Obama a 68% approval rating, down from 83% a week ago. Just 12% of the most recent sample disapproved of Obama. JFK holds the record...

Mitchell to Israel Within the Week

(Newser) - Newly appointed Middle East special envoy George Mitchell will make his first trip to Israel next week, possibly as early as Wednesday, the Jerusalem Post reports. Mitchell is expected to meet with top Israeli officials and leaders of the Palestinian Authority. The main priority will be ensuring that the current...

Obama: Stimulus Isn't Just a Short-Term Fix

He lays out long-term benefits of his plan

(Newser) - In a bid to build popular support, President Obama revealed more details of his economic stimulus plan today, as debate between Democrats and Republicans in Congress over the package raged on, the New York Times reports. Obama painted the measure as an investment in the country’s future, not just...

Obama to GOP: Turn Off Limbaugh

Rush isn't helping to 'get things done'

(Newser) - Meeting with GOP lawmakers to discuss his stimulus plan yesterday, Barack Obama took the opportunity to zing Rush Limbaugh, who said earlier this week that he wasn't one of those conservatives rooting for the new president to succeed, despite their differences. "You can't just listen to Rush Limbaugh and...

Brown Bags First Euro Call, Visit From New President

Obama rings Britain's Brown to discuss Afghanistan, economy

(Newser) - Gordon Brown was the proud recipient of Barack Obama's first European phone call as president, the Guardian reports. The two leaders spoke for 15 minutes and discussed the need to make Afghanistan a priority. Obama, whose first overseas calls as president were to Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli...

Google Will Have the President's Ear

Company may capitalize on the benefits of backing a winner

(Newser) - Google may be the company that needs to do the least searching for influence with the new president, reports the Los Angeles Times. The company was one of the biggest contributors to Barack Obama's candidacy, and four Google execs were on the transition team. The search giant's agenda—widening high-speed...

Leave Space to Robots
 Leave Space to Robots

Leave Space to Robots

President Obama would be well-served by removing costly manned exploration goals

(Newser) - Barack Obama is poised to chart a new direction for America’s exploration of the final frontier, writes the Economist. While George W. Bush supported continuing manned space exploration in the tradition of the previous century, Obama is considering scrapping some of NASA’s planned upgrades to the space shuttle...

Obama Lifts Abortion 'Gag Rule'

(Newser) - President Obama today overturned the “gag rule” prohibiting the US from funding groups that provide abortions or abortion counseling overseas, Reuters reports. The policy has been enforced and rescinded depending on the Oval Office occupant since it was instituted under President Reagan. Unlike yesterday's high-profile signing ceremony, today's executive...

Obama Tells GOP Foes on Stimulus: 'I Won'

(Newser) - President Obama listened to Republican gripes about his stimulus plan today, then calmly reminded them that "I won," Politico reports. The GOP is seeking more middle-class tax cuts, among other things, and says the spending package is too large. Further negotiations are planned, but Dems appear to be...

Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't What It Seems
Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't
What It Seems

Obama's Gitmo Order Isn't What It Seems

Experts see potential loopholes, gray areas in revised policies

(Newser) - With a stroke of the pen, President Obama rewrote American detention and interrogation policy yesterday. Or not, writes Josh Gerstein for Politico. He offers reasons not to overstate Obama’s policy changes:
  • "Everyone has to follow the Army Field Manual—for now…": Obama is convening a group to

Journos Already Chafed Over WH Access

'Rookie mistake' keeps press from second oath-taking

(Newser) - Day 4, and already the White House and the press are squabbling? Press Secretary Robert Gibbs’ maiden briefing included outbursts from reporters angry over what they saw as opaque behavior, Politico reports. The top complaint: Only four reporters, and no non-White House cameras, were allowed at President Obama’s retaking...

For Afghanistan, Obama Looks Beyond Karzai

Washington loses patience, courts rivals as election looms

(Newser) - Four key rivals of Hamid Karzai have arrived in Washington for meetings with the Obama administration, as speculation grows that the Afghan president may lose the backing of the United States. Once seen as America's best hope in Afghanistan, Karzai has seen his standing deteriorate as widespread corruption and worsening...

Stories 1821 - 1840 | << Prev   Next >>