Boeing 737

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Misaligned Rivets Found on Ruptured Southwest Jet

NTSB finds fatigue cracks along tear in Boeing 737's skin

(Newser) - A federal investigation has revealed possible manufacturing flaws behind the mid-flight fuselage rupture of a Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 earlier this month. National Transportation Safety Board probers have discovered that rivet holes on one layer of the 15-year-old aircraft's skin did not line up properly with the layer below,...

Southwest's Problem: Its Planes Fly Too Much

Efficient short-haul operations may have contributed to rupture

(Newser) - Southwest Airlines may be a victim of its own efficiency. The airline's much-touted short-haul operations require each plane to fly an average of six times a day, and the stress of all those landings and take-offs may be partially to blame for the cracks found in some of their older...

Feds Order Emergency Checks of 80 Planes

Older 737s to be inspected after Southwest crack

(Newser) - The Federal Aviation Administration has ordered emergency inspections of 80 older Boeing 737s similar to the Southwest plane that suddenly cracked open last week during a flight. The order covers aircraft built with a specific process in the '80s and '90s and those that have more than 30,000 flight...

NTSB: Southwest Jet Had Fatigue Cracking

Meanwhile, airline grounds 79 planes, cancels hundreds of flights

(Newser) - Fatigue cracking has been found along the entire 5-foot section of a Southwest Airlines jet that ripped open on Friday, forcing an emergency landing in Arizona. The NTSB says that mechanics will cut a 9-foot by 3-foot section of the plane and send it to Washington, DC, for testing. Southwest...

Southwest Jet Lands With Hole in Cabin

'Pandemonium' erupts as 6-foot gash opens; no serious injuries

(Newser) - A Southwest Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing at a military base in Arizona after a gaping hole developed in the top of the plane. Passengers say they heard a "real quick blast, like a gun," which was followed by "pandemonium" as the Boeing...

Ethiopian Airlines Pilot Flew the Wrong Way

Did 'very fast and strange turn' before crash into Mediterranean

(Newser) - The pilot of an Ethiopian Airlines plane that crashed off the coast of Lebanon flew in the opposite direction from that requested by the Beirut control tower, the AP reports. The flight controller "asked him to correct his path, but he did a very fast and strange turn before...

40 Hurt as US Jet Misses Jamaica Runway
 40 Hurt as US Jet 
 Misses Jamaica Runway 


40 Hurt as US Jet Misses Jamaica Runway

American Airlines flight goes down in driving rain

(Newser) - Some 40 passengers were injured early this morning when an American Airlines jet overshot a runway in Jamaica. The Boeing 737 broke into three pieces as it plowed through a fence in driving rain, Reuters reports. Four people were reported to be in serious condition, though none of the injuries...

Southwest Probed After Hole Opens Midflight

(Newser) - Southwest Airlines' maintenance practices are coming under tight scrutiny after a football-sized hole opened in the top of a Boeing 737 midflight and forced an emergency landing, reports the Dallas Morning News. Nobody was injured, but the NTSB and FAA have launched probes and lawmakers are being briefed on the...

Brakes Suspected in Denver Crash

Jet pulled to the side before collapsing with thud in snowy ravine

(Newser) - Investigators believe a faulty braking system and landing gear may be to blame for a fiery crash in Denver where a Houston-bound jet veered off a runway into a snowy ravine. The weather apparently played no role in the accident, and asymmetrical braking appears a likely cause, sources told the...

Engine Failure Cited in Russian Jet Crash

(Newser) - A Russian investigator says today's crash of a passenger jet that killed 88 people was most likely caused by failure of one of the Boeing-737-500's two engines. The plane was on its approach to land amid low cloudcover when it crashed into an unpopulated area of a central Russian city,...

Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet
Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet

Obama Lives Large on Decadent Jet

Inside the candidates' rides

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s new campaign plane oozes luxury—at least for Obama. The candidate’s section of the 757 is decked out with leather recliners, a dining booth, and a small table kept stocked with up-to-date newspapers, CBS reports. "O-Force One" is so far beyond the typical charter jet...

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