Bashar al-Assad

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Syrian Rebels to Assad: You Have 'Til Tomorrow

Peace plan is off unless regime implements ceasefire, rebel group says

(Newser) - The Free Syrian Army has warned the Syrian government it will renew its fight to overthrow Bashar al-Assad's regime unless it complies with the United Nations peace plan by lunchtime tomorrow. The rebel group, which controls parts of some towns and cities as well as large areas of countryside,...

Putin to Snub London Olympics

Medvedev to attend instead

(Newser) - Even though Russia will be hosting the next Winter Olympics in 2014, Vladimir Putin will snub this summer's games in Great Britain, reports the Guardian . Apparently Russia's recently re-elected president is unhappy with Britain for a range of reasons—being accused of human rights abuses, British MPs blocking...

Russia, China Stand in Way of New Syria Action

Russia today announces it won't back foreign military intervention

(Newser) - Turkey and Japan today joined a number of nations who have given Syrian diplomats within their borders the boot, as the head of the UN observers in Syria revealed that 13 bodies had been found with their hands tied in the country's east, reports Reuters . But the developments...

UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed
UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

UN: 80% of Houla Victims Were Executed

US, other countries kick out Syrian diplomats, envoys

(Newser) - If you thought the details coming out of Houla couldn't get any worse, brace yourself: The UN today reported that more than 80% of the 108 dead were executed. Less than 20 were killed by artillery fire, according to a rep for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights,...

As World Outrage Mounts, Annan Meets Assad

Is Russia ready to turn the screws?

(Newser) - As international pressure mounts for a crackdown on Syria in the wake of the Houla massacre, UN peace envoy Kofi Annan aims to demand "bold steps" from President Bashar al-Assad at his meeting today. Annan will attempt to hold Syria's feet to the fire on the six-point peace...

Annan Has Message for Every Syrian Holding a Gun

Lay down your arms, he says

(Newser) - Kofi Annan arrived in Syria today on the heels of the Houla massacre , and he came with tough words for both sides, reports CNN . Annan, who promised his meeting with President Bashar al-Assad tomorrow would include "serious" discussions, had a message for "everyone with a gun": Put down...

UN Security Council Condemns Syria Massacre

Security Council scrambles to react to Houla massacre

(Newser) - The United Nations Security Council held an emergency meeting today and condemned Syria's killing of more than 100 people, including 34 children, in brutal attacks last week, the BBC reports. The head of the UN's observer mission in Syria briefed the council via video link, saying 108 people...

Syria: We Weren't Behind Houla Massacre

Regime denies responsibility in shelling that killed 90 Friday

(Newser) - Syria's foreign ministry spokesman has denied government troops were behind an attack on a string of villages that left more than 90 people dead. Friday's assault on Houla , an area northwest of the central city of Homs, was one of the bloodiest single events in Syria's 15-month-old...

UN Confirms: 90 Civilians Killed in Syria Massacre

Reports say about 25 children are among the dead

(Newser) - Six weeks after a supposed cease-fire, the UN has confirmed that pro-government forces killed at least 90 civilians yesterday, including more than two dozen children, reports the BBC . The violence took place in and around the town of Houla, near Homs, after an anti-government protest. About a dozen people were...

Syrian Violence Spills Into Lebanon

Gun battles rage in Beirut

(Newser) - Don't look now, but the Syrian conflict might not be confined to Syria anymore. Gun battles broke out in Beirut today between factions supporting and opposed to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the New York Times reports, in Lebanon's most intense outbreak of violence since the Syrian uprising began....

Syria Heads to the Polls
 Syria Heads to the Polls 

Syria Heads to the Polls

But opposition decries elections as sham

(Newser) - Even as violence continues in Syria despite last month’s ceasefire, voters today headed for the polls for a parliamentary election that the government insists is a sign of political reform. But the opposition calls it a sham: "All of this is a theater show,” one man tells...

UN to Send 300 Observers to Syria

Move comes as violence continues

(Newser) - The Security Council has unanimously approved a resolution expanding the number of UN observers in Syria from 30 to 300 and demanding an immediate halt to the violence that has been escalating since a cease-fire supposedly took effect over a week ago. The resolution approved today gives Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon...

Syrian Ceasefire Blows Up
 Syrian Ceasefire Blows Up 

Syrian Ceasefire Blows Up

Regime uses helicopters and tanks, but says it's responding to opposition

(Newser) - Syria's tattered ceasefire appears to have basically collapsed, with activists accusing the regime of rampant and brazen violations yesterday, including sending helicopters to fire on rebels holed up in mountain villages, and shelling at least two cities, the New York Times reports. They reported death tolls as high as...

1 Dead as Syria Protests Test Ceasefire

Opposition doubts government restraint, though truce seems to largely hold

(Newser) - Syria's fragile ceasefire seems to be largely holding, as renewed protests today put it to its first real test. But one Hama protester was shot dead by security forces as thousands of protesters again took to the streets, reports the BBC, while the New York Times notes that clashes...

Kofi Annan Asks Iran for Help With Syria

UN envoy says he still thinks ceasefire will somehow work

(Newser) - Kofi Annan isn't panicking just because the Syrian regime blew off yesterday's ceasefire deadline . Annan says Bashar al-Assad's regime has assured him that it will respect the ceasefire plan and end hostilities tomorrow morning, the BBC reports. "If everyone respects it, I think by six in...

Turkey: Syria Firing Across Our Border

Signs mount that cease-fire likely won't happen

(Newser) - Syrian government forces killed two and wounded three in a cross-border shooting into Turkey yesterday, according to Turkish officials. The shots, which rang out near one of the biggest Syrian refugee camps, came days before a UN-brokered cease-fire was set to begin, further indicating that the deal is on thin...

Syria Escalates Violence, Cease-Fire In Danger

Tanks roll into Damascus suburb in one of conflict's worst raids yet

(Newser) - Syria is just days away from its cease-fire deadline, but the regime sent tanks and troops into a Damascus suburb yesterday, escalating the conflict in defiance of the Kofi Annan-brokered peace plan. "Clearly the violence is still continuing at alarming levels," Annan told the UN General Assembly yesterday,...

Syria: 'Battle to Bring Down the State' Is Over

Top official also balks at Kofi Annan request to pull back troops

(Newser) - The Syrian government will not pull troops from cities and towns engulfed by the country's unrest before life returns to normal in these areas, a top official said. The statement by Foreign Ministry spokesman Jihad Makdessi was the first response to an appeal by Kofi Annan to Syrian authorities...

Clashes Sweep Syria as Arab League Mulls Peace
Arab League Hems, Haws on Whether Assad Must Go

Arab League Hems, Haws on Whether Assad Must Go

At least 15 killed today as violence continues

(Newser) - Even as the Arab League met in Baghdad today to discuss implementation of a Syria peace deal, clashes between rebels and security forces continued, killing at least 15. With only 10 of 22 leaders in attendance, the League is apparently backing down from a call for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad...

Kofi Annan: Syria OKs Peace Deal

Tells Chinese that Assad has agreed to 6-point UN plan

(Newser) - Syria has agreed to a six-point peace deal that will implement a cease-fire in the bloody conflict that has claimed an estimated 8,000 lives in the past year, UN envoy Kofi Annan said today. In Beijing today, Annan told reporters that "I had received a response from the...

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