Obama administration

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Gore-Obama Meeting Fuels Job Rumors

But former veep says he wants to keep working from 'outside'

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Joe Biden will meet today with Al Gore just as the transition team is set to choose the key environmental appointments of energy secretary and EPA chief, CNN reports. The meeting in Chicago has triggered speculation that Obama may be considering Gore for a slot in his...

Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves
Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves

Lefties Yelp Over Obama's Rightward Moves

Cabinet positions, backtracking on taxes, Iraq not what some liberals envisioned

(Newser) - The Internet left, a cash cow for Barack Obama’s campaign, is now home to some of his sharper critics, Politico reports. The president-elect seems to be turning down the heat on some red-meat ideas, like a windfall-profits tax on oil companies. And, notes one prominent progressive blogger, “There...

Bush, Obama Camps at Odds on Rescue Plans
Bush, Obama Camps at Odds on Rescue Plans

Bush, Obama Camps at Odds on Rescue Plans

White House seeks input; Dem focused on stimulus over bailout

(Newser) - Growing tension between the Bush administration and its replacement is making the waters of the economic turmoil more uncertain, the Wall Street Journal reports. With the first half of the  $700 billion bailout fund nearly gone, the White House wants more input for Barack Obama on securing the next $350...

Obama Job Applications Headed for National Archives

Privacy rules will keep much secret, but applying to government does have perils

(Newser) - You know how they say your Facebook page will come back to haunt you? Now imagine if it weren’t just on the Internet, but in the National Archives. That’s the likely destination of personal information submitted by applicants to Barack Obama’s administration, reports Politico. Not to fear,...

Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD?
 Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD? 

Latest Rage-Reducer: WWOD?

If Obama can forgive Lieberman, writer can forgive slapdash husband

(Newser) - What would Obama do? Leslie Savan decided not to blast her husband for faulty dishwashing after asking herself this question, she writes in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and she's not the only person she knows who's paused in moments of fury to consider the president-elect's level-headed ways. It's "more than...

Five Best Jobs Left in Obama Administration
Five Best Jobs Left in Obama Administration

Five Best Jobs Left in Obama Administration

Highest-profile unfilled slots are energy, intelligence positions

(Newser) - State and Defense are taken, but Barack Obama has yet to fill several high-level administration positions. Politico looks at the top five open jobs:
  • Energy Secretary: Sustainable energy will remain a priority, despite the attention the economy will draw away. Key candidates: Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm; Dan Reicher and

Dems: Obama Must Take Charge of Economy Now

There's no time to waste, pols warn

(Newser) - Top Democrats are becoming increasingly frustrated with Barack Obama's reluctance to take charge of the economic crises,  AP reports. The president-elect has consistently said it would be premature for him to dictate solutions to the auto industry's woes, and steer $700 billion in bailout funds, but critics in his...

Geithner Wants to Oust FDIC Chief Bair

'Independent actor' in crisis worries Obama's Treasury nominee

(Newser) - If Treasury Secretary-designate Timothy Geithner has his way, Barack Obama will show FDIC chief Sheila Bair the door, Bloomberg reports. Geithner, who has battled Bair over emergency measures like the Citigroup rescue, says she isn’t a team player, and is concerned more with her agency than the broader economy....

Openly Gay Union Activist on Shortlist for Labor Secretary

Granholm, Sebelius also rumored picks

(Newser) - A gay union leader is on the shortlist for Barack Obama's secretary of labor, the Wall Street Journal reports. Democratic officials have confirmed that Mary Beth Maxwell—who would become the first openly gay Cabinet member in American history if chosen—is being vetted for the position, along with Govs....

Obama Team Swarms Federal Agencies
Obama Team Swarms Federal Agencies

Obama Team Swarms Federal Agencies

Preparation for handover has been under way for months

(Newser) - As Washington prepares for an Obama administration, 135 members of the president-elect's transition team are swarming into federal agencies to scrutinize budgets, interview civil servants, and prepare to take control of the government. Preparation for a smooth transition began months before Election Day, writes the Washington Post. The Obama teams,...

