child support

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Kentucky Man Faked His Own Death to Avoid Child Support

Jesse Kipf gets 6 years

(Newser) - Jesse Kipf faked his own death, and now he'll lose years of his life to prison. The Kentucky man was on Monday sentenced to six years as part of a plea deal related to charges of computer fraud and aggravated identity theft. Prosecutors say Kipf hacked into Hawaii's...

About Half of US Parents Still Paying for Adult Kids

Survey finds working parents give twice as much to adult children as to retirement savings

(Newser) - Parents who financially support adult children are in the norm. Nearly half of US parents—47%—financially support an adult child in some way, according to a new survey conducted by . As housing and food costs have risen, the likelihood of a young person moving out on their...

Al Pacino to Pay $30K a Month in Child Support for Newborn

Though he and girlfriend Noor Alfallah are apparently still together

(Newser) - Al Pacino and girlfriend Noor Alfallah are apparently still together, but even so, they just finalized the details of a custody agreement for their newborn son, Roman . Pacino, 83, will pay Alfallah, 29, $110,000 initially and then $30,000 every month in child support; the total amount per year...

Paintings Are Part of Child Support Deal for Hunter Biden

Settlement includes turning over some artwork by the president's son to his daughter

(Newser) - Hunter Biden has reached a settlement with Lunden Roberts, the mother of their 4-year-old daughter, on child support payments. The amount of the agreed-upon payments was redacted from an Arkansas court filing released on Thursday, Politico reports. But the filing said artwork painted by Biden will be included. The terms...

Bill: Drunk Drivers Who Kill Parents Must Compensate Kids

Bill is expected to be signed by Gov. Bill Lee in Tennessee

(Newser) - Drunk drivers who kill the parent of a minor will be forced to pay child support until the child reaches the age of 18 under a new law to be signed in Tennessee. House Bill 1834 unanimously passed the state Senate on Wednesday after gaining unanimous support in the state...

Twins Try to Avoid Paying Child Support, Plan Backfires

Both men are ultimately ordered to pay up

(Newser) - Identical twin brothers had a plan to outsmart Brazil's family court system, but it ended up backfiring on them. Authorities say one of the Brazilian twins fathered a girl, now 9, during a brief relationship with the girl's mother. The woman began court proceedings in 2017, and the...

Woman Finally Gets Child Support That Wasn't Paid for 49 Years

Toni Anderson says she often lived from paycheck to paycheck while raising daughter

(Newser) - After Toni Anderson's "deadbeat" ex-husband left her and their 3-year-old daughter, the California woman says he fled to Canada to avoid paying court-ordered child support. That was in the early 1970s—and nearly half a century later, she's finally gotten him to pay up for her now...

Angelina Jolie to Brad Pitt: A Loan Is Not Child Support

Lawyer says he's charging her interest on $8M loan

(Newser) - The Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt divorce seems to be getting more acrimonious by the day. After Jolie's lawyers claimed he had paid no "meaningful" child support and Pitt's lawyers countered that he had loaned her $8 million to buy a home , Jolie fired back with another statement issued...

Man Who Vanished in 1993 Must Pay Family He Left $2M
Man Who Vanished in 1993
Must Pay Family He Left $2M

Man Who Vanished in 1993 Must Pay Family He Left $2M

Judge orders Richard Hoagland to pay back child support, with plenty of interest

(Newser) - Matthew Hoagland turned 35 a few weeks ago, but when his father went up to him to say happy birthday, "I told him this was not the time or the place," Matthew says. The place was an Indiana court, where Richard Hoagland had to appear for a hearing...

His Ex Used His Sperm Without His Permission. Now He Owes Child Support

Court rules against German man in odd case

(Newser) - A married German couple, identified in the press only as Karl and Inge, fertilized Inge's eggs with Karl's sperm and froze them five years ago, intending to have children someday. Instead, they divorced. Inge decided to have a baby anyway, allegedly forging Karl's signature two times on...

