
5 Stories

Schools Screen for Dyslexia. 'Dyscalculia,' Not So Much

Hundreds of thousands of students have learning disabilities that make math harder

(Newser) - Nationwide, hundreds of thousands of students face challenges learning math due to disabilities like dyscalculia, a neurodevelopmental learning disorder caused by differences in parts of the brain that are involved with numbers and calculations. There are often obstacles to getting help, and America's schools have long struggled to identify...

A 10-Year-Old Girl Just Moved the World

With a special poem called 'Dyslexia'

(Newser) - A 10-year-old girl in England has surprised her teacher—and now the world—with a poem about dyslexia that's structured in a very clever way, Today reports. Jane Broadis, who teaches the girl at Christ Church School near London, tweeted the poem Wednesday: "Please share—I would love...

'Dyslexia' Is a Meaningless Term, New Book Argues

It's too imprecise, according to 2 academics

(Newser) - "Dyslexia" is a meaningless term that should be scrapped, two academics argue in a new book. In The Dyslexia Debate , Julian Elliott of Durham University and Dr. Elena Grigorenko of Yale say the misstep comes in searching for a blanket term with which to label children who have trouble...

Bad News for Lefties: You Have More Health Risks

Left-handed people more likely to develop neural disorders

(Newser) - About 10% of the population is left-handed, but a disproportionate amount of people with schizophrenia—20%—are lefties. Schizophrenia is just one of a number of psychiatric and developmental disorders that are more common in left-handed people, including dyslexia, ADHD, language difficulties, and mood disorders. Researchers think this could have...

Unschooled Keira Driven to Prove Her Smarts

Star has 'chip on shoulder' after she skipped university

(Newser) - Oscar nominations? Check. Intelligent, literary roles? Check. College education? Not so much. “I am completely uneducated,” Keira Knightley told the Daily Telegraph, which “leaves you with a slight chip on your shoulder.” To battle intellectual insecurity, the Atonement star, who is dyslexic and dropped out of...

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