Who Are You Calling a Liability?
 Who Are You Calling 
 a Liability? 

Who Are You Calling a Liability?

Clinton doing good work

(Newser) - Washington’s pundit class has furiously argued that Bill Clinton’s mountain of foreign entanglements will prove a liability for the Obama administration. Poppycock, writes Joe Conason in Salon. Clinton has accepted some restrictions on his activities, and those make sense. “What would not make sense, however, is to...

Appointments Signal Shift From Candidate to Prez

National security team shows transition from candidate to leader

(Newser) - Yesterday's unveiling of Barack Obama's national security team did more than just end the rancor between him and Hillary Clinton; it established Obama as leader of a broad coalition that may transform his own views on American power. As Peter Baker writes for the New York Times, Obama's partnership with...

By Accepting New Role, Hillary Finally Concedes

Acceptance speech closes the curtain on long nomination battle

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's formal acceptance of her upcoming role as secretary of state yesterday looked to many like the moment she conceded the election for real, Alessandra Stanley writes in the New York Times. She told the audience that she would find it hard to leave the Senate, but it was...

Obama Plans to Erase Bush's Environmental Mark

EPA, Interior Dept. to be put to work fighting climate change

(Newser) - Whoever Barack Obama picks for the top posts at the EPA and the Interior Department will likely be put straight to work reversing the course those agencies have been on for eight years, the Washington Post reports. Obama has made it plain that he plans to undo many of the...

Rove: Obama Has Picked a First-Rate Economic Team

Solid picks win rare praise from former Bush deputy

(Newser) - Karl Rove was pleasantly surprised by Barack Obama's choice of an economic team, the Republican analyst writes in the Wall Street Journal, singling out Tim Geithner and Larry Summers as solid picks. Geithner has played a key role in the current administration's handling of the financial crisis and will provide...

Obama's Inheriting Troubles Darker Than Economy

Mumbai attacks a horrific reminder of the problems Obama must tackle

(Newser) - The attacks in Mumbai are a stark reminder that some things are worse than a slumping economy, David Hallaway writes in Marketwatch. Barack Obama is also inheriting some huge foreign policy challenges, and the days of the war on terror taking a backseat to the financial crisis look certain to...

Obama's Top CIA Pick Drops Out

Obama's Top CIA Pick
Drops Out

Obama's Top CIA Pick Drops Out

Brennan withdraws under pressure but denies backing torture

(Newser) - Barack Obama's top intelligence adviser and his first choice for CIA director has withdrawn his name from consideration, the Los Angeles Times reports. John Brennan, former director of the National Counterterrorism Center, was branded by some liberal groups as a proponent of the harsh interrogation techniques used against terrorist suspects...

Bush, Obama Team Up on Crisis
 Bush, Obama Team Up on Crisis 

Bush, Obama Team Up on Crisis

President huddles with his successor on bailout plans

(Newser) - The federal government's response to the economic crisis is part of a team planning effort, with Barack Obama working closely with President Bush in a bid to bring confidence back to spooked financial markets, the New York Times reports. The president's aides are coordinating efforts with Obama's new economic team,...

Politically, Geithner's a Mystery
Politically, Geithner's a Mystery

Politically, Geithner's a Mystery

Non-Wall St. players know little of would-be Treasury secretary

(Newser) - As the head of the New York Fed, Timothy Geithner is a known quantity in certain circles. But as he starts the process of taking the helm at the Treasury Department, the officials who will vote on his confirmation know surprisingly little about him, reports Politico. “I always worry...

Obama Fiscal Team Reunites Rubin Protégés

But even ex-Treasury boss losing Clinton-era free-market policies

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s incoming administration is stocked with acolytes of Bill Clinton-era Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin, reports the New York Times. But even Rubin and his protégés are no longer quite as enamored as they once were of so-called Rubinomics—deregulation, balanced budgets, and free trade. Facing economic...

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