Bashar al-Assad

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Report: Syria Preparing Chemical Weapons

Assad orders military to be ready to use sarin, says NBC

(Newser) - Syria's Bashar al-Assad is edging closer to using chemical weapons against his own people, reports NBC News . It quotes US officials as saying that Syria's military has begun loading the necessary components for sarin gas into bombs. The good news is that the bombs have not been loaded...

Amid Setbacks, Assad's Grip Loosens

NATO set to approve Patriot missiles for Turkish border

(Newser) - Bashar al-Assad's regime has survived many claims of being near collapse during Syria's 20-month uprising, but a series of setbacks has left the Syrian leader more isolated than ever, the New York Times reports. Rebels are gaining ground in multiple areas and President Obama has sternly warned the...

Syria May Be Prepping Chemical Weapons

US official says activity suggests they may intend to use weapons

(Newser) - Syria and chemical weapons: Words you don't want to hear in the same sentence, but ones that are once again making headlines. The New York Times reports that the regime appears to be moving its chemical weapons again , according to intelligence out of Syria. But the most recent reports...

Internet Back Up in Syria's Capital

It was down for two days amid heavy fighting around Damascus

(Newser) - Syria's Internet blackout has lifted in the capital of Damascus and other key cities, at least for the time being, reports the BBC and al-Jazeera . Access went down two days ago across the nation, with most observers blaming the government. The blackout has made reports sketchy, though rebels cite...

US Rethinks Role in Syria

 US Rethinks Role in Syria 

US Rethinks Role in Syria

White House considering more involvement to aid rebels

(Newser) - With the US election over and Syrian rebels seemingly gaining momentum, the Obama administration is taking a fresh look at its own potential involvement in the conflict, the New York Times reports. First, Washington must consider whether NATO should install surface-to-air missiles in Turkey, which some see as a deterrent...

2 Car Bombs Kill Dozens in Damascus

Twin bombs went off in a parking lot between two commercial buildings

(Newser) - Twin car bombs ripped through a Damascus suburb today, killing at least 34 people and leaving dozens critically wounded, according to state media and hospital officials. State news agency SANA said two cars packed with explosives detonated within five minutes of each other early in the morning just before employees...

Syria Wipes Out 10 Kids on Playground: Report

Activists say cluster bomb caused fatalities

(Newser) - The death toll in Syria has hit 40,000 , but the 10 latest reported deaths stand out: children killed on a playground by a cluster bomb yesterday, according to opposition activists. Videos of the carnage in Deir al-Asafir were posted online, reports the BBC , and show a woman weeping over...

Why Syria Is More Important Than You Think

 Why Syria Is 
 More Important 
 Than You Think 
Condoleezza Rice

Why Syria Is More Important Than You Think

Condoleezza Rice: The Mideast 'as we know it' is at stake

(Newser) - Syria isn't just another domino in the Arab Spring revolution, and its civil war presents far more than a humanitarian crisis for the world, writes Condoleezza Rice in the Washington Post . What's happening there jeopardizes the entire "Middle East as we know it," she argues. If...

15 Dead After Warplanes Hit Near Aleppo Hospital

Was one of the last remaining sources of medical help for civilians there

(Newser) - Syrian warplanes flattened a building next to a hospital last night, killing at least 15 people and damaging one of the last remaining sources of medical help for civilians in Aleppo, activists said. Once a private clinic owned by a businessman loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, the Dar al-Shifa became...

Turkey Recognizes Syria Rebels

It's a major boost for new coalition, though US is still wary

(Newser) - The newly formed rebel coalition in Syria got another major boost today: Turkey announced its formal support, days after France became the first Western nation to do so, reports the Voice of America . The Syrian National Coalition is "the sole legitimate representative of the people of Syria," said...

US Pledges $30M More in Syria Aid

France formally recognizes opposition coalition

(Newser) - Two pieces of good news this week for the newly-formed Syria opposition coalition : France became the first Western country to officially recognize it as the only valid representative of the Syrian people, and the US pledged $30 million in humanitarian aid. Hillary Clinton pledged the additional aid today at a...

Israel Trumpets 'Direct Hits' on Syrian Targets

As Syrian warplanes attack rebel town within yards of Turkish border

(Newser) - Following a warning missile yesterday, Israel has launched further attacks on Syria in response to Syrian mortar rounds that strayed across the border. Israel says its tanks managed "direct hits" on "Syrian mobile artillery" today, the AP reports. Meanwhile, dozens of Syrians have fled into Turkey after a...

Syrian Rebels Form Coalition
 Syrian Rebels Form Coalition 

Syrian Rebels Form Coalition

Deal announced after week of talks in Qatar

(Newser) - After a week of talks, Syria's fractious opposition movement has agreed on one thing: Get Bashar al-Assad out. The rebels announced they had formed a coalition today in Doha, Qatar, reports the BBC , after significant international pressure to unite. "An initial deal has been signed," says a...

Syrian Opposition Tries to Unify

Talks go into the morning, but no deal is in sight

(Newser) - Syria's various opposition groups met in Doha, Qatar, yesterday and argued into this morning about a plan to form one unified government that could present a plausible alternative to that of Bashar al-Assad. Western governments say they want one group they can work with, instead of the hodgepodge that...

Red Cross on Syria: We 'Can't Cope'

Its operation is increasing in scope, but the situation is worsening

(Newser) - The situation in Syria has deteriorated to the point that the International Committee of the Red Cross "can't cope," its president announced today. "The humanitarian situation is getting worse despite the scope of the operation increasing," said Peter Maurer, who outlined the obstacles, as per...

Turkey: We Want Missiles on Syria's Border

And Western officials engage in flurry of diplomatic moves

(Newser) - With President Obama's victory in the bag, the world is moving to resolve Syria's increasingly bitter civil war, the AP reports. Among the flurry of moves:
  • Turkey is having an ongoing discussion with its allies—the US included—about creating a safe zone inside Syria with Patriot missiles.

China Peddles Own Syrian Peace Plan

As Clinton, US focus on unifying fractious opposition groups

(Newser) - Might China succeed where the UN has failed at brokering a peace in Syria? China said today it's pushing for a peace plan that would include a regional ceasefire around Syria and a transitional government, reports Reuters . "More and more countries have come to realize that a military...

Syrian Rebels Kill Top Assad General

Abdullah Mahmoud al-Khalidi was senior Air Force general

(Newser) - A senior Air Force general has been assassinated by members of the Free Syrian Army in Damascus late Monday, says Syria's state-run news channel. Rebels took responsibility for his death and claimed to have also killed an air force intelligence official in the fell swoop, reports the BBC . The...

Syria Trying to Increase Chemical Weapons Arsenal

'Wired' report: US has blocked sales, but worries remain

(Newser) - Over the past few months, Syria's Bashar al-Assad has been trying to buy the ingredients to make nerve agents and expand his chemical arsenal, reports Wired . The US and other nations have been able to block many sales, but it's still causing a major headache for the international...

Syrian Truce Might Be Crumbling Already

Four people killed in first few hours of four-day 'ceasefire'

(Newser) - Just hours after it began, fighting broke out during what was supposed to be a four-day ceasefire between Syrian troops and rebel fighters in honor of the Eid al-Adha holiday, reports Reuters . Activists say four people were killed by tank fire and snipers in a Damascus suburb, and a Reuters...

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