
Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>

Hillary Captures Base Critical to Primaries

She's solid among vital women, seniors, blue-collar voters

(Newser) - While cautioning that it's still early, the LA Times reports that Hillary Clinton’s frontrunner status owes largely to her dominance among groups that are stalwarts in the Democratic nominating process. Barack Obama rules among the young and affluent, but likely primary voters are women, seniors, and blue-collar voters—all...

Iowa Hot Over Erotic Corn Dogs
Iowa Hot Over Erotic Corn Dogs

Iowa Hot Over Erotic Corn Dogs

(Newser) - Corn dogs are heating up the Iowa State Fair. Worried that it's "kind of disgusting," the fair board is considering nixing a local radio station's annual erotic corn dog-eating contest, in which women contestants are given 30 seconds to, well, perform. "We stress technique," DJ Steve...

Obama Shifts Strategy, Takes Aim at Iowa

Falling behind Clinton in polls, Illinois senator steps up campaign

(Newser) - Barack Obama will skip Senate voting this week to get in some quality time with voters in Iowa on a trip his camp is calling the "Judgement and Experience Tour." This surge in campaigning is likely to be the first of several as the Illinois senator tries to...

Ethanol Glut Sinking Farmers' Hopes
Ethanol Glut Sinking Farmers' Hopes

Ethanol Glut Sinking Farmers' Hopes

'Gold rush' fades as biofuel prices plummet

(Newser) - A glut of ethanol has sent prices plumetting, staggering the hopes of farmers and businesses who once counted on a biofuel gold rush, reports the New York Times. Companies and farm cooperatives built so many ethanol distilleries that production has far outpaced demand, in part because distribution hasn't kept up.

South Carolina Black Women Key for Dems

Early primary could make or break Obama in battle with Clinton

(Newser) - The Jan. 29 Democratic primary in South Carolina might come down to black women, the Los Angeles Times reports. Half of Democratic voters in the state are African American, and most of those are female—40% of whom have yet to pick a horse. That decision may hinge largely on...

Thompson Plays Himself as Everyman
Plays Himself
as Everyman

Thompson Plays Himself as Everyman

Salon columnist parses the candidate's 'I'm just like you' campaign

(Newser) - Since officially entering the presidential race last week, Fred Thompson has pitched Iowans with a stump speech that portrays him as a regular guy who wants to send a message to “those folks in Washington.” Never mind that he’s a rich former senator, lobbyist and actor from...

Michigan Joins Herd to Move Up Primary

Jan. 15 date likely to push NH, Iowa races to first week of 2008

(Newser) - Michigan's governor yesterday bumped the state primary up to Jan. 15 as part of a national scramble for earlier, higher-profile contests. New Hampshire's primary and Iowa's caucuses are now expected to be moved up to the first week of January. States picking candidates before Feb. 5 face penalties from both...

Clinton, Obama Oppose Primary Leapfrogging

Candidates bow to pressure from states protecting their early primaries

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama joined three of their presidential rivals yesterday in pledging not to campaign in states that have defied Democratic primary rules by pushing their primaries to early 2008. In recent weeks, Michigan and Florida have announced votes before February 5, challenging the first dibs the party...

Gay Couple Marries Before Iowa Judge Stays Ruling

Window of opportunity was just 3½ hours

(Newser) - Two college students became Iowa's first—and, so far, only—legally married same-sex couple today before a judge stayed his own ruling that overturned a ban on gay marriage. About 20 couples completed the marriage-license application between 7:30 and 11am, when the county recorder stopped issuing them. “This...

Judge Strikes Down Iowa Gay Marriage Ban

Orders officials in his county to start issuing licenses

(Newser) -  A county  judge in Iowa has struck down the state's gay marriage ban as unconstitutional, and has ordered local officials to start issuing marriage licenses for gay couples. The county attorney says he will appeal to the Iowa Supreme Court. "I can't believe this is happening in Iowa,...