Man Paddles Out to Sea Owing $500K in Child Support

He hasn't been seen since March 20

(Newser) - Police in Florida are looking for a 52-year-old man who hasn't been seen since he went paddleboarding in the Atlantic Ocean a week ago, the AP reports. Fort Lauderdale police tell the Miami Herald that Constantine Theoharis was due in court later that day—March 20—to speak on...

'Most Wanted Deadbeat Dad' Felled by Cherry Pit Scheme

Joseph Stroup arrested earlier this month in Canada

(Newser) - A tiny cherry pit has led to the capture of America's "most wanted deadbeat" dad after nearly 20 years on the lam. Owing what the US government claims is some $560,000 in child support, Joseph Stroup fled arrest in 1998, at some point arriving in Alberta, Canada....

Famous Singer's Brother on a Texas 'Most Wanted' List

AB Quintanilla, brother of Selena, reportedly owes nearly $90K in child support

(Newser) - A surprising name has popped up on a Texas "most wanted" list: that of Selena Quintanilla's brother. Per People Chica , AB Quintanilla—full name: Abraham Quintanilla, per a Facebook post by the Nueces County Sheriff's Office—is one of the top 10 fugitives in Corpus Christi for...

He's Not the Dad, but He Must Pay Child Support Anyway
He's Not the
Dad, but He
Must Pay Child
Support Anyway 
in case you missed it

He's Not the Dad, but He Must Pay Child Support Anyway

Gabriel Cornejo is on the hook for $65K for a girl who's not his daughter

(Newser) - A Texas court has ordered a Houston man to pay $65,000 in child support—even though he's not the father of the child in question. Gabriel Cornejo, 45, says he's only met the teenage girl at the center of the court order once last year, after a...

Judge Rules Sperm Donor Not on Hook for Child Support

Two women used William Marotta's sperm to have a daughter then split

(Newser) - A Kansas man who answered a Craigslist ad to donate sperm so two women could have a baby together is not legally the child's father and isn't required to provide financial support, a judge ruled. The state Department for Children and Families, which sought to force William Marotta...

Iowa Man Says He Won't Have to Pay for Child That Isn't His

But Joe Vandusen isn't done fighting Iowa's sticky child-support law

(Newser) - Public support and a crowdfunding effort have apparently helped an Iowa man emerge victorious in a child support case that he initially pegged as a "joke." Per WQAD , Joe Vandusen found out last week he'd won his appeal with the state's Department of Human Resources in...

50 Cent's Son Has Biting Reply to Child Support Countdown


(Newser) - In what one might call an ill-advised move, 50 Cent posted a picture to Instagram showing a countdown to the day—Oct. 13, 2017—he no longer has to pay child support for his oldest son, Marquise Jackson. "Man real life is gonna start Sooner then you think. Sad...

He's Not the Dad, but He Still Owes Child Support

Joe Vandusen says Iowa needs to change its laws

(Newser) - Joe Vandusen had long ago moved on from his estranged wife, whom he split with but never divorced 16 years ago. Then he received a letter from state human services officials in February: "I opened it up and it was child support, for a kid that is not even...

Group Says Men Should Be Able to 'Legally Abort' Unborn Child

'It is important to discuss the role of men in pregnancy'

(Newser) - Men should be able to "legally abort" their unborn children up to the 18th week of pregnancy. At least that's what the youth wing of Sweden's centrist Liberal Party is proposing, the Washington Post reports. The law would allow men to officially do away with all legal...

Sherri Shepherd Is Legal Mom of Baby She's Never Seen

After latest court decision, she must still pay child support

(Newser) - Sherri Shepherd must still pay child support to her ex-husband for a one-and-a-half-year-old boy her lawyer says Shepherd has never met, after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court declined Tuesday to hear her case. An appeals court ruled in November that Shepherd is the legal mother of the child, named LJ, despite...

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