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal
Obama Has
GOP Crossover Appeal

Obama Has GOP Crossover Appeal

Dem came in third in recent poll of Iowa Republicans

(Newser) - Here's one race where Barack isn't trailing Hillary: the one for GOP defectors. In a recent poll, Iowa Republicans chose the freshman senator as their third-favored presidential candidate (after Mitt Romney and Rudy Giuliani), Salon reports. And in recent GOP focus groups, Obama’s crossover appeal was more than twice...

More Flooding Ravages Midwest
More Flooding Ravages Midwest

More Flooding Ravages Midwest

Ohio governor declares state of emergency as waters rise

(Newser) - Ohio towns were turned into lakes as some of the worst flooding in a century spread across the Midwest yesterday, displacing hundreds of people, reports the AP. Locals in the town on Findlay, Ohio, not far from the Indiana border, navigated the submerged streets in canoes as firefighters and volunteers...

Rivals Attack Rudy's Record as NY Mayor

Gotham chief soft on immigration, tough on gun control, foes taunt

(Newser) - Rudy Giuliani uses his tenure as New York mayor as a badge of courage as he campaigns for the White House, but now his record is being turned against him. Attack ads by GOP rival Mitt Romney portray Giuliani's New York as "sanctuary city" for illegals, while would-contender Fred...

Iowa-Minded Candidates Learn to Love Ethanol

Doubts take back seat to politics

(Newser) - To a presidential candidate who has an eye on Iowa—and who among them can afford not to?—ethanol is a political home run. The Hawkeye State hosts 28 refineries, and every one of the ’08 hopefuls has duly supported some form of ethanol subsidies. This despite the fact...

Dems Pal Around in Iowa
Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Dems Pal Around in Iowa

Frontrunners dominate Iowa event

(Newser) - In a more-amiable-than-usual war of words, the Democrats debated this morning in Iowa, the locale of the pivotal first primary. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Edwards dominated the 90-minute discussion moderated by ex-Bill Clinton aide George Stephanopolous, the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza reports, playing it safe as the lower-tier...

Romney Has Major Stake in Sinking Fund

Candidates in both parties could see big donations dry up

(Newser) - Former Massachusetts  Governor Mitt Romney has a substantial investment in a teetering Goldman Sachs hedge fund that was propped up with a $3 billion cash infusion after it lost a third of its value. Romney, who won a symbolic victory in Iowa's GOP straw poll last weekend, is thought to...

9 Perfect Places to Live
9 Perfect Places to Live

9 Perfect Places to Live

Arts, culture, beauty, jobs—these towns have it all, and real people, too

(Newser) - Outside magazine selects 30 sweet spots—the best towns for mixing city life with the big outdoors—and, oh yeah, getting a job, too.  Here are the top nine:
  1. Santa Cruz, California
  2. Jackson, Wyoming
  3. Iowa City, Iowa
  4. Bend, Oregon
  5. Santa Fe, New Mexico

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar
Obama Needs
to Try On a
Blue Collar

Obama Needs to Try On a Blue Collar

Dem struggles to overcome ‘arugula’ rep

(Newser) - Barack Obama is having trouble appealing to the more downscale wing of the Democratic Party, a problem on display in a recent Iowa farm appearance in which the Chicagoan complained about the price of arugula at Whole Foods. More a “wine track” than a “beer track” candidate, Obama...

GOP Straw Poll Finishes Tommy Thompson

Former Wisconsin governor drops out after 6th-place showing

(Newser) - Longshot presidential candidate Tommy Thompson announced yesterday he's dropping out of the race after finishing sixth in Iowa's Republican straw poll. The former Wisconsin governor set a goal for himself of coming in first or second, but he couldn't even beat Libertarian loose cannon Ron Paul. "There's no sense...

Runner-up Huckabee Big Winner in Iowa

Showing could catapult GOP longshot into top echelon

(Newser) - Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee was a surprise winner in Iowa's straw poll yesterday when he came in a strong second, which may have catapulted him into the top tier. He pulled 18.1% of the vote to Mitt Romney’s 31.5%. Huckabee's performance is particularly impressive given that he...

Stories 581 - 600 | << Prev   Next >>